Finish The Story Contest - WEEK #30!

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)

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A contest with a pot of 6 STEEM + 2 @steembasicincome shares? You're in the right place!

135 @steembasicincome shares awarded till now (plus 22.57 SBD and 10 STEEM) through the contest in 29 weeks!

Here are today's extra-hardforked prize cathegories:

1st place : n. 3 STEEM

2nd place : n. 2 STEEM

popular vote: n. 1 STEEM (remember to vote your favourite!)

Best comment to the stories: n. 2 steembasicincome shares

The show must go on and the stories must keep flowing! @f3nix here, your picaresque Bananafish prophet, looking for original fiction and troubles!
Slow and steady, we arrived to the 30th edition: it means 7 months and a half of whole ficiton universes explored together, my friends! To celebrate the milestone I converted almost all the rewards in STEEM and maintained the prize for the best comment. Everyone, but really everyone, has a chance here!

Usually the Bananafish news are in the winners' post, but I'm happy to communicate that I started sustaining an awesome project by the genius @anarchyhasnogods called Collective Intelligence. Cheers to our yellow-pinned buddies @theironfelix and @dirge who talked to me about it and are moderators in the @co-in community.

So far, I understood that this is a promising and disruptive model, which rewards quality based on a decentralised consensus protocol.. what does it mean? I'll submit your worthy stories to the @co-in platform and hopefully this will result in some interesting upvotes for you. If you want to have a practical idea, you may check the CI vote boost of the last Mizu no Oto edition, after @theironfelix submission.

Join in at our site here!

Or join us on discord to interact with the community!

And now let's immerse ourselves in a fantasy world from the magic pen of @dirge. What's best to celebrate the 30th anniversary and the return to life together? But, first, our beloved..

Map of the Bananafish Realms from a squirrely perspective!

  • tell to a friend about the contest!

  • join the Bananafish Realms discord chat.

  • vote, vote, vote your favourite story (and win 1 STEEM)!

  • use the #finishthestory tag.

  • Try to post your story the earliest possible and not at the last moment (or after the results! argh!)

  • Respect the 500 words limit.

  • help our contest & workshop to grow by giving it some visibility.

And now.. let's dive into today's story!


The Battle of Bloodneck Valley

by @dirge

Shog, called the Bonecrusher by his people, knew they’d lost when human horns roared across the battlefield. The Imperiate had come after all, to aid their elven allies of the Alish’tae Republic. Shog’s people, orcs of the Galak Tribe, so named after the mountain upon which they’d once lived, fought hard and well. But they fought alone.

Orcs no allies. Not even their Gods, the Old Ones, cared anymore.

As the morning sun crept above the clouds, illuminating the blood soaked fields, the Imperiate horsemen charged out from the forest. Muk’nola, matriarch of the Galaks, sounded her war horn, signalling the retreat. But it would be too late, Shog knew. Those horsemen would slaughter them as they fled. Their children, next.

An elf, empowered by the sense of looming victory, stormed forward from their line, straight towards Shog. He parried the elf’s longsword then heaved his mighty hammer, Breaker of Worlds, in a perfect arc. It smashed upon the elf’s helmeted skull, and he proved his namesake for the countless time. The elf’s head exploded in bone and carnage.

“Back!” he heard. “Fall back!” In disarray, the others around him fled towards Bloodneck Valley, where they’d encamped. Their position fell. Shog screamed to maintain the line but knew the day was lost. His people fled. He had no choice but to follow.

He reached the camp, already nearly moving again, fleeing up the valley to the highlands. Shog, exhausted, reached Zee-zee, his daughter, and Gheelah, his love. Gheelah had already packed their yurt and few remaining possessions. “Flee!” he shouted to her.

“And you?” Gheelah asked.

“I stay to hold them back.”

In typical orcish fashion, their utter devotion, love and mutual respect expressed itself only in their shared gaze, never in public, spoken word. He gripped her hand. He told Zee-zee to be strong. Gheelah nodded. Then the doy galloped away with the rest of the fleeing, broken host.

Muk-nola, matriarch, rallied the remaining Galak warriors. They reformed to a single line. Bloodneck Valley was narrow. Rocky. Layered with crimson colored clay. The land elevated as it led to the Highlands, their only advantage.

Maybe at the height of the tribe’s strength, before the humans had come with their purges and stolen their land, before the elves had arrived to ‘cleanse the world of evil’, maybe they would have been strong enough. But Shog saw they had a few hundred left. A few hundred to hold a line against an entire battalion of Imperiate horsemen and Alish’tae swordsmen, the latter no doubt already being reinforced.

The ‘Fair Folk’ would aim to eradicate the Galak now, as they fled.

Shog marched up to Muk-nola. She hailed him. “Yog-Sothoth burns in us,” she said.

“Yog-Sothoth hasn’t given a shit about us since Galak Mountain ceased its fire,” Shog replied.

Imperiate horns loomed. The sun flared, blinding Shog for a moment. Another disadvantage. The ground rumbled with the cavalry charge.

“Either way. I’ll crush his soul in hell. Right after I’m done with these Fair Folk.”


Join the fun! Here is how this contest works:

  1. An unfinished fiction story or a script is posted.

  2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

  3. WIN 6 STEEM + 2 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best endings and comments.

The result will be out on Tuesday 9th October, 14:00 PM GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone) avg. Submission and voting deadline: Monday 8th October, 12:00 PM - noon GMT+7 (U.S. West Coast time zone)

A special thank to @theironfelix, @raj808, @brisby, @maverickinvictus, @cyemela, @marcoriccardi, @calluna, @oivas, @anixio, @ntowl for their precious delegations, making this project a reality!

If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!



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This post has been rated by the user-run curation platform CI! In this platform users are able to manually curate content. This is done regardless of Steem Power, for both rewards and vote size calculation.

Join in at our site here!

Or join us on discord to interact with the community!

This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was given a rating of: 0.9928813021457901
This post was voted: 82.64%

Vote your favorite story below!

My vote goes to @gaby-crb's story for the way it follows the daughter into the future, the setting it conveys, the fantastic character development, and the intriguing ending that made me wish there was more.

My vote is for @raj808

My vote goes to @marcoriccardi. @raj808, @gaby-crb, and @agmoore all really good. Could vote for a couple of more too, LOL.

Please Cyrus, one or I won't consider it (is that a dot you put after Marco? Is he the first?

Yes, Marco. Thanks!

Yo! 😎

My vote is for @erhe.germany. @gaby-crb comes in a close second, but then, there's @ediblecthulhu, and @tristancarax, and....oh, forget it. I'm going with @erhe. Impressive stories, as usual.

This week every entry is high level, I'm forced to look at very personal differences of taste.
I think I prefer slightly more @theironfelix, @ediblecthulhu, and @seesladen. Let's roll a dice:
My vote goes to @ediblecthulhu!

Welcome back to the contest, broski.

Hi @dirge: You spin a great yarn, with many possibilities. Unfortunately it's not the kind of environment in which my imagination roams. I'm afraid this is a non-starter for me. I'll be following the contest this week and supporting it. Good luck.

If I was you, I'd turn it insideout like a sock 😜

Inspired by the courage of erh.germany and the prompting of @bananafish, I have entered the realm. There is no clever twist or striking originality in this piece. It is offered as a gesture of community. I know nothing about roll-playing games--elves, orcs, etc--but I boldly ventured forth. As always, the exercise was fun.

I need to add here, that @dirge crafted a very good beginning--it's just that, for me, it was like reading a foreign language :)

Huzzahhh!! The force flows strong in you, young padawan! (I'd put a bananafish lightsaber but we have it only in the discord)

Out of affection for the bananafish I will give it another read and see if my imagination responds--it's not really up to me :)

That's cool. No pressure though.. that's just what happens to me when I don't entirely click with something, my rebellious side emerges. Marco does this all the times using the Tortillas de Pelo.. 😜

I very much liked your attitude when I told you the same. When no muse comes around the corner, one cannot force this shy thing. :) Only lure it. But even that does not always succeed. lol

that's just what happens to me when I don't entirely click with something, my rebellious side emerges. Marco does this all the times using the Tortillas de Pelo..

Do you think that writing it prevents me from doing it anyway? Muahahahah!

I've been caught hahaha

HaHa! Exactly that were my first thoughts. No, I can't do it. No elves and orks. Too old for that. Lol.
Give it a try. I did my very best, too. Looking forward to your story!

I read yours. Amazing. Agile, lively, adept. Really a great take. I don't think I can...I tried reading again and my mind just doesn't go there.

Edit--Maybe I'll just take it off in my own direction. Not legitimate, perhaps, but create my own characters, my own scene. Just pick a small thread out of this. Can't get into this one. My way forward may not meet the requirements of Finishthestory, but it will be an interesting exercise. Thanks for the extra push :)

so much welcome. That was what I hoped for that you feel ... my artist friend here on steemit, @reinhard-schmid, sometimes jokes with me as I do not always follow the rules. But still, if they weren't there in the first place, the magic could not happen. To sometimes overstep them is as good as an experience as to follow them.


Overstepping the rules, at times, is as necessary as thinking out of the schemes in my opinion. I saw a painting once by @reinhard-shmid, I still remember it.. he's a valuable artist..

you say it! Thinking out of schemes can only happen if there are schemes! :)))

Reinhard is the kindest guy I ever met on the Internet. I purchased one of his pieces through steemit and one he gave me as a gift. Just so.

Another round, another week, another chance to play!

Thanks for the story and here is my entry:

I would like to win this time. HeHe! :)

Yo Erika! First on the dance floor!

swings hips, snaps fingers, tosses hair.
Let's dance.

I am glad that you are back at it again. HF20 slowed a lot of us down but didn't stop us. Here is my Entry

We are the Bananafish army! Only wives can maybe stop us.. surely not the hf20 (or a squirrel Armageddon, for what's worth).

@dirge, yah might get a good ole story by me, maybe even a holy intervention of another kind.

I'm already hearing the angelic choirs.

Here's my entry. Thanks as always for the fun event! :D

Welcome to our discord server bud 😉

Many thanks, O @bananish! In the short while I've been there I've been privileged to witness such marvels as sadomasochistic purple squirrels, otherworldy beings shedding their human guises, chupacabras, pretzels, a madness-based cryptocurrency, and Richard Nixon. Awesome! :D

Hahah..And the best (or the worst) has yet to come!!

Let's raise our beer mugs!

Grog! Grog! Grog!

Phewww eee, took a bit of doing getting this one out. 2 thirds of this was written on a plane by typing in my notepad app and the rest on the slowest most ancient laptop known to man ;-) I hope you all enjoy

Well if it was an elven laptop, then probably it helped you immersing in the story 🤔

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