Abandoned to Space - Electric Dreams #13

in #electricdreams6 years ago

Abandoned to Space


“It comes in pink and vomit green”

The female sounding voice spoke to me from the invisible speakers.

For the second time in the few minutes I had been awake, I was stunned speechless. The first time being my location, it could only be described as a metal box.

I looked down at the orange jumpsuit I was wearing. From my cloggy memories I knew that it meant I was a prisoner. My crime was yet to be remembered.

The very last memory I have is the flash of a knife and a pool of blood. The feeling of being on edge filled me after the memory surfaced. The feeling had yet to disperse.

“Vomit green? That sounds wonderful.”

I said to myself sarcastically. However the voice didn't recognise intonation and my suit aptly changed colour. I think I had preferred the orange. The voice had said another colour.

“How about the pink?”

My suit changed again. The pink was not much better but it made me feel less like a criminal.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

The voice spoke again. The flatness of tone sent a shiver down my spine.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Whale which is short for Wise, Helpful and Lenient Electronics system. You are Tilly Frank, Prisoner number 1483. You are on board the Strathmoore Spaceship. It is 1500 hours on the sixth day of February 3018. Do you have any other questions?”

“No… Thank you… Whale?”

I sat down on the floor. My first thought was that the whole thing was a prank. How could I not make that assumption? I tried very hard to rationalise it all. I sat and waited for someone to come and tell me it was a joke. But eventually my curiosity got the better of me.

I walked down narrow corridors that were lined with steel sheets. My boots clanked against the floor. There were no windows. The lights were bars embedded within the walls, casting a very dull illumination. Doorways opened whenever I walked too near, this made me jump the first time I encountered it. I got lost very quickly.

I eventually came to a doorway that didn't open as I neared it and there was no obvious way to open it.

“Access denied.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Whale which is short for Wise, Helpful and Lenient Electronics system. You are Tilly Frank, Prisoner number 1483. You are on board the Strathmoore Spaceship. It is 1548 hours on the 6th day of February 3018. Do you have any other questions?”

“No that's not…”

I huffed out a deep breath as I reasoned that I had probably been walking in circles for the last 48 minutes.

“Why am I here?”

“You were killed in a freak accident in a prisoner of war camp. Your body was submitted for scientific research. You are part of Dr Strathmoore’s research.”

I rubbed my eyes and exhaled. The incident that was my death came into clearer focus in my memories. I had been arguing with a guard, I had been on thin ice but I’d carried on shouting in his face, he stabbed me to shut me up. A full life in that prison camp would have been a fate worse than the death I had.

“So I died. How am I alive now? Did you say it was the year 3018?”

“You are alive due to the scientific breakthrough made by Dr Strathmoore in the year 2018. Yes today's date is the 6th day of February 3018.”

“Why me?”

The voice of Whale didn’t respond.

I carried on my tour of the place and found what looked like a kitchen. The food consisted of freeze dried packets of tasteless granules. My stomach and taste buds were not impressed.

“Is there anyone else here?”


Whale didn't elaborate and the one word answer was more than a little disconcerting.

“Where are they?”

“The other prisoners are in their cells.”

I racked my brains looking for a clue as to how many people could be on board the spaceship with me, when I remembered the number Whale had given me. Prisoner 1483.

“How many prisoners are on board?”


That number didn’t add up in my mind. Why would I have such a large prisoner number if there were only a handful of people on board? And why was the ship so large to hold only 7 people. Why were we even here in the first place? Maybe they would have better answers than Whale.

“Are they awake?”


I threw the packet onto the table, careful not to waste any food, and paced around the room.

“Then why am I awake?”

“You were the first of Dr Strathmoore’s experiments to be successful.”

I felt discouraged to continue asking Whale questions when she kept providing me with unhelpful answers. I considered my options, which were few and far between. I didn't know how or why I was alive, the only offering Whale had given was this Dr Strathmoore.

I finished eating the packet of what could only be described as dirt, feeling rather dissatisfied and decided to continue exploring.

All the corridors blended into one. There were no distinctive landmarks to give me any form of direction or orientation. Even the doors to locked rooms were equally spaced apart. I started to consider my next questions to Whale when I came across a window, a window that highlighted the very real truth that I was on board a spaceship. I could see a few stars in the distance and closer were some small planets.

My knowledge of the planets within my own solar system was limited but I knew that the colours of these planets didn’t match any from the Milky Way. Where in space am I?

A part of me wished I had studied to be a space scientist, but hindsight had that effect on everything. The work I was doing before I died, before I was in the prison, it had been too important.

I had been working for an NGO, helping people escape a war. It was my life's work. Now I don't even know if our commitments to the cause had been successful.

All I remember is dying for my arrogance.

I entered a room that felt significantly warmer than the rest of the ship. I hadn’t noticed the temperature until now. The room looked similar to the one I woke up in. A simple bed, a table and chair. The only difference was this room had two doors not one. I opened the second door and came face to face with a large bearded man. We screamed at each other.

I backed out of the room looking around for a weapon.

“Hello Harold Parker, prisoner number 559. Please do not attack Tilly Frank, prisoner number 1483.”

The man looked around erratically for the voice.

I held up my hands in the hopes of calming him.

“Hi Harold, I’m Tilly, the voice is Whale. She’s a computer, I think. Do you remember how you got here?”

He shook his head.

I indicated for him to take a seat which he did, his temper evaporating.

“I woke up here a few hours ago. You’re not going to believe me but we’re on a spaceship. I don’t know where we’re heading or why we’re here. Whale doesn’t seem to know either. I know there are at least 5 other people on board. And there is a kitchen with food, if you are hungry. That’s all I know so far.”

He listened to me speak and didn’t interrupt me.

“I died.”

His words made me relive my own death. For a moment I was back in the camp shouting at the top of my voice. I could still hear people screaming as they were being knocked about, the dogs barking and the dreaded whistle.

I snapped back into the present.

“We’re experiments. I don’t how we’re alive. I don’t know anything anymore.”


This is my entry to the @tygertyger’s Electric Dreams Contest.

Find out about the contest here.

Image from Pixabay


Mizu no Oto Gaby banner.png


The zeitgeist in action, Tilly Frank, and @seesladen had a Frank as well! And the ending works so well, meeting another person, the similar experience provides insight into the mysterious program without telling more than Tilly could know!

Hi gaby-crb,

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Please @gaby-crb , tell me you will continue the story. I love science fiction and liked it a lot. Good luck!

Hi @gaby-crbthat, chilling the futuristic history, only of imagining to be imprisoned in the future without remembering the past, gives me of everything and for more auction to realize that you were dead but that you were revived. lol

I also liked the use of the robot style 2001 odyssey in space.

We may be some experiments, due to the great media manipulation to which we have been subjected since the installation of satellites for sending information.

great story in a few words, thank you for sharing.

greetings, peace and love

Very good fiction! I wonder now how it feels to wake up knowing that you're death. I think I would go insane, but can death people go insane? :D At least she understands now that she's been part of an experiement.

I'm happy for her to find another prisoner. At least she is not alone with that annoying Whale who can't give any clear and useful answers. Will you continue the story? I would love to know more about that experiment, that's why I'm asking :) If you would continue, it could get even more interesting :)

Thank you for sharing! Have a nice day!

mmm... but if you woke up knowing you had died, then you'd also know that death was not the... death of you. There is a certain... comfort in that :-)

Hahaha, that is a good point :D

This story is money!!! So stoked I came across it. You got my mind swirling with ideas. It's so well written. I fully understood and could picture everything you described.

First I started thinking about what a crazy way inmates in the future would be imprisoned. Imagine if you were floating through space as a prisoner with no where to go? Then as I read my mind wandered a bit more. What if the prisoners took over the space ship and went off on their own exploring planets or wreaking havoc around the solar system. As I continued on and got more context about what happened to Tilly my thoughts got a bit darker. What if you had died in prison but due to the advancement in technology you were forced to live on and had to continue your sentence?

Anyway, loved your shorty story. It really sparked some sense of creativity in me guessing about what was going on. Is there any more to the story? Do you plan on continuing? I would love to read on if there's more.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Oh I wish this was longer :)

You always do :)
I wrote a lot of it and then lost heart in it. It was only as the deadline came closer that I went back to it and finished it off.

Both you and @calluna never really seem to know how good you are :)

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