The Mindless Pillage & Plunder of The Gifts of Earth

in #ecotrain6 years ago


Not all days are perfect here on on homestead. There are days that make me wish we were living much deeper in the woods, further from people.

Some of the things that humans do make me want to scream! In fact I did scream and then I cried. I am really mad and I always cry when I get angry.

Yesterday started as a very lovely day. I spent hours picking raspberries, harvested some veggies, picked bugs off plants and spent a lot of time deep in thought as I worked in the gardens. The dogs rolled around in the grass and everyone was happy.

This perfect afternoon was shattered by obnoxious machinery noises. It sounded like a lot of earth rumbling machines and sawing. The forest echoes around the property amplifying all of this. Our homestead is normally a place where you can hear the bees buzzing, the squirrels chattering and the birds chirping. The road is extremely quiet and It is rare that you hear any vehicles or machinery.

I walked into the woods concerned and came upon orange tape marking trees along one of our property lines. Someone has been in the woods, not 45 paces from our driveway marking trees without a word to us. My heart sank because I have seen what people do to forests around here.


The dreadful take what you want with no concern for the earth, the wildlife, the plants, the environment, the FUTURE is right in my back yard and I resent it. I feel disgust and rage. Just as I was suffering through these feelings someone shared a quote from an article that resonated with me deeply. I wanted to share this message, it is so deeply important that humans learn to see this this.

Robin Wall Kimmerer expresses exactly how I feel in: 'Returning the Gift'. I highly suggest you read the complete piece.

We are showered every day with the gifts of the Earth, gifts we have neither earned nor paid for: air to breathe, nurturing rain, black soil, berries and honeybees, the tree that became this page, a bag of rice, and the exuberance of a field of goldenrod and asters at full bloom.

My economics colleagues speak of these everyday miracles as “natural resources,” as if they were our property, just waiting to be transformed. In the ecological sciences we call them “ecosystem services,” as if they were the inevitable outcomes of the ongoing function of the ecological machine. But, to me, simply as a human person filling my basket with berries and my belly with pie, they feel like gifts, bestowed by the other beings whose lives throb around us. source

Stewards of the land

We have purchased a 90 acre property and most of it is deeply forested. Although we hold a piece of paper, we are only just borrowing this land until we die. It will be here long after we have gone. We are doing all we can to nurture and care for this land. We selectively cut trees to help the forest, remove dead wood and practice responsible foraging. WE do our best and the forest remains for the most part untouched.


I spoke to my neighbour and told him about what I had discovered. He suspected that he knows who is behind the noise and went to investigate for me. He found plenty of logging equipment on site. The people involved in this own 100 acres and clear cut all 100 acres of it back in the late 70's.

I took a deep breath and silently cursed these people. Sometimes I really dislike humans.

History shows that a lot of people do not care about this planet. They will plunder and pillage for quick profits given the chance. The noise is consistent, and that is a sign that many trees have gone down already today. There is a chance we will have to listen to this massacre all summer long.

When we bought this home I was enchanted by the rolling hills and deep green lush forest that I saw everywhere. It seemed quite magical to me. I only learned this year that in the 50's there was no forest in this view. It had all been cut down and cleared for profit. We keep planting trees trying to fill in the open space as did the people that lived here before us.

IMG_6666.jpg You can see all of the young evergreens planted to re-forest this land. They run all along the road front. A good portion of our property is deep untouched forest.

For many years cattle grazed this land and then it was left to grow back. What has grown back is not the same diverse forest that once grew here. In fact, the original woods that covered this area is quite scarce and much if it is now considered protected land.

Only 1% of the historical Appalachian Hardwood forest are still standing. Gone are the basswood and butternut trees, gone are the now rare plant species such as the round-leaved hepatica, yellow lady’s slipper, showy orchis, Canada violet and maidenhair fernand and many other species that once thrived here.

There are irreversible consequences to everything that we do. These actions are eradicating entire species, changing animal migration patterns, destroying entire ecosystems, causing animals to starve and die, killing bees and changing the climate.

What will it take for people to change? When will people start to see the gifts that grow before us? I will try to hold hope in my heart (well maybe tomorrow - tonight I am just plain angry). Instead of leaving on a grumpy note I'll leave you with this:

The love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyong reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth, the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only paradise we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need, if only we had the eyes to see. ~ Edward Abbey

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: @walkerland



Such a blasphemy! I would be in tears also>.. fuming mad!

I understand the need for urban growth and expansion but this? THIS is a travesty. I can drive down ANY road within fifty miles of my homestead and see new construction of homes while other homes sit vacant... nothing wrong with these house... nothing at all.

That is true here as well. Entire strips of malls sit decaying while they clear more land for new malls or centres and the same goes for housing. It is insanity.

I feel your pain. This is the third post about trees in 2 days I've read, and it strikes me there's so many of us that totally revere them and would do anything to protect them, but it only takes a small amount of people to destroy them. I'm so sorry that's right on your doorstep. I wrote a post 2 days ago about what the white man did to the spiritual trees here, which was devastating enough. There's more of a conservation movement now thankgod, and one state just passed a law that farmers couldn't de-tree their land - Australia has one of hte highest rates of deforestation in the world, so this was a blessing and a sign of things changing. I worry it'll be too late. Resteeming.

ahh i definitely thought of your post and mine as well when reading this. something's in the air--- the trees are speaking <3

Thank you so much @riverflows. You are right, it takes so few people to destroy what so many others would stand and protect.

I just read your post and it really struck me. It seems unbelievable that those trees have not been protected & respected since ...always ... especially when the trees are so obviously sacred. How can people not feel it and see it? What is wrong with them?

I am glad to hear about some efforts toward conservation, that is a blessing. Always too little too late but better than nothing it seems.

I am not usually so negative (and don't mean to be) but I am really furious about a lot of human behaviour this week.

It's a wierd week. And you are right to be angry.

I dont know why they did it. It's easy to say it was a different time, but still.

This resonates exactly with the spirit work I've been doing. I'm so sorry about your tree friends. I have been similarly upset by the trees killed here, in the heart of the city, as if we didn't already have a shortage of green and life. I really don't understand how some humans don't care and see them just as "commodities" or obstacles to their plans. :(

It really is incredibly sad @phoenixwren and I appreciate your empathy. I am not feeling very enlightened right now, a lot of ugly thoughts running through my head. We had a big thunder storm, it was insane and the whole house shook when the lightening struck. I had this hope that all the equipment at the logging site went up in smoke. (I can dream right).

@walkerland, i so feel you on this.

Although we hold a piece of paper, we are only just borrowing this land until we die.

my exact sentiment. i am so sorry you're having this energetic disruption within the scope of the place that YOU love and care for... unless the capital demand for our "natural resources" - these wise elders the trees - settles, it is probably in the name of imperative, likely without recognition of the TRUE worth of these forests and all of their inhabitants, that these people are "harvesting" their land in this way.

while i was in college (and after, as i lived in the same town) i was involved in an activist group seeking to protect an "old growth" stretch of forest that a local state-owned area had professed they were going to "keep old growth", yet had decided to log it without any notice to the public. they eventually logged it and it broke my heart. that human promises were broken, but furthermore, we had lost something... i don't know when our human family will start to "get it" on a mass scale. it's one of the reasons i like "owning land" -- to protect it, to speak with it, to listen .... to encourage these native species which are endangered....

you are a bright soul in that area. it's devastating, but i'm so happy you're there to be connected to the soul of this forest! you are a human who gets the Place!!! and can value it! i feel your pain.

as @riverflows said, we both actually wrote on similar topics yesterday! it's definitely in our consciousnesses. again, i'm so sorry... that is devastating. sending much love. resteemed <3

and also thanks for that article link. i love that writer and look forward to reading that piece. xo

I just caught up on your posts and I feel such gratitude that you and @riverflows decided to share these stories at just the time I personally needed to read them. Both posts are incredibly meaningful & beautiful.

It is deeply painful to know something terrible and unnecessary is about to happen and I can do nothing to change it. I am so angry right now and I just don't know what to do with these feelings. Standing there looking at that red tape and my heart just races and boils as I wonder if the forest is aware ...and so many other things run through my mind. It makes me crazy. I really hate this. I just don't understand how so many people can be so clueless and disconnected.

I am so sorry that you have experienced a loss like this. :(

My heart breaks for our earth, and I am so sorry this is happening near you. As long as money is to be made from pillaging our lands, it will continue by those short sighted greedy people, I'm afraid. Hugs for you.

it makes me fearful as well but just reading the comments here today has renewed some of my hope. Perhaps some day everyone will wake up. Until then we'll just keep protecting all that we can.

You made me think of this quote.
I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Edward Everett Hale

When I was searching for land I came across a property, I answered the ad because of the awesome price. I drove through hills up a winding dirt road to find it. It was stripped bare. I looked at it with my heart and not my eyes.
Years later it continues to heal and I to plan to protect it till I die and perhaps from beyond.
It's been struggle but it's amazing to watch it come to life again

oh wow! This is such a passion filled, optimistic story. Thank you so much for sharing. I can only imagine the joy you feel in watching it come alive again.

Every time I visit it's so amazing.
My dream is to live there. A permaculture paradise.

I can so relate! There was a 13 acre woods to our north 4 years ago. Not any more. And the remaining trees are dying. It had been our dream (pre-chronic illness) to buy the adjoining pieces to our property. But life intervened and now the woods are gone.

We've been living with the noise you described for most of the last 4 years. There's only a little woods at the back left now....

As the old song goes: You don't know what you have until it's gone....Pave paradise to build a parking lot...

oh, I am so sorry to hear this. It seems to be a resounding story. I have see that happen myself where beautiful green spaces turned into housing and concrete. It is never nice to see. I know the song well and it fits perfectly. :(

We were able to buy 60 acres adjoining us a few years ago. We got lucky and found out it was for sale hours before it was listed. It was a quick decision and we swooped in like ninjas before anyone else could react. I still remember how anxious we were because we knew that forest would end up cleared if they sold to someone else. I guess we can smile about that win. I know we pissed some people off.

I am glad you were able to save the 60 acres! I so wish we could have saved the pieces north and south of us. Oh well.....

A frustrating day indeed. where we live the houses are fairly close together, we feel lucky to have our tiny quarter acre. Within the neighborhood, a developer has bought a big chunk that is still undeveloped space, where some of the neighbors have been allowed to wander and enjoy (permission granted by the previous owners). In a town permit meeting discussing the plans for the new 28 1-bedroom units to go in, there was a comment made that rubbed me the wrong way...
when a neighbor voiced his concern for 28 new houses to be plopped down in the middle of an already crowded space and how it would be sad to lose that quiet space to run, the board replied, something to the effect of: you're acting like a spoiled child. it's his property now. you were lucky to be able to have used that space, but he's trying to make some money on his investment.
It's always sad to hear about land being turned to dollars signs when there's so little of it left.

oh, that is really sad. I am truly sorry to hear about this. Ignorance and wilful blindness are such unfortunate human conditions.

We have had similar large machinery very close to our place too. It is so disruptive and sad. Yes, I too get angry. It is almost always the destroyer of trees and the ecosystem. Hope for another 50 years of peace when they have finished. 🐓🐓

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