[ORIGINAL FICTION] Bad Trip part two: The Gamemaster

in #story8 years ago (edited)

This is the continuation of the Bad Trip fiction series. 

The link to part one can be found here (link)

Part Two: The Gamemaster

Taylor's eyes quickly scanned the room. He wasn't certain whether anyone else was in there. He stood, frozen at the entrance, looking at the man seated behind the desk, then scanned right. Looked back at the man, then scanned left. He knew he had the look of concern plastered all over his face.

The room was not very large at all. Big enough for the wooden desk, which seemed out of proportion to the space holding it. There were two old filing cabinets on the back wall. A small book case to his right. A smaller, wooden framed seat was on Taylor's side of the desk. “I guess he was expecting me,” he thought. And of course, there was the man in the seat. Looking right at Taylor. He was taking his time to say anything. What's he waiting for?” he thought. 

Come in, and close the door behind you.” 

Taylor did as he was asked. But no more. He felt frozen, like his muscles were too stiff and heavy to move with ease. He closed the door and stepped towards the desk. He assumed the seat was for him, but made no attempt to sit in it. He just kept looking at the man behind the desk. Wondering what the hell was going on. 

Sit,” the man behind the desk gestured to the chair. Taylor complied. Unsure, he sat nervously, half in and half out of the seat. 

You found the room. That was expected. But to be honest, I thought it would have taken you longer. Seems I slightly underestimated you on that one. But I knew you had it in you to get this far.” 

It's pitch black out there. How was I supposed to find anything?” Taylor wondered why he was even getting into a conversation with this man, but he had no idea where he was, who this man was, or about what was happening to him. He needed to know. Was he safe here, in this office? Would he lose that safety if he pushed things. He had no idea, but he needed to find out.

It's dark by design. It's part of the game.

Game? What game?

This game that you are in.

Taylor gathered his thoughts, as best he could. Was he dreaming? If so, the dream was starting to turn into a nightmare. The whole thing felt surreal. But it was happening for real, he felt very much like he was there, in the flesh.

Who are you?” Taylor's voice started to shake. He wished it didn't. He was wanting to appear calm, even though he was anything but calm right now. 

I am The Gamemaster.

What sort of name was The Gamemaster?” Taylor thought. Surely he has a real name? That name had an ominous feeling to it. One that left him with a bad feeling about this whole situation.    

The Gamemaster?

Yes, that is correct. That's all you need to know for the time being.

I am in a game, and you are The Gamemaster?

You're following along nicely.” 

Taylor shook his head with disbelief. Of all the bizarre situations he could have found himself in, he would never had guessed at this.

Are you for real? I'm in a game, that you are the master of, and I must play I assume. Do I have a choice?” Taylor's mind was ticking over a bit quicker now. He felt the questions bubble to the surface. Too quickly even for he himself to catch them all.

Do you have a choice? Well you chose to be here.

No I didn't.” 

How can you be certain?

Because I didn't choose this. I didn't agree to this experience. I would remember such a thing.

Are you sure about that?” 

Well yes,” Taylor hesitated. He knew he was right. Of course he would remember. Wouldn't he? Was The Gamemaster trying to get into his head? Was this part of the game? “Of course I would remember.

Do you remember how you got here?


But you still got here.

Taylor stared at The Gamemaster in disbelief. He wasn't following the train of thought being expressed here.

Because obviously someone brought me here,” he replied.

How can you be certain?

I didn't bring myself here.

Again, how can you be certain?”     

Then how did I wake up, groggy, and uncertain of my location, if I chose this? If I made this happen?

All decisions we make have consequences. All our agreements bind us to an outcome.

The cryptic nature of the conversation was starting to overwhelm Taylor. He knew that The Gamemaster was messing with him. He was living up to his name, it seemed. Taylor felt the presence of doubt enter his space. 

So you are saying, that at some point, I have made a decision, and agreement to be here? To play this game? Did I decide to sit in this office and discuss this matter with you?

Agreements were made, yes. As for the game, and being here in this office, those are layers within layers!” Despite the fact that he didn't show it The Gamemaster was enjoying being able to riddle with Taylor. Seeds were being planted in his head right now. Seeds that would bear fruit when the time was right.

Layers within layers!” He was exasperated. What did that even mean! 

The Gamemaster allowed himself the slightest smirk. It was the first expression Taylor had seen on his face since they had been talking.

You made an agreement. I have not disclosed to you the nature of the agreement. The agreement was not to play a game. It is a consequence of your agreement which has brought this game into being.

I chose this?

No, you agreed to it. Not to put too fine a point on it, but there is a difference.”     

A silence sat in the air between them. It was the first time that even his own thoughts didn't disrupt Taylor. He sat looking at The Gamemaster, wanting to laugh, but feeling helplessly bewildered by the unfolding events. The Gamemaster allowed the silence to linger a moment longer.

What happens now?” Taylor eventually asked.

The Game begins.” 

(To Be Continued)



Thank you for taking the time to read this story. If you liked it please give an upvote, and feel free to leave a comment. I try to respond to all comments. To stay up to date with new releases you may follow me at @naquoya where you will also find my earlier works.

I write fiction, concentrating on SciFi, Fantasy, Horror from the Psychological end of the spectrum.

I also write poetry, with the occasional article or essay on topics of interest.


“I chose this?” "No, you agreed to it."

I love this.

There are a few more lines I really like and I do enjoy your stories, actually learning to try maybe something else very soon. You inspire me.

A silence sat in the air between them.

It's good to know that you like that. Thank you.

There is much more I like but now I really need to catch some zzzzzleeep :)

A little bit of word play to mess with the protagonist. I'm glad you can appreciate this juxtaposition.

Thank you @mammasitta. I just noticed that. I appreciate the help getting some extra exposure.

I will suggest your story for @curie but need to wait 6 hours
Join on rocket chat #curie

I would really appreciate you doing that. Thank you for taking the time to read my work, and share your feedback.

you need more exposure ! I will post your link to @robinhoodwhale as well first thing in the morning . My pleasure

How does @curie work exactly, and why is there a six-hour wait?

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