Five minute free write - Plaid

in #freewrite6 years ago

50mm love.jpg

Bit of a rainy morning here in LA, so my mood has taken a bit of a hit.

And somehow going to bed early didn't give me the rest my body so craved. Friday's are never really my day either. To some it means the beginning of the weekend and fun with friends. For me, not so much.

This mornings promos, PLAID, took a minute. I wasn't inclined to continue the horror from yesterday, plaid really didn't fit my sci-fi, and in a samurai slasher? I decided to go with my greatest fear instead.

If you're looking for a laugh, I'd recommend not reading this, hehe...

The park was full of people.

Kids playing, adults running, ducks and geese honking. The sun was above, warming the entire scene. The musical sounds of laughter, mixed between parent and child rang from everywhere. The vivid green of leaves and trees sparkeled with random colors of freshly blooming flowers. All around was life, moving, flowing, interacting. Being alive.

On a bench sat a man. Dressed in a faded plaid suit. Old, wrinkled, with eyes that carried an age even past how he looked. Staring at the whole scene.

How many years had gone by, he wondered.

The warm breeze did little to sooth the chill in his bones. How many... Age had crept upon him in his search for happiness. Somehow he had always looked in the wrong places. Followed the wrong paths. Been down so many dead ends.

And so time had passed. His world had turned into what he feared most. A cold dark place. An island of sadness floating in the ocean of happiness. He had tried. But he had failed. And now all he had was the faded plaid suit that he now wore. All the regret of the years wasted weighed heavy on his shoulders.

So much more. He could have been so much more.

Unlike most of my free writes I'm not going to go into the why.

That just rehashes a lot of the gnarly thoughts in my head and doesn't feel like it does any good. Also, half of the people I know would yell at me for writing about this stuff because someone might see it and judge me for it. While the other half would cheer me on for being honest about how I feel and expressing it.

So, I'm going to leave it at that and instead turn the page and tell you to give @mariannewest's Five minute free write if you really want to sharpen your word skills.

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I absolutely loved your five-minute writing prompt about plaid today! All of my writings are usually very dark, and I almost feel that it is a romantic way to connect to your soul. Not everything is always beautiful, and emotions often take us away. I could read a whole novel based on this gentleman. And I think it is very lovely that you were able to create something so beautiful when your genre is normally sci-fi fantasy. You are more well-rounded than you give yourself credit for.

Thanks! I try to be well rounded. Just had to write what was in my head this morning.

I agree - you show an empathy for a number of the older members in society. Looking at lost opportunities and wasted years. Lovely write up!

Good free write bro , hope your friday's would get better ;) . I appreciate your honesty about expressing your original feelings . Pity on that old man .

Heh, hope I don't become that old man. Thanks for stopping by and your good vibes :)

I enjoyed your story of the man. So many people spend their end of days with regrets, my heart goes out to them. Well written.

love and hugs and you always have to be true to your feelings when writing a freewrite so NEVER say you are sorry for what comes out each day.

So now you have 2 rules to follow each and every day.

  1. Have FUN ALWAYS
  2. Never, EVER, EVER say you are sorry for what you NEED to write each day.

Hehe, thanks @snook :) Hopefully tomorrow's will be a bit more cheery.

you are very welcome!

It is brilliant, and as others have said, don't apologise. I'm sure at one point in my life, I've thought, I don't want to be that man who regrets. These stories make me realise that I have to follow my own path in life. I hope that is what I've done and continue to do.

Thanks :) Some days are harder than others...

This is the great thing about the freewrites. They allow us to go places that might make us or others a bit uncomfortable. I've seen a lot darker things written here. I appreciate the openness and I hope your in a better place today.

I'm being followed by a gang of suspicious looking squirrels. I think they're trying to steal today's prompts. Allow me to deliver them while I still can...

Click here to partake in the single prompt Freewrite!

Click here to tackle the 3-prompt Weekend Freewrite!

Hehe, a lot darker...not sure if I'd want to go any darker myself. I hope that my openness helps others. It's not about complaining, it's about figuring out a better path :) Thanks for stopping by!

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