We-Write Partner Up!!

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

We-Write Partnering Up Is Back!

And the fun has returned!

If collaborating with another creative mind is something you love, then step up and find a partner!

What is a We-Write?

A We-Write is a fun way to write a story with a partner using the daily prompt given by @mariannewest.

The idea is to find a partner either by your own contacts or through the comment section, then come together to write a complete story.

How Do We Play?

Written by: @brisby

There are three ways to do this. They require correspondence through comments, Discord, Steemit Chat, email, or a shared document. Google doc is a free option. @snook wrote a terrific post explaining how to share a document if you have never made one. Here is her post. To work out any kinks, @snook and I beta tested the We-Write process and our story can be read here

Helpful tip: Plan how post payouts will be shared with your partner beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings.😁

Option 1

  1. Pick a partner and open up a shared Google doc.
  2. Decide who will begin writing.
  3. Prepare a timer for each writer. Alternate writing for 1 minute each.
  4. Use the word “Go” to let the other know that it was their turn.
  5. Use the prompt provided.
  6. Put the word/phrase at the top of the page.
  7. The first freewriter sets a timer for 1 minute and begins writing.
  8. When the minute is up, type the word “GO” to let the next writer know to begin.
  9. Carry on, alternating turns, until 10 minutes have passed (each has written for 5 minutes).
  10. Combine the sentences (cleaning up the formatting and removing the “Go’s” if you wish).
  11. Place the “cleaned up” version of the story below the exercise.
  12. Submit the link and then enjoy reading that day’s freewrites!

Option 2

  1. Pick a partner and open up a shared Google doc.
  2. Decide who will begin writing.
  3. Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  4. First freewriter writes one sentence.
  5. Then, the other freewriter writes one sentence.
  6. Switch back and forth until the 10 minutes are over.

Option 3

- This option is especially good if you can't find a time which suits both writers

  1. Each freewriter writes a 5 minute freewite.
  2. Exchange the freewites (This can be done in comments, through Discord, Steemit Chat, or email)
  3. Write 5 more minutes on the partners freewrite and finish the story.
  4. You can both publish the freewrites and if you want, add a bit on how that kind of writing felt to you. Was it fun? Difficult? Want to do it again?


We'll be giving away a total of 4 SBI shares! Each pair will be entered in together, and then the winners will be given 2 shares each! Plus each participant will receive an 100% upvote from the Freewrite House!

This just in! @curie is sponsoring us again!

We will draw a second pair of winners and each will receive 2 shares of SBI!

We are using the prompt from today which is…

death on the table

Deadline is September 26, Midnight Pacific Time.

Like always, I can't wait to read your stories!


Stacie D

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


@sarez, you're up next! This was very nearly a mere 5-minute freewrite. I took closer to half an hour with it.

You got curied!! Congratulations, @sarez!

Wow! I'm speechless @carolkean. Thank You!
I have seen you get curied. But this is a first for me.

Who is interest to partner with me and to continue my story?


I'll join in! I can post an ending tonight @iamjadeline.

So great! Yay @ntowl :)

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I'll do one with you if you want to write another one.

I am not sure will I be able to do another one. :p wow, you can partner with so many, I admire the amount of brain juice to squeeze out many stories. Mine almost dried up. Lol...

Posted using Partiko Android

ok. here is the final version with your beginning (thank you!) and my ending. I hope you like it.


This sounds fun! Collaborative writing is always interesting!

Would you like to do one with me? Third option works for me.

@svashta The We-Write is here! Want to participate together this round?

Posted using Partiko iOS

@aejackson - I'll do one with you.

I'm looking for partners if anyone wants to collaborate.

Got it! I'll post mine tonight @tristancarax

I will. I'll write one tomorrow.

@freewritehouse hey i'm new around here, where do I go to see a list of all the daily prompts? 😊 thanks so much!

We usually go to @mariannewest and find the one under daily prompt. And on weekend there will be single prompt where in the post @mariannewest will list down all the prompts used before and you get to choose any of them.

Have fun freewriting with us.!!! @joeylim

@iamjadeline thank you for the helpful tips! 😊 looking forward to it too!

Thank you for answering!!

What she said 😄 Welcome to the Freewriters!

Seeking partner :) - Warning beforehand: I have a terrible sense of humour and anything could pop out with 'death on the table'. Happy to do Option 3, but Option 1 could be interesting too if the timezone/stars align...

I'm willing @kaelci. I'm interested to see what pops out! Option 3 is best for me. Do you want to start?

Okay! ~ I'm sorry - this is my first time doing this... is it best if I write it, then share it with you on Discord or something? Or just post it and give you the link? :)

Whatever you want. You can post it to your account, or link a google doc. Or post it to me in a DM on discord. My name is ntowl#9845. If you post to your account put a link here in the comments and tag me.

AFter we are both done, we both post it to our accounts using quotes for the other person's part.

This freewriting process is too complicated.Set a timer for writing.How they will know if somebody don't use a timer?Why should I even use a timer?Writing is a creative thing,it is not a race.

I can only write when I feel comfortable.Sometime I write a lot and sometime I just can't.This is how it should be.

Some people write well under pressure and some do not.

You can think of it as writing so many words in five minutes, typically for me I could say around 175 words equals five minutes.

If you use The Most Dangerous Writing app, stopping for three second or more results in loss of work. The point of having a timer is to write what comes to mind and not stop to think. This is ONE exercise out of many.

I've had some very good creative pieces come out within the five minutes so this is also an exercise in creativity. Some of those pieces I took more time to polish up than other, which means I actually put in ten to fifteen minutes.

… This is how it should be.

If this works for you, use it. It doesn't always work for others as you would expect. Shoot. Even what worked for me last week isn't working at this moment even though I think it should.

Should is a loaded word. A freewrite is a well established writing exercise used in universities and schools all over the world. The purpose is to get you out of the critical thinking mind and tap in the uncritical creative self.

It is entirely up to you to join us or not. Many who have like it very much.

Well,I get it,thanks for explaining and do I need to follow all those rule you have mentioned?

No. many people don't. And as you said - there is no way to control it anyways. But in this particular event - the we-write, you do need to partner up. If you just want to participate in the regular freewrites, you find the daily prompt @mariannewest.

One thing I like about freewrite is the key word 'free'. I find so much freedom in it. Free flow too. Whether people used timer or not, none of us will judge them. It is freewriting anyway. Like what @tristancarax had mentioned, the 5 minutes is for us to start writing non-stop and see what comes out within that 5 minutes. It is quite fun to see what actually come out. Haha. And then you can polish or not, up to you. Sometimes an interesting story pops up and even 5 minutes are up, I continue writing. Join us and have fun. There is no right or wrong but fun fun fun all the way... By the way, hello to you, I am from Malaysia :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Death on the Table: me being me, I had to look up the original meaning. What happens to a surgeon when a patient dies on his or her operating table? was the first hit. For Madame Maxime, I got a Harry Potter reference, but others connected it with Hitchhiker's Guide (Douglas Adams). Apparently the prompts can mean whatever we want them to mean, right? Like, "what's on the table for today's meeting/agenda" - or for dinner - "death on the table" could mean Gma cooked up some road kill. Or she slipped some arsenic into Gpa's sauerkraut. Correct me if I'm mistaken about the liberties we can take. ;)

no mistake. You write whatever comes to your mind. poison in the kraut, the incarnation of death doing Yoga on the table, GMOs - whatever you want :)

@sarez, you write about GMOs and other environmental hazards... I can see the plotted assassination thwarted when everyone at the table suffers seizures from the genetically modified (GMO) tomatoes. In time for Halloween! Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!


"death on the table" could mean Gma cooked up some road kill.

That's exactly what I came up with on my solo freewrite of this prompt! With a few Blackadder references thrown in, because Baldric is a master chef when it comes to such delicacies. I didn't post it, wasn't brave enough.

Ohhh please do post it, oh please!!

I want to try this out but I don't have a partner. Is there any freewriters willing to partner with me and explore this new challenge?

If nobody comes forward soon, I'd try another wewrite if you start the story, @ireenchew, but I don't know if that's "double dipping" - @mariannewest? @byn, @snook?
Dang. I need to try harder to commit to memory who does what around here!

yes. you can write as often as you want :)

I'd say go for it, although I'm not 'official rule maker' or anything!

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