
Awesome ending. I like this graph:

He opened his eyes as the room thrummed in a perverted aura. There he stood. Yellow skin stretched tight over bestial skull, like age old parchment in a forgotten tomb. The jaw had no lips, icicle teeth rent his visage, violating his face. Eyes like a snake, slits echoing infinity in their depths. He lurched forward, taught muscle seeming to wrench at flesh, trying to break forth. Arms stretched out, impossibly long as four large fingers beckoned to Anatoliy.

I may have to try this challenge sometime.

Why not. It's always a pleasure when writers join the contest 🙂

Thanks dude, glad you enjoyed it. You should defo give this contest a crack sometime, it is really fun and a great cataylist for when the dreaded writers' block comes a knockin :-)

But what would Cthulhu do in this situation? Resteem’d.

Lol, you know what? I was afraid to admit it in this company before but I haven't read any of the Cthulhu books! Shameful I know. This has made me think I should go the library and correct that as my horror writing seems to be strong at the moment.

I have read works of Lovecraft not involving Cthulhu, fan inspired works and lil’ on Cthulhu, a prime Great Old One. (And I played inspired games about Cthulhu.) So don’t feel that bad.

Sleep and wait? :P

Yeah... and Nyar gets summoned by some witch-in-training. Stares to look at Nyar's current residency:
Nyar 'n' Ashley.gif

Masterpiece. Even more than other your previous works if I've to be sincere. I believe that the editing down to 750 words was beneficial as it provided a lean flowing and sober style, without loosing details. It all resulted in hooking me to your ending, which I had to read in one breath. Without getting the reference you gave the best insight possible about the Yellow King.

Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I was afraid to admit it in this company before but I haven't read any of the Cthulhu books. All of these comments have made me curious to read the book that features him and to see what H P Lovecraft created. Which book is it? I might go to the library later and have a weekend of reading as I'm thinking of going wild camping and taking a few days away from steemit.

Enjoy that weekend :)

I think that there's a ton of refrences that I wouldn't understand from you 😉 H.P. Lovecraft names only once Hastur and incidentally.. you could check The King in Yellow, by Chambers. But if you want to approach Lovecraft's world I'd instead suggest you "The Dunwich Horror".

This is a fun challenge and great job.

Thanks @donnadavisart! We're an easy going community where we try to improve our writing skills, inspire each other and have fun when doing it.

Thanks @donnadavisart I'm glad you enjoyed the horrific tones and style of the Resonant Vocatus ;-)

for someone who didn't get the cthulhu references, you weren't too far off. I enjoyed reading.

Thanks @dirge, glad you enjoyed it. Lol, you know what? I was afraid to admit it in this company before but I haven't read any of the Cthulhu books! Shameful I know. But as @f3nix says below, it is true that this story wasn't influenced by any external source of literature.

I was afraid to admit it in this company

I'm a huge nerd, but, not that kind of one.

Ha ha, yeah I get where you're coming from. It is insane when nerds get all like 'you're not a real fan' ;-)

I'm a massive Tolkien enthusiast, I've read all the histories etc but if someone says to me, I don't like any of his books or LOTR was slow and boring, I say 'fair enough'... opinions are opinions. Glad that I'm in good company.

I thought exactely the same. Maybe it's good like that because it didn't interfere with @raj808 imaginery.

Your vivid description of the scene is extraordinary, I mean it was was kept me glued to the story, the imagery that allows one to see through the writer's mind and thoughts and also point of view as well.
This is totally astounding really, this needs to be curied.
Beautiful story all together.

Thanks @josediccus I'm glad you enjoyed the horrific tones and style of the Resonant Vocatus. I appreciate your fantastic feedback on my ending to this story. It means a lot. It was one of those that flowed like a river, poured out like wine. Ha ha, basically what I'm saying is I smashed out the first draft with little pause before taking quite a long time over editing ;-)

Really, @raj808--I was getting ready to go to sleep. I think I'll wait till these images fade. You dug deep into the darkest recesses for this one. Of course effective, but more horrible (that is, full of horror) than any of yours I've read so far.

I don't think things are going to end well for that doctor. Whether the Yellow King is "real" or not, his work will be done.

You manage to toy with our sense of reality very skillfully. Of course :)

Mwaah ha ha ha.... inspiring nightmares was what I was going for ;-) Hope you didn't have too many.

You hit on a key part of what I was trying to convey as well @agmoore, the ambiguity between whether this was an insane psychopath imagining a demon or a psychopath summoning up a demon that was a reflection of his soul. It makes me smile to know that this nuance was apparent, as this shows me that I got the right balance between showing and telling. Thanks for your comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the story :-)

You kept me hooked from the beginning, well, from the beginning of the ending, well, you get the idea! The pace of this piece was great, the intensity, dragged me into the story, and the ending made me glad that I continued reading. Your use of simile in this story really bought it to life for me. Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks steve. Yeah, I toned down the imagery a little in this story from my usual style and I think it improved the writing. The simile of the cheese cloth etc. I'm glad you enjoyed the story m8 :-)

It was a great read. Confronting, but I like it when authors push the boundaries. It's edgy, and shows that freedom of speech is still actually a thing, and the political correct movement hasn't won, just yet.

You're a master of words!
Great descriptions, fully worth of the 250 extra words.
I like the combination of artistic ecstasy and homicidal delirium, it reminded me a little of Hannibal Lecter, a
refined psychopath.

Thanks @marcoriccardi

Yeah, I wanted to go with a nuanced sophisticated psychopath lol The piano description just came to me then the idea of an artist of death sort of grew from it as I wrote. Must say @f3nix's beginning really influenced the inspiration with this one, perhaps more so than any other 'finish the story'.

You know, I think I'm going to have Xanthophobia - the fear of anything yellow- (yes, I had to look this up 😁) after this week's stories.

Your descriptions yanked me from my chair and into a twisted theatre where all I want to do is leave and cuddle something fluffy. But, I can't. I'm trapped in the need to keep on reading!

Through your story, what disturbed me the most was the careful and deliberate purpose for every move, every piece of the set. These weren't simply the impulsive and irrational actions of a disturbed man, but the faith and devotion of a man feeding a dark hunger.

Completely fantastic Raj808!

Thanks @brisby.... I have to admit I was a little disturbed with what I was writing as I wrote it lol

This story just kind of flowed out, with only a brief pause to research a little about pentagram before the insane metronome continued, beating a rhythm of thought... 😉 Ha ha, jokes, I didn't really write it to a metronome.

Glad you enjoyed the story

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