
You're a really awesome writer, @byn! :) You illustrated every emotion he experienced on their first meetup until I could "follow" him as he fell in love. Mango lipstick..... I would LOVE that, lol. I love that he enjoyed her laughter and find it pleasant. What a talent you are and it's such a beautiful story 💕

I am new in this so forgive me if I'm doing it wrong but they say I have to pass it on the soonest, so here goes:

@freewritehouse started throwing a hot potato! Don't get caught with it or you'll have to clean up after the party. It landed in my lap here:

Go read another Over20club freewriter's freewrite and pass it on to that writer in the comments! Also, yes, I really read your freewrite. Here's the link to the hot potato announcement game:"

That first meeting, especially an online meetup, is so awkward, but I experienced this utter surprise, and delight, meeting one such man many years ago. I was smitten. He died two months later, an aortic aneurysm, and it crushed me until I met Jeff. Sometimes, it really can happen. Beautiful story.

Oh, Janelle. That is so sad!! No wonder poetry and stories pour out of you. You have experienced so much!!!

Very sweet story. :)

Excellent story @byn I'm gonna go buy some mango lipstick for my wench! 💋

I caught myself giggling for these two!
Your writing is always fun to read.

howdy @byn! I've never been in a situation like this one before so I can't really relate personally but it was so well written that I thought I was there! I don't know how you do that but it's a wonderful gift!

Your comments are so amazingly encouraging. You bring a smile to my face every single day and I look forward to seeing if you liked something I wrote or not! :) Thank you for the support.

haha! you've never written anything that I didn't like! I loved what you wrote about the old crazy people but I didn't know if I should have found it so funny because it was also sad. lol. that right there's kinda funny, you putting us in an awkward position! ha! but maybe no one else felt that way.

That! Was! Fun!!!!

Thanks, Bruni for giving you such a good review because that's why I came to read and I really love it too!
Oh, those first meet-up's are so anxiety producing and you really captured the feeling. Super creative use of the mango prompt!

Hi there So glad I came across you in the free write challenge! I had put your blog on my read later list a while back. I had become interested in a series of posts.
I think I will just leave your tab open for a while. So much to read so little time.
I have had a couple online to IRL dates. Those first moments really were that awkward. I love how you wrote in laughter as the icebreaker. It is hard to be uptight while giggling.

I tend to laugh when I get nervous, so I'm sure if I were ever in this situation, this would be exactly how I'd react!!! :) Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the rest of your reading time!

Congratulations! You were featured in this week's Freewrite Favorites! Thank you so much for joining us and keep up the awesome freewriting!


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