[Original Fiction] The Memoirs of a Forgotten Man - part two

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

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The Memoirs of a Forgotten Man

<<<<Part one.

Part Two

3 Months Prior

I'm used to darkness. Even though it so often leaves its calling card, inscribed with the nightmares of so many innocents. Those are the nightmares that I am called to investigate. I don't know how I ended up in this line of work. Perhaps I fell into it, perhaps it fell upon me. But it's the line of work that I am in, and it seems to suit who I am.

I don't blame the darkness – I don't hold it responsible. But terrible things tend to happen when the darkness descends upon the Earth. Is it a shield, a fog of sorts that acts as permission for man's inner demons to show themselves? I don't know. I have thought about it, many times. But I'm no Psychologist. Whilst I have an understanding of the behaviours of the people that cross my path, my comprehension falls down when asked to explain why they do what they do. I don't know why people do what they do. I don't even understand why I do what I do.

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My job isn't all doom and gloom. I am out in the daylight. I still remember what the sun looks like. And I quite like it – reminds me that I am alive. And that's not such a bad thing to remember. But the crimes I am called upon to investigate usually happen late. Like I said – under the cover of darkness. So I have learned to live with it. I have made my peace with it. The darkness that is, not what happens under her watchful eye. And that's just it – she sees all. I know she does. And sometimes - if you ask correctly – the darkness will reveal what she knows, what she has seen. Perhaps that is why I am good at my job. Perhaps that is why I get results. I have learned how to ask the right questions to the presence that hangs over us, watching, but rarely interfering.

This particular evening started like most of the rest of them. The trip to the station to start my shift. Looked over my notes on a cold case that just crossed my desk. Not a high priority I was told. Time had dissolved our requirement for closure it would seem. Not for those who knew the victim, I'm sure. Did their pain ever go away, did it ever leave them? That feeling of not knowing, for a lot of people it becomes like a cancer eating away at them. I wouldn't be surprised if that mystery – that not knowingness – had killed off more people than the actual murderers crawling our streets. All these years, waiting, praying, pleading, for an answer or sense of closure. Would it heal their pain? I'm not really sure, but perhaps it would help stop it spreading any further. Grant them some peace before they themselves pass from this world.

I made a couple of phone calls and read up on the notes left by the original detectives. The usual procedure. It's hard to crack a cold case, especially after all these years. Unless by some miracle DNA was left at the scene, and it was collected and it was securely stored all these years, then it remained a long shot. And at some point I was expected to locate and speak with the victim's family. Put them through this nightmare, yet again. Whilst knowing that there was probably very little I could do to crack the case – and that was my nightmare. No matter how detached you try to remain to these matters, an element of them permeates you – embeds itself into your core. You care about these cases, despite all appearances saying otherwise. You deal with emotions everyday. Real, raw emotions. Not fabricated Hollywood ones. Ones that can hit you like a freight train – knock you for six and sit you flat on your arse. Metaphorically speaking. But we bottle all of that up. At least I do. And I know most of my colleagues do. You can't last in this job if you allow it to get to you so much the public notices it. So we plug it up, we push it down, we bury it under whatever we can get our hands on. Usually alcohol – it's legal, and socially acceptable. And occasionally officers crack under the pressure. They see too much, more than the tolerance level can comfortably accommodate. And they break.

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But as was so often the situation, this old case that had been crying out for some attention would need to be put aside, yet again. How many times had that occurred in the past? How many detective's hands had this case's folder been placed into just to have it pushed to the side for another day and another time? Now something new had just found its way to my desk. These are the cases I tend to work. The past has a tendency of hanging around, just like that cold case. It seems to need – sometimes even demand – resolution. Not necessarily answers. Sometimes we just never get any answers. But there is a difference between not knowing and not understanding. Sometimes I think the past exists for one purpose only – to teach us how to find peace. And like all my lessons, I'm still learning this one.

But now I had more pressing matters to see to. Just in, and I'm the man the case found its way to. From the past to the present. From the old to the new. The very new it would seem. The brief explanation I received as I headed to my car to make my way to the scene was that this crime involved a child. A very young child. I didn't have to hear any more, I knew already that this was going to be a difficult case. Ones involving children always were. I guess I will be bottling up and suppressing even more emotions from this one.

I got to the car, sat and breathed deeply for a moment. Darkness my old friend, what do you have in store for me tonight?

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(To Be Continued)

This fiction is my own work, written for Steemit
Image Credit: Unsplash.com

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Bad TripMy Sister's Keeper
Chapter OneChapter One & Two
Chapter TwoChapter Three & Four
Chapter ThreeChapter Five & Six
Chapter FourChapter Seven
Chapter FiveChapter Eight
Chapter SixChapter Nine
Chapter SevenChapter Ten
Chapter EightChapter Eleven
Chapter NineChapter Twelve
Chapter TenChapter Thirteen
Chapter ElevenChapter Fourteen
Chapter TwelveChapter Fifteen
Short FictionChapter Sixteen & Seventeen
Bang Bang You're DeadChapter Eighteen
Where Did the Time Go?Chapter Nineteen
Run From the ScreamsChapter Twenty
Saved By the RainChapter Twenty One & Twenty Two
I Think I've Remembered This BeforeChapter Twenty Three & Twenty Four
A Mother's LoveChapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven & Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine & Thirty
Chapter Twenty Thirty One
Chapter Twenty Thirty Two

Superb follow-up! This has such a poetic feel to it. You really have a way of setting a scene. The noir-ish approach really did this story justice, and the entire narrative was just so well written. Every line was striking and straight to the point. The reader couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency by the end. This series is undoubtedly off to a great start!

You're too kind. Many thanks for your feedback. I had a noir-ish feel in my head as I visualised this story developing. Like an old black and white movie. The poetic feel is an interesting observation. This actually wasn't deliberate but is how the narrative has emerged, and I think it works. I'm enjoying writing this particular story, which is a plus, so hopefully more of this will come soon.

You seem to be a prolific writer. Keep up the great work. Cheers

Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm glad you like it. I do seem to have written a bit, when I look back at the list. Steemit has been great for helping me get into a regular writing schedule. Something i always found difficult.

I think I'm gonna like this Detective story. The protagonist so far seems to be a caring and decent guy, that's important for me. I also like your writing style

Thank you for your comment. I agree that having a decent (even if flawed) protagonist is important. It would be hard to keep reading if the reader couldn't like him or relate to him. Your feedback about how you view him is important to me, so thanks again.

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