What vote weights do you use when up-voting content?

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

Who's in for some more pies? A graphical representation of the vote weight you have used to up-vote content in 2018.

Anything tailor made to each of us is going to go down well. That's what's so valuable about them. A lot of data gets pulled, but when it doesn't specially have anything to do with us, it's just abstract information waiting to be applied. So, when you pull a list that we can see numbers of what we're individually doing and how that stacks up with others is very much welcome as far as I'm concerned. @glenalbrethsen - 2018

This morning I finished off the last couple of pies for the posts put out last week, I wonder if anyone would like to see this one?

Vote weight is used for those who like to take care of their Voting Power. I say this because some community members are not so worried about this percentage, and continue to vote when the VP % looks something like this:

Please don't request a pie if this is you!

Keeping your VP at a reasonable % (80%+) means you can recharge at a faster rate, and continually give out higher voting values.

If you are a small account < 500 SP, I am inclined to think that at present, you are voting fewer times each day with a larger vote weight, than a larger account which holds say 20000 SP. Doing this should improve your curation rewards take, and reduce the possibility of you giving dust votes out to comments ( < 0.03$).

With regards to curation rewards, it has been seen on many occasion in the Curation League, that an account with less than 500 SP has scored well voting 70 times a week. 10 votes a day at 100% vote weight, keeping the Voting Power up well into the 90%s.

This hypothesis could well be a load of rubbish, the pies will tell all!

What would be useful is that if the person requesting a pie, provided their current active Steem Power (including delegations in/out), so that it provides a bit more information for me, and the people passing by.

The pie will be sliced as follows:

WHEN weight > -1 and weight < 500 THEN '< 5%'
WHEN weight > 499 and weight < 1001 THEN '5 - 10%'
WHEN weight > 1000 and weight < 2001 THEN '10 - 20%'
WHEN weight > 2000 and weight < 3001 THEN '20 - 30%'
WHEN weight > 3000 and weight < 4001 THEN '30 - 40%'
WHEN weight > 4000 and weight < 5001 THEN '40 - 50%'
WHEN weight > 5000 and weight < 6001 THEN '50 - 60%'
WHEN weight > 6000 and weight < 7001 THEN '60 - 70%'
WHEN weight > 7000 and weight < 8001 THEN '70 - 80%'
WHEN weight > 8000 and weight < 9001 THEN '80 - 90%'
WHEN weight > 9000 and weight < 9501 THEN '90 - 95%'
WHEN weight > 9500 THEN '95 - 100%'

And your pie chart will look something like this:

  • The data is taken from 1st January 2018 to present
  • Only up-votes are included

I currently hold around 17000 active Steem Power, and have held at least 6000 active SP in my account since the beginning of 2018. This allows me to, in theory, distribute more votes at a lower weight whilst still providing a tick-up on the post/comment value.

I have tried, even during the recent downturn, to reward all comments voted on with at least a 0.03$ vote - which has meant voting at 3/4% vote weight, depending on how much my voting power was suffering. This is shown in the pie above clearly, but what is also shown (but less obvious to the eye) is that I will vote at 40-50% more commonly than most of the middle ranges, the same being true for and 95-100% - I have my favorites, and random posts that deserve a 'good' nudge.

I think the pie shows a wide spread of votes, with a few larger votes reserved for certain content.

Due to the additional data divisions (compared to the 4 last week), these pies will take slightly longer to bake, but I will try to get them all done before they are burned.

Please provide your current active Steem Power in your request.

Any takers?




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Wow. Now I'm being quoted in the pie posts! Woohoo! Stepping into the big time I is. Don't quote me on that one, though. :)

Okay, so my total active SP is 2410 with 200 of that coming from a week's worth of delegation set to end shortly. My guess is, a lot of my votes are going to show up in the 20-25% weight because of the $0.03 dust threshold. After that, it's probably a grab bag.

If you wouldn't mind throwing me some pie, it would be most appreciated. :)

That's right Glen, made an edit to put the quote in - a nice booster for me to hear that these personalized data pulls are of some value.

My guess is, a lot of my votes are going to show up in the 20-25% weight because of the $0.03 dust threshold

Makes total sense, let's see...

A spot on pre-analysis, keeping the comment votes above dust and splashing the cash on the stuff you appreciate. Sounds like a plan :)

I guess we'll call it a plan. I think I need to do something different. I've only appeared once on the curation list since the first time I was given a week's delegation from krnel. This week I've had another so that will keep me off regardless of what I've done for another two weeks. At any rate, need to get better at that, and I'm not sure that upvoting comments over the dust level is getting me there. :)

I prepared a different kind of vote % visualization for my steemiversary post but didn't use it at the end:

This should already suggest how the pie chart will look. Hit me with your graph! :)

Pressure is on now to represent your chart with a pie!

Looks good to me. The ranges (required for a pie) give clues, your chart shows the exact weight and gives a reasonable representation of the number/% at each weight.

Should have left it to the master ;)

Thanks, seems to fit pretty well! The pie chart shows the distribution of vote % better than the scatter plot. The scatter plot gives a bit of time information.
Seems like I should find a use case for 70-80% votes :)

I don't have a single 80-90% vote cast this year - might as well for for the full monty!

@abh12345 @crokkon

Hmm, that didn't happen for the first time - should I be worried?
I take it as a compliment, thanks! ;)

My pie looks like a 5 year olds work compared to the plot graph. Thanks though!

I would love to see the 3rd Pie! :-)

My SP is 153.19 + 10.07 del.
My VP is 65% sometimes 100%
Lately I'm a 0.01 at both percentages above.
I try to keep my vote wheel no lower than 90%
sometimes it will dip into the 80%'s.
Voting CSI, 7.2 ( 0.00 % self, 110 upvotes, 47 accounts, last 7d )

Thank you @abh12345 🍰

Still a young Red fish, and likely best to be going full vote when possible

Which is the case most of the time, cheers!

Thank you very much @abh12345! ❤

I was pretty much only voting with 100% up until recently, so I'm curious to see what mine would look like. Especially because I started participating in Holger's curation league and vote on Utopian contributions mostly (which is done automatically).

Doing this should improve your curation rewards take, and reduce the possibility of you giving dust votes out to comments ( < 0.03$).

I upvote nearly all Utopian moderation comments with like $0.01, does this mean I am wasting it (seriously, I have no idea how all this stuff works lol).

Needed a wallet check to advise :)

Power some up! haha, just kidding.

Ok so you have 1900 SP, a 1% vote will add around a cent on. It's enough to break the curation dust threshold, but i would go for a 3 cent vote if possible - i think that vote falls into dust for the author.

Would be interesting for you to monitor curation rewards based on your old style verses new. You can see in the chart what you described above :)

Personally I like to see someone, who perhaps doesn't have loads of time to curate, sticking bigger votes down.

I also think that upvoting mod/cm comments is a good plan (especially if they are tipped ;) )

Pie-time!! :0)

Here's my SP math: 5,392.95 + 791.88 - 2,669.33 (of which app. 1000 is on its way home)

hahaha :D This one needs to be at the top, hopefully the pie is as good as the gif!

I see you like your pies sliced many times. At around 3800 active, plenty of options with vote weight but nice to have a majority going out in small batches, and some big ones being utilized too!

Thanks , Asher. One more for the collection :0)
It looks like there's a pretty good balance...

I'm manually voting posts with 100% and comments with 20-60%. With automated votes at Steemdunk.xyz I'm using 30-60%.

Please make this chart for me too. I have 2199 active SP.

Sounds like a fair set-up with 2200 SP..

Looks like you are/were also using a lot of smaller votes too!

Hi @abh12345! We are @steem-ua, a new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation! Your post is eligible for our upvote! Thanks for your contribution, keep up the good work, and feel free to join our Discord server!

Thanks guys!

I thought you'd had enough of pies for now Asher. The post is 7 hours old and mine is the 84th comment. You might miss Krakow with your baking obligations at this rate lol. Nonetheless I'm joining in the free-for-all, so please Mista, can I have some more?
Thank you sir!
Stats: 452 + 170 SP ;-)

7 days have passed since the last pie festival. Just about enough time for a recharge :)

Minnow status on the books...

Good to see max votes going out at this SP :)

Thanks Asher :)

I'm going to get myself another 50 quid's worth of Steem once my coinbase allowance recharges fully, so I'll be 500+ very soon. Just a number, but it does coincide with a phase of feeling at ease with everything blockchain related - 8 months, guess that was how long it took me to begin to be free-flowing and comfy.

PS. love the support you're getting for Krakow, but in general too! As you see, it's not drama, simply how folk feel, and this feeling is strong enough to give expression to when the excuse to do so is provided. No drama anywhere, just radiating good vibes zooming in on the Number One Numbers Man lol.

You are not far from 500 SP at all - that last 100 has moved quickly or did I get my sums wrong? :D

I've had some really great messages on Smooth's post, and marly has just put one out today. I need to do a video for that contest :(

Thank you for your support too!

Well, It's been moving quite quickly since June, when I figured out how to convert £ to Steem. I also had around 100 Steem sitting which I had bought for a friend, but I wanted to make sure he had his p/w before transferring lol.

I saw Marly's vid, which is where the 'Numbers Man' came from :) ..... she also make a rather astute observation on the photo of yours, where you have all but cut yourself out of the frame! It's all part of that other 'sub' conversation re being self-effacing.

You are warmly welcome Asher, and I thank you for yours!

Yes she did make that observation 😊

There's no hiding from the video for openmic and a Steemfest ticket though, warts and all for this one, including mosquitoes, and tile splitting in the background.

Cheers @barge, 500 club coming soon - I see @curie have stopped by 😎

Hey Asher, just watched your vid. I noticed you swipe the mosquitoes although I didn't spot the tile-splitting (I had mis-read 'spitting' and was expecting a human being lol). As for the 'warts', didn''t see them - instead saw a 'very nice guy' who expressed himself courageously through his diffidence in self-presentation :) - the content excellent and relevant and pretty much to the point (no rambling). Suggestion for 'next such video' - rehearse it in front of the mirror first. This way you can spot were you are getting in your own way ie reducing the impact of what you are saying through lack of confidence in self, kinda thing - are these the warts you speak of I wonder!

Another thought I wanted to convey to you was the possible self-doubting impression you may have occasionally had that people are only interested in (or state their appreciation for) what you can do for them ie that you are useful, full stop. I'm fairly confident that you may have had such thoughts Asher, although do forgive me for speculating like this about your subjective state :) ..... anyways, I hope that the recent flood of support for you clearly shows that this is not the case!

And, that's me in the 500 club now, just got another 64 SP for £50. I did a little ho-hoo in celebration, and now that's that lol. Thanks so much for your support and delegation - although it didn't take me long to assist the process of getting to 500 by converting fiat, the delegation has given me a real boost and motivation - and confidence too :).....I've now got a slider (although I use Steempeak anyway :) and think I'm now part of that 1% that Taraz pointed out in a post some time back.

And the few Curie votes I have received over time is another real boost, a vindication of my whacky self-expression :D

Hey Asher I've delegates 25 to UA and I see that is been deducted from the amt you delegated to me. .It doesn't feel right to profit like this and it isn't really in the pif spirit in which you delegated to me. Since I also now have a slider lol - which the del was intended to help me to, I happily can acknowledge completion. I think you had mentioned end sep as expiry date anyway.

This has been a boost Asher in more intangible ways than numbers, thank you very much my friend :-D

How many times on average do you post each week?

UA is the first distribution of stake in 2.5 years here bar selfless acts of the fulltimegeek and few others.

Give me a number of posts you can put
our each week, I'll tell you what to delegate, and make sure you are over 500 SP following that.

250 = 7 posts
100 = 4


S'il vous plait? 😎


The account has been at 500+ SPs since the New Year or a little later in the winter. Bought in when at about 46SPs if memory serves.

Delegations : -71.323 STEEM

Plenty of stats, that's what I like to see :)

It seems like you prefer to go half in with the vote - for comments they could well be dust but it works if you think you can get round 20 posts per day. Cheers!

My chance to influence reputarion always seems the best reward my account can give with its present stake. Thanks for the chart!

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