Just a Little Bump!?

in #fiction7 years ago


It was a warm summer day, with clear skies and not a cloud in sight. The sun shone brightly high above, as it did when it was almost noon. A dark gray SUV crawled slowly on the painted floor of the mall's indoor parking lot. In it, a young couple giggled and exchanged corny jokes, as they searched for a free slot. The place wasn't particularly full, and they had plenty of spots to choose from. With convenience as a top priority, they tried to look for one that was near the entrance to the mall. Luckily, they found one, oddly enough closer than a slot reserved for people with disabilities. That was in no way their fault, just a silly quirk by the people who constructed the mall. They considered themselves lucky, and decided right then and there that they were going to have a great day.

As customary, the couple waited a while inside their vehicle. The man had perfectly parked the SUV inside the slot, and was particularly proud of the evenness of the space at both sides. They agreed that a celebration was warranted, so they moved their discussion to picking where they were going to splurge for their luncheon.

The man, who we'll call Jeb, was known for eating anything put in front of him, so he delegated the task of picking the restaurant to the other half of their duo. His companion, who was an alluring, shapely beauty, whose face could make even Helen of Troy envious, accepted the task with aplomb. After all, she was the more decisive one between the two of them, not to mention the superior appraiser of fine cuisine. Without her sound judgement, mental stability and quick wit, she was afraid that Jeb would be like a lost puppy. She didn't want that, of course, because she loved him dearly. Let's call her Leigh.

After discussing their options for a few minutes, they had narrowed their choice to the top two. Just as they were about to alight their precious vehicle, a worn, black Toyota Yaris that was littered with cheap-looking decal, parked right beside them on their left. The car had its windows down, and it was packed with what looked like a family of six.

"What about that new Greek place that opened up recently?" Jeb asked, adding another option to their list of choices. "I know you're on the fence about lamb, but if you give it another chance, it might change your mind."

"Hmm ... lamb."

All of a sudden, they heard a loud thud and their vehicle shook uncharacteristically. The couple was startled, and immediately investigated its source. From their periphery, they saw that the right door of the back seat of the Yaris had made an unwanted contact with their SUV. The Yaris was small, and even if it was parked directly on the line, it still had enough space to open its doors without hitting the adjacent vehicles. Considering that Jeb parked their SUV so perfectly, only an idiot would be dumb enough to commit such an infraction.

"Did he just—" Leigh blurted out. "Go out and check if there was damage."

Jeb wasn't a confrontational man. In fact, he avoided people as much as he can. He would rather search for hours rather than asking for directions. But, he loved his vehicle, almost like a child. So, he summoned enough courage to step out.

At that point, his anger was quickly bubbling up. He clenched his fist, in his valiant attempt to bottle up his rage. You see, Jeb was usually a calm person, but he had a deep-seated anger that grew inside of him. As much as Leigh wanted to calm him down, she knew he needed to learn to control his fury.

"What did you do?" he shouted angrily.

"It was nothing," the reckless man retorted with a defensive smile. "Just a little bump."

They were about the same age, but Jeb was about half a foot taller. Jeb had, how should I say this, a rather intimidating aura about him. He had stopped muggers and would-be trespassers before just by bellowing and shooting a sharp glance. But, this time, the man remained undeterred.

"Just a ... Just a little bump!?" At that point, Jeb was on the brink of losing it. He looked at the spot that was hit, but because of the lighting, he couldn't determine whether there was a scratch. The sound of the thud wasn't soft at all, so it was hard to believe that there wasn't any damage.

"Yeah, look see," the man followed pompously. "There isn't even a scratch, so chill."


The woman in the passenger seat of the Yaris urged her son to say sorry. She had a child on her lap, and a fistfight was the last thing she wanted to happen. The man, in turn, remained steadfast and unapologetic. He stood his ground, but his voice was undeniably shaking. It seemed like Jeb's intimidation stare was working on him, but he was too proud to admit it.

"No big deal about this," the man replied, touching the SUV. "Go back inside and get on with your day."

"You—" Jeb blurted out, followed by a string of profanities. "Get your hand off my car, shut the [flip] up, and just apologize for your mistake!"

"What mistake!? Cool your jets, buckeroo. Nothing to see here. It was just a little bump, s'all."

What followed was a collective facepalm. They didn't know, but volcanoes in the opposite side of the planet erupted in unison. Dark clouds blanketed the once blue sky, and large waves started to form just beyond the coast.

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"I'll show you a little bump."

Jeb grabbed the man's neck, and, in one swift motion, used his head to pummel the man's forehead. He grabbed the man's collar and threw him against the glass divider near the entrance. As the man tried to get back up, Jeb lunged at him and unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches.

The man's father, who remained inactive throughout the whole altercation, stepped out from the driver seat and tried to pacify the situation. He was, in a way, a bit too late, so he received a hard elbow to the gut for his troubles. In retaliation, he swung as hard as he could, but Jeb managed to evade his punch.

Furious, Jeb broke the father's arm and threw him at the initial aggressor. He let out a sinister roar, which served to alert the authorities.

Several security guards answered the call, and, without questioning the situation, sided with the people that were knocked down on the ground. One by one, they charged at Jeb only to be met by a devastating counter-offensive. A roundhouse kick to the face, a right hook on the chin, a low kick to the knee—this sequence seemed to repeat in random order until all of the assailants had their backs on the ground. At that point, they called in the reinforcements.

After a few minutes, a cavalcade of armed men marched towards the melee. Armed with batons and riot shields, they formed a line, then closed in on sole combatant. Jeb frothed at the mouth, and his eyes looked blank. He had some scratches and sustained some hits, but he remained standing. The group fell down like a stack of dominoes. Blood splattered everywhere, and bones cracked every second. Wails of agony echoed throughout the parking lot.

Pretty soon, random bystanders took to action, but they all fell down just the same. The onslaught went on for days, and the juggernaut that was once named Jeb eliminated challengers in droves. He became completely unrecognizable, consumed by the anger that he once bottled up. Plowing through the piles of dead bodies, he tried to scavenge for the arrogant man that started this whole affair. He found the coward curled up in a ball, waiting out the storm that he helped start.

The streets were painted red, and the walls were smeared with the blood of everyone that was unfortunate enough to stand in Jeb's way. Helicopters flew high above, trying to capture the carnage on camera. The whole city had been cordoned off, and was classified as a war zone. Prayer rallies all across the country called for the cessation of the violence.

Jeb emerged, dragging the man behind him. He turned to the cameras and proclaimed that this was the man that started this whole madness. The man was made to stand, then was forced to kneel. Jeb grabbed the man's lower jaw with his left hand, and the man's upper jaw with his right. The man cried and begged forgiveness, but Jeb wouldn't have it.

Suddenly, a slender hand rubbed against Jeb's back. He shot a sideglance to the person behind him, and was surprised to discover that it was Leigh. She flashed a comforting smile and reassured him that everything would be alright. In turn, he let go of the man and turned towards her. She grazed her hand above the gash near his left eye and—

"Hey, hey, hey," an old man greeted as he entered the room. He carried a brown bag filled with groceries, as he closed the door behind him. "What are you all up to?"

"Grampa!" the children greeted him in unison.

"Oh, nothing, dear," the grandmother replied as she sat in the cushion. "How was your trip to the grocery?"

"Gramma was just telling us about the Great Culling," one of the children answered.

"Hmm she is, is she?"

"So, what did we learn here today, children?" the grandmother asked.

"Never let your anger consume you?" one of the children inquired.

"That's not it," the grandfather interjected. He walked towards the kitchen and set the bag down. As they were all behind him, he shot a sideglance toward them. He had a noticeable scar near his left eye. "It's actually 'Learn to apologize when you made a mistake.'"

As much as I want to say that this was a work of fiction, sadly, a lot of parts here are true. I'll leave you to decide which is which. I apologize for any typos. This was written in anger. Happy Monday Red, people!

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I'm glad you spared the crowds in real life, especially if it turned out there really was no scratch or dent there on the door. ;)

At one point I wondered why the fighting when there were volcanos going off, tidal waves, and I thought everyone was doomed, but then I realized it was metaphoric rage, the kind of volcano that mostly damages the mountain that it has emerged from, and the kind of waves that the sea ends up regretting having hurled at the land.

I had some funny comments for this too but couldn't tell how mad you still were, so I withheld that bit!

Who said that the crowds were spared? Did the news outlets report differently? :/

I could feel the scratch, I could just... my baby was carelessly bumped, I couldn't take that idly by. My vision blurred, and I just really wanted to pummel his head in just to make him see that he caused bump.

Top notch observation with the metaphors, brother. DING DING DING!! We have a winner! Those were the exact reasons I put them in there, I'm glad it translated well. My anger has since subsided, so feel free to follow it up as replies.

As always, thank you for stopping by, brother! Your astute observation really never ceases to amaze :)

Well my "funny" reply was going to be something like 'The nerve of that jerk, getting so upset about a little bump, what's his problem?'

Ohh I don't think I would've taken offense with that. If anything, I would've laughed... or I would've put your name on my list, researched everything about you, documented your every movement and held a grudge that would last for decades. But we both know that I wouldn't do that. As for what that is between the scenarios, I'll leave you to decide.

I was telling someone recently, that I'd like to be on every list, to overwhelm the system with redundancy. I'd like to register to own a gun, but I have no intention of actually owning any guns. Put me on all of the lists of questionable citizens, and while the agents are reading my posts looking for clues, they might see my point here and there, and then they will be added onto lists, and on and on...

Haha! That's a brilliant idea! I don't expect anything less from you, brother! How about registering to own a gun while not owning a gun, then signing up to protest guns and be an active proponent of gun control, then posing with a picture of a gun, but after that post rants about people owning guns. That's just the start. People will be hella confused about who you are haha!

Yoooo, for unedited work this is pretty dope! Didn't even notice the typos until you mentioned it.

~Thomas Duder, Author of the Things

Hey dude, er, Duder. I'm sure you get that a lot.

Woah! I didn't realize when I commented on your post that the first comment you made was for my post. What an honor!! I've never been a first for anyone here, I think. That is dope.

This is certainly not my best work, so I'm shaking my head that it's the first thing you read here. I'm sorry if I misrepresented the fiction writers here, or I may have just lost the chance at gaining you as a mutual supporter haha!

You know, I mentioned there were typos, but I never even bothered to look to confirm it. Please feel free to point them out as a reply here. Who knows, there might be some SBD reward in it for ya ;) wink wink nudge nudge

HA HA, you were? I mean, I was?

I mean, was I good? :V You were pretty gentle for a first, I reckon...

Don't even trip - you'd be surprised at what I casually read at times, now that I don't have time to just devour books the way I used to. :V

XD I don't edit for otherrrrrrs but let's seeeeeeee....

Oh you were! Don't even doubt it. You really know your way around. Some might say that you're a natural! Gentle is how I roll. We can't have anything sore now, can we? ;)

I mean sometimes sore is gooooooooooooooood, but we're talking about literature. :V

And normally >I'm< the rough one, so I'd be a hypocrite if I even agreed with that last sentence. >>>XD

There's always a place for being rough--literature or otherwise! So, yeah, sore is always good haha!


I think I met that guy in a parking lot in Virginia almost 20 years ago. Maybe it was his dad.

Haha! I love how stories like this don't discriminate based on location and time. How did that encounter resolve? Was it as bloody as this one?

No blood, luckily. His wife actually stepped in and then we handled the situation.

It was a lucky break for him then!!

Hahaha! Too right!

Oh before I forget! I already made the culmination post for the Traffic Koans
here and I gave you a shoutout. Didn't want you to miss it :)

Rock on, on both accounts! And, thank you!

I have already finished Letters and I'm re-reading it as we speak. It's so innovative and so heart rending. Thank you for sharing that :D

That Jeb can really fight. I'm only brave in my head. I have all the answers and all the comebacks. In real life I walk away, but seethe. Perhaps I should write a follow up. So long as we're on the same side.

Real life angst aside, it was good story. Well told, and written.

Hours of watching fight instructional videos really did wonders for him! That, or he could just flail his arms effectively. Me? I normally just walk away and seethe as well, but if I were in Jeb's shoes, obviously I'm not because we're two different people, I would've given that person a stern talking to as well.

That thud wasn't just an accidental bump, he was just too reckless. And, thoughtless. What's not thoughtless, however, is your wonderful comment. Thank you, brother! Looking forward to the follow-up you have planned :D

I know the feeling. I have had people do the same to me. The care factor is non-existent for them. It's been replaced with a sort of joyousness at the thought of spreading angst and resentment via their actions. At least as writers we can include these people in our stories. And paint them in a not so nice light, to reflect reality.

To be honest, I think I painted him in a better light than he deserved. At least in the story he seems like a victim in the end. However, in reality, he was so unrepentant. It even reached a point where I should be sorry for shouting and overacting. He doesn't care about damages because it seems like he doesn't own a car. He doesn't know how much sacrifice and effort was put into funding such an object.

Haha nicely done, my first thought as I begin to see the escalation of violence was that this was merely a fantasy scenario running through Jeb's mind as he sat in the car.

You know, it could've easily been that, but alas, I had to tell the story as accurate as I could. I've written too much fiction, might as well lean on reality once in a while haha! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts, man! I appreciate it :D

Oh man, this was fantastic. The great culling! The might Jeb painting the streets red with his rage. I will wager there were cries of lament!!!

I recognise large parts of it as being true having been in similar situations. I suspect the bumper may have got a bit of a doink from our hero!

There were! Oh man, in my rage I completely spaced in including that crucial part of the story!! That feckin bumper... To this day, I don't think that man has even admitted he was at fault, even when everyone else is telling him that it was. Everyone kept telling him to just say sorry but he kept arguing that there was no scratch. Oh, how badly I wanted to dent his face.

And yes, I did yell at him to LAMENT a number of times (in Filipino) hahaha! Thanks for stopping by, dude! :D Highly, highly appreciated! Your words always spike in price with every comment you leave!

Hehe, I am sorry I was so late dropping by! I realised I hadn't checked for a day or two and thought to myself. Dammit, Jed and his irregular posting... What is her has sneaked one out? As they say and there it was!!

You painted the scene very well. I was hoping that the earth did rupture as you said such was your rage!!!

I'm glad we cleared everything up. I have to say, I was growing quite resentful of the people who haven't commented yet. Heck, I even pulled out my book and listed all of the names there--a hit list, if you will, for when I exact my revenge. I clenched my fist and cursed the heavens. Oh, woe is me!!

Hahaha! It's all good, Boomdawg. The timing of the post was quite unfortunate, as it was buried beneath resteems. I'm planning on trying to post regularly this month, I hope it helps in picking up readership. Just putting the finishing touches for my post in the next few hours. Fingers crossed it would help getting my name out a bit :D

Oh, the Earth did rupture! Didn't you hear about it in the news? Damn those media men covering up the events. That makes me feel like I want to bust up... bust up... in tears :'(

Ah the book of names! Yes, woe to them who fall within its dark crackling pages. For they know not what will befall them!!


But, I am a merciful fellow, as you may know. That's why I used erasable ink to write. Those who earn a permanent place in there, however, well, their names would be etched in the marble slab I have at the back.

Always a good move to use invisible ink. I tend to cut a flap in my skin and tattoo the names on the underside before seeing it back up again. Just to be sure.

A man after my own taste. I used to do that as well, but I've ran out of skin. I couldn't comprehend the new names anymore, so I opted for a different approach.

Hahaha! Oh this was a wonderful read! You had me gripped from the point where you wrote,

They considered themselves lucky, and decided right then and there that they were going to have a great day.

... I know this feeling well!

And I would just like to take this moment to apologise now, for anything, ANYTHING that I may ever do now or in the future, like, ever ....

...phew, right, I think I'm covered...

😂 😂 😂

You always know that everything would go downhill from that point! Haha! Your advanced apology is noted, consider any future infraction forgiven :) Thanks for taking the time to read and share your thoughts! I appreciate it :D

Hulk Smash!! Hahahaha!!! I'm glad I didn't read this right away because if you were still mad when I decided to reply you might not think me laughing was funny, but I really did crack up through all of this!! I especially love your signature today, You hulk smashed that too, LOLOL!!

Think of my new signature as a canvass. I would be adding flavors to it with every post haha! You know, I initially wanted to make Jeb change like the Hulk, but I just had to stick with what happened in reality. I definitely wrote this to make people laugh, so don't worry about the reaction. It will never ever be misconstrued :D

Thanks for always providing this shot of positivity in my posts! :D

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