Tyger’s Electric Dreams Short Story Contest #13 & Winners of #12!!!- Win SBD!!!

in #electricdreams6 years ago (edited)


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As always I would like to thank everyone who entered I enjoyed your submissions and am always happy to get them. It came to my attention however that there was some tension between two contestants which resulted in one of them not entering their piece. I am not going to give any names here but I will say this, it is unacceptable behaviour! Discouraging a friend from entering the same contest is bad behaviour and shows a lack of character and strength. Only the weak fear competition and only the envious work against someone who is generally timid to begin with to discourage them! I also do not know which one of you did this so I have to use this public forum to address you which is uncomfortable and annoys me even more. The person who bowed out was an electricdreams veteran and I am really sad she felt like she had to bow out. You used her feelings for you against her that is not ok and should this happen again I will shut this contest down - IS THIS UNDERSTOOD? I have no taste for human stupidity and drama. There is room for everyone here and everyone is welcome! Now then let’s get to it.

Third place

third place goes to @seesladen for The Mission...
and you weren’t past deadline as it was Oct 1st and not the usual one week 😊
you will receive 0.48 Steem = 1/3 of the authors rewards and 1 Steem congratulations and thank you 💜

Runner up

The runner up is @iamthegray with The Saleswoman
you really are not a friend of happy endings are you 😉
you will receive 0.48 Steem = 1/3 of the authors rewards and 2 Steem congratulations and thank you 💜


The winning story is is by @theironfelix
Just a normal sales pitch and others

Your writing has this unique chaotic edge that I really appreciate 😊 You will receive 0.48 Steem= 1/3 of the authors rewards and 3 Steem congratulations and thank you 💜

Thank you also to

@gaby-crb who entered with The Earth Job
Thank you for your entry 😊 As I did well with my posts this week you will be receiving 0.5 steem as small appreciation 😊

💜 💜💜Thank you one more time all participants hope to see you at round #13 ! 💜💜💜

💜 💜💜Round #13 prompts ! 💜💜💜

In this is thirteenth run of the electric dreams contest. There are as usual 3 prompts #1 your protagonist/s wakes up on a seemingly empty spaceship in the middle of space. The last thing he/she/they remember is the moment of their death on earth 2018. What year is it, how did he/she/they get there. Where is/are he/she/they going and why? #2 a whale #3 the story must include the sentence - “ it comes in pink and vomit green ”. Take it from here and let's see where it goes 😊

The First Place Winner will receive 3 SBD and 1/3 of the SBD this post generates.
Second Place will receive 2 SBD and 1/3 of the SBD generated from this post.
Third Place will receive 1 SBD and the remaining 1/3 of the SBD generated.

Contest Specifications:

Your mission, if you choose to take it, is to write a short story of 1000+ words (no longer than 5000 words). Write it including the following 3 prompts: #1 your protagonist/s wakes up on a seemingly empty spaceship in the middle of space. The last thing he/she/they remember is the moment of their death on earth 2018. What year is it, how did he/she/they get there. Where is/are he/she/they going and why? #2 a whale #3 the story must include the sentence - “ it comes in pink and vomit green ”. Take it from here and let's see where it goes 😊

other specs:

1-upvote this post as it will help making the rewards pool larger. (You do not have to resteem but it would be appreciated as it lets people know about the contest).
2- all included pictures need to be your own or include a correct image source
3- the story needs to be your own work specifically written for this contest. Plagiarism or recycling will be cause for instant disqualification.
4- you must post it under the tag #electricdreams
5- leave a link to your entry in the comment section of this post
6- only one entry is allowed per participant
The deadline falls on November 1st 00:00 (midnight) Eastern Standard time

💜 💜💜Good luck to all participants! 💜💜💜

Past Electric dreams contests :

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was given a rating of: 0.9947035326029753
This post was voted: 82.8%

The prompts didn't grab me like they sometimes do, and I wrote a page of something else, a girl waking up somewhere with no idea how she got there, was did intend to steer that to meet these prompts, but, then thinking about it, I really wanted to write one especially for you. Not something I wanted to tell already, that I could write for you and work the prompts into, but something entirely birthed from the prompts alone, as i have written a few stories I really love by doing that with your prompts.

Anyway, without further ado, my very unimaginatively named entry:

The Empty Ship

Yay! Thanks for the honour! Anyways congrats to the winners and entryists.

Thank you, always nice to be appreciated :) I'm really enjoying your prompts, having the 3 elements to tie together makes it incredibly challenging. #12 was really fun to write. Well done to the winners!!

:) hope you are in for the next one :)

I am thinking about it! :) I'm not sure my imagination extends to the realms of outer space yet. I will think on it all and see if my mind can pull something together.

you can do it :D


I like happy endings...

You know what, I promise to write something cheerful and warm this time

Thanks for the Steem

Greatly appreciated


@tygertyger Thanks for the fun and the challenge. I hope this is up to this contests standards. Please, I welcome critique, even if my ego gets jabbed a couple times and roughed up. LOL


this post is in the upcoming Nom Nom newsletter,

Congratulations to all the winners! 😍

I hope to participate in this iteration of the contest, given that a pretty pesky cold made me unable to finish my #12 participation in time 😥 But, as the creative decisions behind the story included the past prompt as well... I think I'm going to present a strange, Frankenstein-like creature made from both prompts in #13 🤣

Hope you're alive and well, my dear @tygertyger. Keep up the good work!

Well halloween is here soon so Frankenstein's monster is appropriate ;)

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