Where Do I Go From Here?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


Everyday things change, from little subtle changes that we hardly notice , to the ones that slap us in the face, so that we can not ignore them. Things change in nature all the time, it is part of the natural cycle of life. I have always been a big advocate for change as it brings with it the opportunity to learn and in doing so move forward in our lives.

But damn those big changes can be hard and exhausting and if we are not careful, can leave us feeling drained and a shadow of our former self. The last few weeks have been been just like that for me, if you read my posts you are well aware that my life has changed. Where once we were a family of 5 humans in the Truck now we are a family of 4 humans.

My now ex partner is not around and I have been trying to find my groove within this single parent dance. Some days have been better than others that is for sure. Now I love a good dance and I am always up for a boogie, but this one is of a different sort and I find that sometimes I am not so sure footed. Especially On the emotional side of things. I am trying to make sure that my 2 eldest girls are given the opportunity to express themselves when they need too. And that really is a step into the unknown. It is difficult to see them get upset and know that there is nothing I can do to alleviate their pain, because what they want is for things to go back to the way they were. They want their papa in the truck and that is not something I can do.


Hearing my 5 year say that she wishes that he was at home and that both him and me still cared about one another, has been really tough. It has really been, heart breaking. I have explained that no matter what happens and no matter where I am or their papa is, that we both love them very, very much and that nothing, absolutely nothing will change that. That sometimes things have to change so that they can get better and so that in the end we can all be happy again. But I also know that they need to hear that from him also, but he is not around, so it falls on me to reassure them and shower them with love.

My youngest at 16 months is just too young to grasp what is going on, so she is, as always, being her wonderful, amazing self and entertaining us and wowing us regularly throughout each day. How lucky I am to have my 3 girls with me, they keep me grounded and constantly remind me how strong I am and that I will get through this. I have the best little team with me now and answering the Ecotrain question of the week yesterday really did help me remember that. And what a team we are, my 5 year old has been constantly drawing me pictures to cheer me up, always with lots of spirals and rainbows. Going out of her way to tidy up and help me. My eldest is more wild and always a hard one to pin down, not that I really want to. But lately she has been coming to me more to tell me she loves me, whilst looking quite intensely into my eyes.

How lucky I am! With everything that is going on, how lucky I am!


Through all of this I have been thinking more about the practical side of things, mainly how I am going to financially support myself and my girls. I home educate my girls and my youngest is not even 1 and a half so working away from home is not an option for me. So the last few days I have been thinking about what I can offer to the world, I have trained to be a Doula but that is not about earning money, I could never ask to be paid for that. So what can I draw upon in order to make an income?

One thing that came to me is that I am not the only mother to have to go through this, to have to find a way to support themselves and their children. I am not alone here. I personally do not want any money from any government, I am responsible for the upbringing of my children and for my own life and I want no one interfering in that. I feel very strongly about this. I have chosen a lifestyle that works well for me and I will find a way to maintain that. I have had some people say to me, why don't you go back to Ireland and that way you will get some social welfare and even a house. But that is not my path, not my way.


So I have decided to start a woman's co-operative in the area that I live in, this may seem like a huge undertaking, but not if I have other mothers who wish to get involved. If I am to find a way to help myself, why not make it something that can help others also. And one thing I have learned, is If you want something you have to make it happen. I love to create rituals, to celebrate the seasons and life itself. I want to create this space, bring women together and find ways that we can create something filled with love and hugely positive intentions that we can then send out into the world. The seed has been planted and now I will watch as it grows.

I am using this as an opportunity to put my intention of the woman's co-operative out into the world. When we say a thing we make it real and that is the very first step in making it happen.

I hope to write more about this very soon. But until then, remember we are the creators of our world, so lets create something wonderful.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Oh Aishlinn, I really feel for you. Those questions from your little ones are so painful to deal with, I know. I did the same with my girl, who was 4-years old, and made sure we acknowledged our emotions. It took a while for everything to settle, but in time things get easier and settle into a groove. You make sure you keep yourself healthy too and just know that life is full of this kind of thing. I think love takes a lifetime to work out, but I think you have a great understanding of it. My thoughts are with all of you and I hope your kids are ok. All you can give is love and support. xxxx

thank you Dan, I am taking each day as it comes anything more is a little overwhelming but I really want to get this co operative happening, I refuse to give into the system, I know they is a way. xxx

In or out of the system, life can always take a wrong turn. Your initiative sounds a great idea and your kids will feed off your strength. All the best for the future, Aishlinn, you deserve the best. xxx

well DONE! amazing how you are pulling through this.. and keeping your head up.. SO smart that you have started your own support group.. if you can't find it, make it!

Im sure it will be a wonderful help, because support is really sometimes all we need to give us the help we need to pull through. i have lost three fathers, at age 4 months, 7 years and 16 years old.. so i know what it is like to suddenly lose someone like this.. All the kids need is love and good communication to get through it with minimal suffering.. and i Know you have got that in buckets... <3 big hugs.. i KNOW how hard it is to manage with three kids.. even if it was just for two weeks .. i get the idea! your medal is in the post!

Thank you @eco-alex, I want to also turn it int a way that we can have some financial aid but more on that another time.
Thank you for all the support you continue to give me and I don't need a medal I am the lucky one in that I have my 3 girls with me, yes at times it is overwhelming but they really keep me grounded and present xxx

It may be hard right now but am very hopeful on how you're doing things your way. Enjoy your kids, best wishes!

I’m sorry that you’re going through so much painful upheaval, but glad to hear of your new venture. If ever you need input on the business end of things, know that I was a business consultant for 10 years and am happy to share whatever info is useful to you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

thank you so much @indigoocean, That would be great, once I get to that stage I will contact you xxx

Contact me on discord

The children is certainly enjoying themselves. Playing in the mud :)

I'm sorry to hear about these massive changes and the emotional turmoil they have caused in your life @trucklife-family.

I found this article in the natural medicine discord community by the way. My name is Rowan (raj808 on steemit), nice to meet you.

I have had some people say to me, why don't you go back to Ireland and that way you will get some social welfare and even a house. But that is not my path, not my way.

I'm in the UK and in that situation of having to rely partly on social security and you're right in what you say about the system interfering with freedom. Anyway, I like your idea about setting up a woman's co-operative, I hope it pans out for you and brings mutual support for everyone involved.

Take care :-)

Thank you @raj808 for your lovely feedback and really nice to connect with you on here, @naturalmedicine is an amazing community, real nice to meet you Rowan x

Your story is so inspirational and shares so much strength with the world. The practical side is hard, but the heart / spiritual side of it all is already there in abundance <3 That picture of your kids in the mud just makes my heart sing with joy <3

As for income, it's not a short-term solution (and I agree and see why you need that first!), but your Doula stories should be able to form a very nice book - one you can offer as an e-book thus generating passive income - the best form of income! Even just a collection of 'just' your best Steemit blogs could already provide a bit of FIAT weekly.

Best of luck dear lady!

thank you @soysrosa, I have thought about publishing my poetry that I wrote for the 100 day poetry challenge, thank you for your beautiful feedback and your support xx

That would be amazing! You could probably find book templates that help you in the layouting of the book, and/or contact me on Discord if you need an extra set of eyes / someone with 'some' skills.

Your girls are so awesome. It must be so awful to hear your 5 year old miss her Dad, but your advice is beautiful. When my ex and I split up my boy was 2, so he didn't quite understand, and I always tried to say that he loved him and that I loved him but we were happier when we weren't together and that was important. I to this day don't know how it affected my boy but he seems fine. I really believe in telling kids the truth as you do and being open and honest, so they aren't confused about their feelings. I admire you for all you are doing to support yourself and the family and that woman's circle sounds like a really positive step. All the best as you dance into this new life. xxx It's a tricky adjustment and change despite welcoming it as a natural part of life's ups and downs. xx

thank you beautiful, I am finding my feet daily and knowing I am not alone really helps, thanks so much for your support xx

That is a wonderful idea and I am sure you will create a way to get your income. I am working on that part too because I want to earn my own money and at the same time be at home with my kid. I send you much strength darling! You have the power within!!

thank you Niina, If only we lived closer together we could join forces, much love xxx

That would be amazing!!

Changes are never easy, especially for the kids. They are still learning to accept change as a normal part of the expanding and evolving process. Kudos for starting your women's circle, I wish you all the best with it and am sending you happy thoughts and lots and lot of love 💚

thank you @zen-art, my girls are amazing, I continue to be honest with them and we talk regularly about how they are feeling and how i am feeling. Thank you fr your support xxxx

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