#6: Miss Eggface Makes - a Fluffy Spotted Omelette

in #food7 years ago (edited)

What’s my favourite food? Chicken Eggs!

True Story:

A young foodie.warrior was nicknamed ‘Eggface’ by her siblings because she could eat 4 eggs per day easily without getting sick of it. Eggs are to me what meat is to The Mann, and it's always been that way! I guess that's why one of my buddies asked me to post an egg recipe recently. Wait, who?

@farmstead!! This lady's been having a healthy egg supply recently :)

She must be a chicken whisperer. After her new chickens stopped being freeloaders, her egg supply has been pretty regular. She even got a double-yolked egg once!! She recently added a quail to her chicken coop as well and is in the process of incubating it. How cool right? Anyway, this future homesteading-guru asked me to post some egg recipes about a week ago (yes, I’m slow, I know!).

Steemit’s got a robust homesteading community

I’m sure there’s more than one homesteader with a healthy supply of eggs on their hands and needs to figure out how to use up their stock. Of course, they could always give away their surplus eggs to a friend, but it’s always great to have more options on hand. :)

Get Eggcited! One Egg Recipe from a mega Egg-Lover coming up

So today, I’m sharing the first of my favourite egg recipes. If you follow this one, you’ll get a fluffy, savoury omelette infused with the unique flavour of green onions. Yum. It’s fluffy, thick, and fully-reminiscent of my Asian roots. This omelette pairs beautifully with steamed white rice.

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What you need for a Fluffy Green Onion Omelette:

6 eggs (supermarket-sized large, that would be the 55-60gm range)
10 ml (2 tsp) fish sauce
5 ml (1 tsp) oyster sauce
5 ml (1 tsp) Chinese cooking wine
2 ml sesame oil
5 ml (1 tsp) chilli oil
60 gm green onions, cut into 1/2cm pieces
15 gm (3 tsp) tapioca OR corn starch dissolved in 15 ml (3 tsp) lukewarm water


How to make it:

Crack eggs into a bowl and add in all the seasonings (fish sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil, and chilli oil).

Beat egg mixture till frothy (you can use chopsticks or a fork).

Mix in chopped green onions and starch solution.

Heat about 2 tsp of neutral-tasting oil (I used sunflower oil) on Medium-High in a frying pan. Tilt the pan around so that the oil coats the entire bottom of the pan.

Give the egg mixture a good stir again, and pour it directly into the frying pan. This ensures that the starch solution is distributed evenly throughout the mixture.

Once the omelette gets puffy and sets at least 80%, use your spatula to cut the omelette into quarters.

Flip each quarter over to cook the other side till set.

The omelette is ready! I ate it with white rice and braised pork ribs that my father-in-law made for lunch. Yummilicious! :)

Thanks for reading my post! If you liked what you read, please upvote and leave a comment (I love reading all your comments!). If you'd like to see more, follow @foodie.warrior. There's lots more where that came from :)

What's YOUR favourite food, my dear readers? <3


That's a beautifully flavored omelette @foodie.warrior! I have never season like this, will try this for sure as i just love Asian seasoning!

Aww thanks, @progressive chef! Your omelettes will turn out looking so much more refined than mine though ;)

But your's is surely more tasty with that amazing Asian touch!

hehe that's cute of you to say :) don't worry, we both know who's the real chef and who isn't ;)

@phamxuan..did you mean to say just my name, or did the comment get lost? ;)

Too tempting! want to eat!

hehe if you already have the ingredients in your kitchen, you can eat this in 30 mins :)

It looks pretty and colorful but I think I will stick to my cheese omelettes. By the way, I made sure I wasn't hungry before reading your post. HaHa! :)

heheheh I think I'm hitting my goal if you have to do that!! :)) Glad you came up with a strategy that works though, not just stop reading totally hahaha I have a cheese omelette one in the works..maybe it is different from yours but with familiar ingredients, and you can try that one out..we'll see :))

Oh, I am looking forward to your cheese omelette! I went to the grocery store today and you made me buy eggs and cheese guessed make an omelette. All because of you! So I will be thinking of you when I make it and eat it. LOL! :)

YAY!! Did you enjoy your cheese omelette thoroughly? I hope the thought of me didn't take away from that comfort food :)) Did you add anything other than cheese inside? :))

Nope, just cheese and lots of cheese. I can't eat green peppers, onions, garlic; all of those great seasonings. But when I go to my brother's house for dinner, I eat everything I am not supposed to eat. My SIL is Italian and her food is amazing!

Nothing takes me away from my comfort food. I just eat less of it, when I think of you! :)

Aww you poor dear :( are you allergic to all those yummy seasonings? :S

At least your body doesn't seem to have a problem with dairy :)) hehe I would also eat everything I should not eat if there was a real good Italian chef preparing dinner ;)) Thanks for the thought @whatisnew! <3

Ha! Sounds like I finally got you back! Now...are you hungry?!?! Especially for a great home-cooked Italian meal from a real Italian?!?! LOL! :) :) :)

Yeah you got me!!! ;)

I love Italian!! Had some yummy authentic Italian cuisin when I was in Italy in April to attend a relative's wedding. You got the craves in me all started again, Naughty Girl!!! hehe

Wow, look delicious 😍

Thanks @martunisaja :) Have a good day!

Thank you may be successful wherever we go.👍👍👍

"Get Eggcited!"

You got me with this one :D

Looks delicious and I will try to cook your recipe, but I guess I have to buy some of the special asian ingredients (:

hehe that's quite an investment! ;) you can try the recipe without the chilli oil, sesame oil, and the Chinese cooking wine. Three fewer bottles to purchase then :)

But these are the ingredients that give this meal the 'special' taste? You just need to publish more recipes so I can use all three of them again :D

I'm counting on you here! (:

hehe ooo the pressure is on!! ;)

Actually the most important contributors to the flavour are the fish sauce and oyster sauce, in my opinion, that's why I suggested to do away with the others but not those two hehe..but you could still buy those ingredients if you have extra spare change to splurge..I will try not to disappoint you :))

4 eggs a day is too much. Once a while is OK. You should have done a preserved radish omelette. Oh, cai po omelette.
heheh, I had 2 eggperiments before:

Old posts. Don't upvote.

Eggs are actually a small nutrition bomb! Their high dietary cholesterol content does not directly transfer into cholesterol levels in the blood's the combination of what is being eaten together with eggs..but you're right, many articles that now dispel the myths that gave eggs a bad rep so many years also recommend 1 egg per day, not 4!!..fortunately, these days my egg consumption is not so extreme... I don't eat 4 eggs per day anymore..though I still eat eggs almost on a daily basis hehe

omg..why must you remind me about Chai Poh omelettes!! I grew up cooking that with my second sis like 3x a week :))

Unfortunately, didn't bring any Chai Poh over with me from Singapore :(( and haven't started actively searching for it in all the Asian supermarkets here yet...though that hunt might just begin with a vengeance very soon, thanks to you!!! ;)

Bring on the cai po omelette to Europe. :-)

The revolution starts!

I can imagine how that must taste with the fish and oyster sauces. Enters it on her to-do list

Those pork ribs look great. You should get your father-in-law to join Steemit. :)

I eat two eggs for breakfast every single day. So I understand.

hehe I told him, and he laughed me off :)) A pity though..he is an experienced certified chef and has so many jaw-dropping stories to tell of his journey from a young village boy in China to becoming one of the town's youngest mayors, to moving to Europe and settling there nearly 40 years ago knowing close to a fat zero of English, Dutch, or German. I have so much respect for him!!

I hope you like the omelette whenever you get it checked off the to-do list ;) Egg lovers unite always in the heart and bellies <3

I ate it with white rice and braised pork ribs

You know why I was dying laughing over here! I'm still laughing.

I didn't even know there was such a thing as fish sauce. I need to get out the house more or something. The recipe looks delicious, but green onion... ugh I just don't know if I can do it.

Onions and I are not really the best of friends unless they are sauteed. But I could possibly do that with this recipe.

Why are you dying laughing? Why Why Why? You got my curiosity 101% piqued, Lex!!!! XD

hahaha fish sauce is used a LOT in Thai cooking and other Asian cuisines employ its flavour in their dishes quite frequently too :) It's a rather salty sauce, so usually when you use it, you can reduce or omit the salt in your recipe :))

Hehe the green onion is more like the leafy spring onions..they taste a little different from regular round onion bulbs..Maybe those would be better friends with you? :)

After you had the ribs with your omelet, the story posted about the rib dinner trip. You should have witnessed my smile then. I am still in awe of how big those spare ribs were. You must have a hollow leg on you or burned so many calories that trip from walking that your body was in negative calorie mode, lol.

You really pay attention to know my preference towards foods on the less salty side. I still try things that may be considered "salty" because you never know how the flavor combination could be music to your taste buds.

I did make an omelet the other day but I did not have the fish sauce nor the green onions. @curly-q eats green onions quite frequently, so I was surprised to not find any in the fridge. It's mostly the texture of onions I don't agree with. I can't say I recall cooking with green onions and is why I want to give this recipe a try.

hehehe oh yeahh..what a coincidence =DD

I try to mix posts from my 3 series around so that there's more variety on my blog hehe..(although everything is food-based..hahah!!). So actually the rib dinner trip happened a month back, while the ribs with omelette were eaten almost two weeks ago..hehe..

I'd advice to not make the omelette with green onions if you aren't putting any fish sauce and oyster sauce in..hehe it might taste rather strange ;) because this omelette is more of an Asian flavour hehe..also, for that same reason, it goes well with rice, and not with potatoes or sausages or hashbrowns hehe

I like your approach to 'salty' know your preference, but are still open to trying out..I agree that salt does enhance other flavours very very well..I tend not to like my dishes too salty as well, but sometimes, the other flavours need that extra boost :))

EGGFACE? That sounds really interesting. Well, if you could consume that amount of egg on a daily basis, then your siblings did a great job to give you such title 😀

Btw, that Omelette looks really yummy and I could sight the rice and chicken in that plate. So tempting to grab.

Thanks for making me hungry now.

They did indeed! I still get called that these days at times lol...Hehe it's actually braised pork ribs and rice..though the pork rib does look a little like a chicken midwing ;)

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