Day 104: 5 Minute Freewrite:Wednesday - Prompt: cigarettes

in #freewrite6 years ago

Wow, the #freewrite is over a 100 days old and the creators behind it are celebrating it with lovely contests. You can check them out here.

While I am still thinking about whether or not to participate in the contests for the freewrites of day 100 and 101 because I cannot come up with something amazing right now and because of my hectic routine, I cannot take out the time to collaborate on a story with someone else even though I tried, I decided to do today's prompt because I related a lot to it and it has become such a HUGE part of my life- cigarettes.


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Honestly speaking, I do not like cigarettes very much. Basically, it is the addiction to cigarettes that I do not appreciate at all. I have been told many times that smoking isn't all that bad and I did a little research and found out that consuming too much sugar is as bad as smoking cigarettes so I do not think it is the product that is completely bad, but the addiction to it just like the addiction of anything else is bad. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't know what but I am married to a smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes a day. It was a lot more than that a few years back, but now 20 is the daily number. I so wish it wasn't because smoking is seriously affecting my husband's health and I do not like that. Two rounds of play with our son and my husband lies down like a big bag of flour. He just has no stamina lol.

I never thought that I would ever fall in love with a smoker, but I guess that's the beauty of love- it makes you blind to the little imperfections and just makes you focus on the bond you build with a certain person. Yasir (my husband) and I connected on many levels and were quite opposite of each other and attracted really well to one another. Despite all the many differences he and I share, our goal to live a meaningful life is the same and our thoughts and ideologies align well when it comes to living an empowering life so that's good for me.

I just hope he starts smoking less because he is just injuring his health. A smoke or two every once in a while or even a cigarette daily is like okay. I still don't think it is healthy, but it is way better than 20. Everyone who reads this, pray that he gives up on his addiction please. Thank you.

That's the end of my #freewrite and now I am planning to go check the posts of those in the Over 20 club. For those who are new to the freewrite curriculum and don't know what the over 20 club is, read about it here.

Thank you for going through the post and all your support.

Love and light,


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I understand how that feels 'cause I used to date someone who smokes and I can't really tolerate the smell during and after the smoke... but it takes more than just willpower to smoke :( @sharoonyasir. You're really brave for being there for your other half 💪🏼

Aww so sweet of you to say and understand my spot. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke too. I became immune to it when my husband used to smoke around me a lot. But after we had our son, he started smoking outside so now I am back to hating the smoke. Thanks for stopping by. :)

So glad to see you post today. I hope you and your husband come to agreement :)

Thank u :)

I am happy to see you here. He and I are on an agreement that I won't force him to quit and so I don't but I'm always praying for him to do so.

Everyone who reads this, pray that he gives up on his addiction please.

Interesting.i like this post

My husband smokes... I don't really care for it but I love him and sometimes nagging a person has the reverse effect. I know form experience, a person has to WANT to quit for themselves... not other people.

Yes precisely. I did nag him for sometime when we were dating, but that did not work so I quit that and let him do what he wanted.

My dad smoked too when me and my brother were still kids. He quit because of us. Smoking not just affect the smoker but everyone around him/her. Especially the little ones. As parents, we all wouldn't want any harm to our little ones, maybe this can be one of the motivation to quit smoking...

My dad was a smoker and still is one. I used to break his cigarettes whenever I got the chance as a kid haha. Yeah being around smokers make us passive smokers and it is not healthy for us at all.

From your reply to @deborism, you did say that your husband will smoke outside and not inside when you and your son are around, this is a good move, it's not easy for him to suddenly just quit. But he is making changes... 💪🏼

He is made to smoke outside haha. he doesn't do that willingly. The minute my son is away or my husband and I are alone, he'll smoke because he enjoys smoking with me lol. But yeah, quitting is difficult for him I get that.

Smokers who use these types of cigarettes tend to smoke more trying to get the nicotine fix. The National Cancer Institute says that you tend to inhale deeper and thereby take in more of the damaging substances like tar and carbon monoxide that replaces the oxygen in your blood

My husband smokes the same way which is why I am more concerned about his health.

Addiction can take many forms, sometimes it isn't a simple matter of habit but can be a deeper psychological need. Smoking especially can be seen as an emotional crutch ("I need a smoke to calm my nerves") but it's all a part of the same need to for us to occupy our time and maybe forget things that trouble or distract us. Sometimes even the keenest mind will forget logic and seek a way, sometimes potentially destructive, to occupy it or find some peace.

I so agree with your comment. Addictions have underlying causes mostly and understanding them is important to break the bad habit. Thank you for the meaningful comment. :)

I hope your husband gives up, or at least reduces smoking, and is able to regain his health :)

I hope so too yar. :)

I don't like the smell of cigarettes too. The smoke will make me sneeze or runny nose. My dad smoked arouns 20 per day too until he had some minor heart surgery the next day he quit. just quit. It was a miracle to us all. I will pray for your husband for sure. 😘

I am so glad your dad quit it, but he dd learn it the hard way. I hope my husband learns it soon too, but not the hard way though. Thanks for stopping by :)

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