What’s the #fff’n Difference? Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

Friday? For some reason I thought it was Thursday. I backtracked my whole week just now and it looks like I started a day late - What am I missing? I didn’t post anything on Monday and I’m trying to remember why but I keep drawing a blank screen with a robot and loose nuts & bolts on it. I did hear rumors about a cough going around, hopefully it’s just a bad rumor. Cough, hack, something like that.

Welcome to my favorite Friday of the week - You ready for some food fight? I am. Thanks for joining me! I don’t know how it happened but I recently caught an article about a young girl who was stripped away from her mother immediately after birth and forced to perform heinous acts. Her mother was never even given an opportunity to hold her! From what I’ve been catching myself up on, it’s not the first time, this is the third baby she’s had stripped from her in the same brutal fashion. The same group of people responsible for stealing her newborns were also impregnating her, artificially, and repeatedly. The torture continued every day for three years. According to court testimony; she and several other young mothers were forced into single person occupancy rooms without ventilation, lights or running water and no bathroom. They were forced to stand in their own urine and feces. There weren’t any beds in the rooms nor was there adequate room to lay a bed down if there was one. She was starved of food for up to two weeks at a time and forced to perform unthinkable acts around the clock. The nightmare ended after the birth of her third baby. The egregious group of people responsible for holding her captive all of those years unanimously decided that, after giving birth for a third time, she was useless so they slit her throat and threw her in a freezer! She’s dead now.

Did you figure it out already - Know where I’m going with this one? That mom is a cow, her babies are calves and that’s how programmed we are, as humans, to believe cow breast milk is a ‘protein thing.’ So what’s the difference? How much protein difference can there be? There’s several milks available for consumption at the market these days, what’s so special about an animals breast milk that causes humans to be the only species on the planet to consume breast milk after infancy? Let’s compare a couple of these milks to the all natural, best, absolutely nothing better than the purest of the pure, God generated, consumed only in infancy stages, breast milk right outta momma’s tit!


Let’s meet our contenders:

Human Breast Milk vs. Cow Breast Milk vs. Almond Milk vs. Rice Milk vs. Soy Milk.

Human Breast Milk: 2.5 grams Protein. Human breast milk is made up of several proteins and the combination of them all equals 0.8% protein per cup.

“Low-fat” Cow Breast Milk: 8.1 grams Protein. Cow breast milk doesn’t vary too much between non-fat and whole milk, they’re still between 7.9 and 8.3 grams of protein per cup. Skim milk and Chocolate milk are the same whereas Nonfat Instant Dry Milk contains 23.9 grams of protein per cup.

Almond Milk: 1 gram of Protein. Almond milk is lower than human breast milk per cup. In whole almond form - 6 grams of protein per cup. Milk form - 1 gram.

Rice Milk: 0% Protein. Rice milk has a high carb count per cup but that’s about it. The majority of the other ingredients read zero’s across the board. 0% protein per cup.

Soy Milk: 9 grams of Protein. The protein in Soy milk is plant base and slightly higher than cow breast milk at 9 grams of protein per cup.

Of course there’s many other differences between these milks - The word ‘protein’ always seems to be the popular discussion piece so I wanted to get some numbers. I don’t know about you, but when something is in number form, it’s easier for me to see. The main difference, obviously, is the origin of these milks and breasts. The high protein count in some of these milks, per cup, may begin to alarm us if we start to visibly see the difference in protein numbers. Keep an eye out for it! If we begin seeing elementary school girls shopping in the women’s section of the department stores, buying women’s garments and high school freshmen boys walking around at six foot, five inches tall, the experiment may already be sprouting out of control.

Happy Friday ya’all, same place next week, deal? Give @foodfightfriday a follow and I’ll see you then. Have a great weekend!


Hey welcome back @sivehead, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss your weekly food fight posts just a little, teensy weensy, hardly even noticeable little bit. Glad you didn’t get lost!

Click here for Thursday:

Click here Wednesday:

Click here for Tuesday:


I am a cheap a** mofo, I see a kilo of transgenic frozen chicken for 4 dollars i put it in the kart! Im dirty !
Well this is what Lil Dicky has to say about it :

Nah but seriously it took me a little while to realize you were talking about a cow, even after saying the word I still didn't get it :)

EDIT: I don't agree with LiL Dicky about being vegetarian, I think everyone should be allowed to do what they want, but I thought it was funny !

Good morning homie, eh I’ve never seen that Dicky track. He’s a unique MC for sure, good for the game and dang that dude can freestyle! If it came down to one on one and he was my opponent I’d like “Danget!!”

Before I forget.. I’ve been meaning to tell you I appreciate your random fly-by’s, I can only imagine the amount of pressure you’re under and the clock is probably your enemy trying to release another album, curate for #artzone and that’s it, right? Nothing after that! Well maybe Steemit.. and maybe a daily release.. Oh, wait, you have a family too? Kids even?!? As I was saying; I appreciate the fly-by’s, even when we go radio silent for a week or longer at a time, no worries dude, I know you’re thinking about me.

Ya the ‘anti cow breast milk’ post was a last minute decision. I really did think last Friday was Thursday, one day away from Steemit (Monday) and the whole week got confusing! “Guilty!” So I threw something together.

(Arts in true fashion, book writing, response)

I suck at being Vegan, Vegans actually despise me because I eat honey and ALL fish caught in the sea, I just have to know who caught the fish! So I don’t judge dude, it wasn’t too long ago I was eating the same frozen pieces of chicken. 👍🏿

Eh try to stop by later today alright, I’m releasing a letter I wrote to Lynn Coyle. (I typed it like that so she wouldn’t be alerted to the surprise)

Thanks a lot for stopping by @edprivat! We only miss you when you’re not around.

Good thing I didn't see this yesterday, hey @dandays. What a way to rain on the ol' Susan parade!

@edprivat, please check out the Dear Susan post! It's a heartwarming story about @dandays, his grandfather and the game of chess and life :)

I kind of understand why people drank cow's milk in the beginning (time of subsistence economy), but now the dairy industry is just crazy and something I cannot support at all.

Protein remains a hot topic, especially when people are talking about plant-based eating and fitness. Often people think that the more protein you eat, the better, mostly thanks to advertisement during the past years. This is a mindset we should to try kill, protein is important, but not the most important thing in the world... Anyhow, great post @dandays!

I’m happy to see and hear of more and more people talking about this subject. We have a lot of catching up to do!

Carbs are a good thing - Check!
Protein is in the hands of advertisers - Check!
Cows are smarter than dogs?! Wait, what?!
Wait, cows aren’t born with protein, it’s all recycled plants????

Ah man, what’s next? Wars over ATM locations?

Thanks for stopping by @jasmink, ima Keep An Eye our for you. 👍🏿

Poor Cow!

Sorry... couldn't resist 😁

Thanks for the welcome back @dandays. I'm still undecided if it's good to be home or not, but It's a fantastic feeling knowing my efforts are appreciated by at least one of the steemit community.

I guess I'd better go see what I can conjure up for this #fff

So long as all it takes is appreciation from just one person, you ‘should be’ ok!

Speaking of Mooooo!! I got some belts and shoes and stuff so it’s all good!

You rock @sivehead, thanks for stopping by.

Hello, very interesting topic. The first part of your post makes me want to never have milk again...
So food fight friday isn't just about sharing food photos, recipes...We can also talk about food!!!I like it:)

(And I rushed through that first part!! Just touched on a few subjects) Example: Naturally a cow can only develop enough Milk for one calf. Cows today are injected hormonaly throughout pregnancy and throughout feeding so good ol’ capitalism has evolved the cow into producing enough milk for 7 calves now, 7 times what is ‘normal’ thanks to around the clock injections.

Oh, oh, oh @drawmeaship, you bet your you know what #fff isn’t just food recipes - Nope! It’s ‘anything food related.’

I began utilizing this platform about 3 months ago when @jlsplatts put it together and ya, I’ve done some recipes but ask any of the food fightin’ folk around here, I’ve done a lot more investigative type research.

These are just examples. Here’s my previous two #fff posts, they’re beyond generating, don’t Upvote them or anything, this is just an example of how Eye throw food across the kitchen:
Does Anyone Know What I’m Posting For Foodfightfriday?

Sodium Benzoate - Wait, Benzo What?

#fff really is my favorite Friday of the week. Welcome to @foodfightfriday and congratulations, again, on your @curie trail, awe... some!! Thanks a lot for stopping by, I’ll see you real soon.

Yes the story of the poor mum cow is intense. I like your posts they are different and quite informative. It is sad the way the cows are treated unfortunately.Thank you for your support:)

I guess the Dairy Board's Marketing has convinced just about everyone that kids and adults alike need cow's milk to survive. Hey, it's on that food pyramid thingy, so it's gotta be true :)

Hey happy Friday second fav!! You still piggy backin mr. broken foot?

I don’t know if it was the missing Monday thing or what, actually.. I’ll just ya, I’m just blaming it on the whole Monday thing. Somehow I put up an extra post this week which is something I’ve never done, maybe even a little out of character in a body of one maybe, then it wasn’t until late last night I realized I was late to the food fight! Last night I thought today was Thursday.

So they slit her throat and threw her in the.... wait, wait, wait, wait, I already said that once today! See what I mean, Susan?

Thanks so much for stopping by @lynncoyle1, your support and encouragement is louder than you know.

No more piggy backin for me :) He's hobbling around on his own just fine now!

And no worries! My week turned into a bit of a crazy thing too ... that's why I'm responding to your lovely comment three days later!

your support and encouragement is louder than you know.

Very sweet and clever. (I tried to come up with a word for both of those ... "sweever" nope, "cleet" definitely not, so I had to really just spell it out :)

Good call spelling it out! 👍🏿 lol.

Thanks for attaching the clothespin link, I don’t know how I missed that?! I’ve been doing this thing lately, the past 2 weekends actually, where I only check steemworld and I use the weekend to recharge. I thought I scrolled back far enough to catch all the good stuff. Apparently not!

You’re right, seeet and clever just don’t work together!

No worries bud, between steemworld and ginabot, I still miss awesome posts! We all need a personal secretary who totally knows our likes and dislikes, and who reviews the posts and lays out in order of how much we'll like them, right there for us to just click. Maybe we outta create a secretary bot who could do that? Just call her @ sweever or something cool like that :0

Glad you saw my clothespin post.

I can't look at my clothesline the same anymore. She's sullied and just bad now. She's a bit of a mockery to all the other hard working clotheslines in the neighborhood too, and I know they're all talking about her, but I just have to pretend, with one squinty eye, that everything is normal. It's weird. And wrong.

Wow! where did that come from?!

Ha!! Hey imagine all of the mockery and finger pointing you could’ve avoided with one, simple, easy to find.... wait, I just got swamped in Steemit again.

“Secretary, will you please rush this note over to Lynn, please, stat. Don’t worry, she’ll know what to do with it.”


Let the food fight commence!!! Your milk is a formidable opponent grasshopper 🐛 (I know this is a caterpillar but it’s the best I could do under this type of pressure). See you in the ring :)

“Uncle! Uncle!”

That’s right… uncle on outta here baybaa

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