Ulog 12 Betrayal

in #dlive6 years ago


Many of us, maybe all of us, deal with some form of betrayal at one point in our lives. It could be that our work is stolen, claimed as their own and sold by a pirate somewhere.
Or worse, it is done by a person we trusted and called a friend.
I listened to an excellent podcast by Laura Peterson today on how to deal with the former - use legal help and maybe even turn the offender into an affiliate.
Dealing with a friend's betrayal is a bit more complicated. One could start a personal war - but is that worth it? Trusting in the power of Karma might be a better way to go. For one's own peace of mind, forgiveness is best - and to cut that person out of your life.
The podcast: https://www.copythatpops.com/113-copyrighting-copywriting-pirate-hunter-jason-tucker
If DLive isn't working for you - here is the video on YouTube

My video is at DLive


I would learn my lesson from the first experience, and then next time, I would be careful with whom to trust my ideas, work or project with.

What happened to me was that a friend profited from my work, not that she earned money from it, but she didn't work hard for her university diploma. We were supposed to do a research paper together, but she did not contribute at all. She wanted her name on the paper, and I was too "nice" and did not want to create an enemy since she was my friend. So I put her name on the research paper and I submitted it. Before we graduated from the university, I did not want to associate with her anymore.

I guess deep down I resented her. But I have moved on. We are still friends on Facebook though, but I always think of her as the person I should be wary of and with whom I have learnt a lesson that I should not let anyone take advantage of me ever again.

I totally get that. When you do all the work and others take credit. 🤪 I have had that happening too. People are so funny.
There is one part that doesn't want to lose trust in society and another which sometimes thinks it is better to just do your own thing.
The sad part is that so many succeed by basically using others. But that is also a matter of not associating with those kinds of people...
Good for you that you did the work to be successful. At least you know that you can do it!!

I would not have graduated if I would wait for her to work with me. I might as well do my work 100% even if someone would have to take credit for it. You said about Karma, well, this friend of mine did not pass the licensure examination for teachers and she had to retake the exam twice.

That makes sense!! if you don't do the work, you don't know the material.

That makes sense!! if you
Don't do the work, you don't know
The material.

                 - mariannewest

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Betrayal by a friend is so hurtful and makes us feel so vulnerable. I choose to trust, until it is proven to me that I can't trust that person. And then I usually make the decision to distance myself, either totally or cautiously limiting my involvement with them.

I am the same way. Some people stop trusting all together and that makes life miserable!

Great you are using videos. Congrats

Thank you. I used to do DTube when they first got started but got too frustrated with it. DLive seems to be working better for me. How is the next conference coming along?

What would I do in that situation? Well, my first thing would be to either blog or livestream my feelings about what happened and make sure that the person who did this knows about the blog or livestream. 😊
Then I would wish them well and move on. The next time, I would keep my ideas very quiet until I released them as my own work. That way, there won’t be any reason for anyone to snatch my ideas and run with them as their own.

I hear you about not trusting that person ever again. I have experienced it and I am seeing it a lot. Sometimes, I wonder if it is a gender problem. Women (and I know that I am generalizing here) tend to want to work more communal and are not constantly praising themselves while men seem to have less of a problem to take credit for ideas or work they have not done or played a minimal role in.
How are you?

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