ecoTrain Question Of The Week Answers : Is the Death penalty the epitome of hypocrisy? Does an 'eye for an eye' have a place in the modern age, and what kind of message does this send to society?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Is the Death penalty the epitome of hypocrisy? Does an 'eye for an eye' have a place in the modern age, and what kind of message does this send to society?

This week we head back into ethics and politics to discover what we all think about the death penalty system as well as issues surrounding it. We had a great response from many of us in the ecoTrain community and I’m happy to share them with you here.

Its always good to read broad range of perspectives and opinions because no matter what we think about things it is always good to challenge ourselves to grow. We certainly do not all feel the same about the death penalty, however there were a few themes that came up!

A big thank you to ALL who took part! This was a deep dive in many ways, and you sure showed up to the plate!

Look out for next weeks QOTW starting tomorrow!



A very heavy and a debatable QOTW I must say.

So here we are talking about all sorts of Capital Punishments, whether it is a Death penalty to a crime, or the other rules and fines and punishments laid by the Governments, Systems and the Powerful ones and are they justified.

First of all my opinion is all guilty people deserve punishment of some nature depending on the severity of their crimes and the conditions in which the crime is committed. Our judiciary systems have set some laws and punishment for the guilty and I am sure there has been a good thought over it before practicing it. So in my opinion the systems we have are not wrong, they have been set up with good intentions, but now the big question is how is it being implemented and is it being implemented in the most fair manner also considering the degree of punishment; if it is justified or not.


This weeks EcoTrain Question of The Week, is a huge one. But more than that, it is a true representation of how we treat one another and how much we value Life. Thank you @eco-alex for once again challenging us and making us become active in finding ways to bring about change. It is the questions we ask that are important, for they plan the seeds.

Damn it but I get upset if I kill a Fly, at the moment they are really bugging me in my truck to the point where I have declared quiet openly to them today, that their days are numbered. Hoping that they may pick up on my serious vibe and decide to abandon truck. But alas no. So I have spend, way to long chasing them out of my home, through windows and doors. Today, I am a tea towel waving maniac.


This week is an unusual post from me on this question of the week. This is partly because im suffering with pretty severe neck pain due to a trapped nerve, so i can barely type or use the computer..... but also because i have been giving this weeks question so much thought, and have been reading our answers.. and only this morning have i really got the answer in my heart. It's so simple really and so I would like to share my answer with one very potent sentence and then two very very special music videos by the legendary Michael Jackson. MJ was a master, a creative genius, and these two songs say it ALL for me. I have to be honest that i really cried listening to the Earth Song, WOW they dont make em like this anymore folks!





Having death penalty still present around the world is shocking to me. We still kill to punish killers. Isn't that what hypocrisy is? I could talk about how some countries are so terrible that they still punish being gay with death or like a recent case with "offending" someone's religion but I will stay in my happy bubble and ignore the stupidity that is still very much present around the globe and focus on developed countries with democracy (or trying to have democracy). @eco-alex made an interesting question about what kind of message does the death penalty send to society. Not a good one, in my opinion. Not a good one.


I kind of branched off from this in looking more at society and making for a better society.

I could never see justice being served by condemning a man to death, where there is no chance of change or reconsiliation.
To me that only shows the state of our justice system, which is set up more to punish than to rehabilitate.

What comes to mind is the story of Aṅgulimāla, a ruthless brigand who had killed 999 people, and yet was seen as a symbol of spiritual transformation.
It shows that everyone, even the least likely people, can change their life for the better.


This question cannot be answered.
I feel i could logically prove that this question cannot be answered.... but that's boring, and does not get us closer to the answers we seek.

First, what does "modern age" even mean?

Most people accept the propaganda that we are soooo advanced.
I mean, just look at us! We are able to confine thousands of criminals in tiny block buildings. We are soooo advanced!

In many senses, the modern age has gone backward. A police man could usually solve a crime because the list of suspects could be counted on one hand, and usually ended up as "Cooter, you know you are supposed to ask before borrowing something, now you got them all riled up..."


From "Land of the Free"
to the Death Penalty, we've
abandoned justice.

This is a question we have been wrestling with as a species for millennia, not that we've always done so successfully, or come to the best conclusions for all.

Personally, I've wrestled with this question since my teens, and in the process have completely changed my viewpoint.

My earliest views on the death penalty came primarily from what I was taught in school, and from the majority of sociology and history books, not to mention televised news, that the death penalty was a necessary evil, because it served a necessary function, by ridding society of those who would willingly harm others, while serving as an effective deterrent for others who might otherwise commit such crimes.


I've never answered one of these questions, but really like the eco-train/tribesteemup movement, and want to get involved. To maintain openness, I would also like to get added to the upvote train :P

When I think of the death penalty, the first thing I think of is The Green Mile.
The movie, starring Tom Hanks (shoutout @tomhanks, I'm a big fan) is a tale of two men. One (tom) is a prison guard, while the other is a black man, John Coffey, who has been wrongfully imprisoned for the rape and murder of a white women. Ultimately we find out that John has special gifts : he is a healer and ends up saving the life of the prison wardens wife. This movie so tragically expresses what we all know to be the truth : killing anyone is taking a potential gift from the world.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

This is going to be completely outside of my normal purview. It will be written entirely out of my head with (probably) no citations or outside truth to muddy up my thinking.

You are correct, I’m fired up. It’s a topic that is important to me and that I have spent more than a little time codifying my position. Some of it may surprise you, but it is 100% me. The tipping point was an excellent article from my friend @zen-art. I now have to write this in order to get anything else done, it seems.

First: I am adamantly opposed to the death penalty. Those of you looking for affirmation might be well advised to save your time and move on to another article.

Second: This is written from MY perspective. That would be Judeo-Christian upbringing in the United States of America. 15 years as a practicing Buddhist will also be reflected.


Why do you think most people judge each other. Is there value in it, does it help?

Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make our rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion I''m just doing my job' ethical?

What rituals do you have, and why are they important to you?

What lessons will you take with you for your potential next life if you die tomorrow?

Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else?

Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

What was one of the happiest times in your life and what made is special?

Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?

Are women who dress provocatively responsible for unwanted attention, or should men learn to control themselves?

If there is a God, why do so many bad things happen?


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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of my favourite quotes ever, and fundamentally what is holding us back i think. Until we really absorb and understand what he meant, this this saying is applicable in ALL situations and not only applied to good people, and bad people deserve punishment, we will be stuck. But many are waking up to this, it's early days yet!!! ;)

Also one of my favorite quotes.

Thanks for this. We are in agreement.

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ahhhh I got highlighted !!! OMGGGGG Thank you @eco-alex

You are right. Only criminals have a right to take others life. Sane persons are not allowed to kill a criminal who committed a heinous crime.

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