15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit - Part 3

in #dssinmongwong7 years ago (edited)

15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit

- Part 3

Persuasive people have an uncanny ability to get you leaning toward their way of thinking. Their secret weapon is likeability. They get you to like more than their ideas; they get you to like them.

In Part 1 and Part 2 we covered a wide fundamentals that you must try to utilize to have a good interaction with your audience, however for Part 3 we will dwell a little deeper into small subtle things that we take for granted because it seems so easy, but they have the most profound impacts.

if you missed Part 1 & 2 here are the links:

15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit - Part 1

15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit - Part 2

You can read it in any order, entirely up to you. Let's continue with Part 3:

Here are point 11 to 15 of the 15 tricks of the trade that exceptionally persuasive people use to their advantage.

11. They Leave a Strong and Lasting First Impression

Research shows that most people decide whether or not they like you within the first seven seconds of meeting you. They then spend the rest of the conversation internally justifying their initial reaction. This may sound terrifying, but by knowing this, you can take advantage of it to make huge gains in your likeability and ability to persuade. First impressions are intimately tied to positive body language. Strong posture, a firm handshake, a smile, and opening your shoulders to the person you are talking to will help ensure that your first impression is a good one.

lasting impression2.jpg

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How can I creatively help my audience remember me in a positive and impactful light?

  • Does my post or reply have something unique and interesting to help anchor the memory of their engagement with me?

12. They Know When to Step Back

Urgency is a direct threat to persuasion, so tread lightly. When you try to force people to agree instantly, studies show that they are actually more likely to stand by their original opinion. Your impatience causes them to counter your arguments in favor of their own. If your position is strong, you shouldn’t be afraid to back off and give it time to sink in. Good ideas are often difficult to process instantly, and a bit of time can go a long way.

Besides all that persuasive calmness in giving people space, you'll also look alot cooler and put your audience at ease by taking a step back from time to time.

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I use open ended questions and encourage a discussion here on Steemit?

  • Does my post or reply keeps things mysterious and engaging in a relax and causal manner?

13. They Greet People by Name

Your name is an essential part of your identity, and it feels terrific when people use it. Persuasive people make certain they use others’ names every time they see them. You shouldn’t use someone’s name only when you greet him or her. Research shows that people feel validated when the person they’re speaking with refers to them by name.

If you’re great with faces but have trouble with names, have some fun with it, and make remembering people’s names a brain exercise. When you meet someone, don’t be afraid to ask his or her name a second time if you forget it right after you hear it. You’ll need to keep the name handy if you’re going to remember it the next time you see the person.

In Steemit we don't have to worry about remembering names as everything is shown on the web page. However, it does not hurt to say their name in an endearing way or to give recognition as often and as much as possible. There is really no such things as too much appreciation.

Another important point: Acknowledge other people's post and replies that has given you the seed idea to spark your own creativity. Find opportunities to thank and recognize others that has helped and inspire you, that's part of the living spirit of any thriving community. In this regards, Steemit is functionally a growing global community of like minded success oriented people.

merit proverb - appreciation do more than expected.jpg

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does I regularly use people's name in my post and replies?

  • Do I try to connect with each person when I greet them and acknowledge them in a personal way?

  • Do I keep a list and record the names of people and share how they have inspire me on Steemit?

  • Do I make an effort to acknowledge the efforts of other people?

14. They Do Not Act Like They Are Right (Instead They Please Others In a Good Way)

Persuasive people never win the battle only to lose the war. They know how and when to stand their ground, and yet they are constantly making sacrifices that help their cause. They are often giving in, giving ground, and doing things for other people that make them happy. Persuasive people do this because they know in the long run this wins people over. They know it’s better to be successful than it is to be “always right.”

know everything2.jpg

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you finding common ground with your audience?

  • Are you making the extra effort to support the people you network with on Steemit?

  • How many people did you help today feel appreciated, feel acknowledge, and feel respected?

  • Have you gone the extra mile for 1 person every-time you login?

15. They Smile

People naturally (and unconsciously) mirror the body language of the person they’re talking to. If you want people to like you and believe in you, smile at them during a conversation, and they will unconsciously return the favor and feel good as a result. Persuasive people smile a lot because they have genuine enthusiasm for their ideas. This has a contagious effect on everyone they encounter.

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Always ask yourself this questions:

  • Do you laugh, smile, and cheer with your post and replies using words, emoticon or emoji, pictures, videos and/or video blogs?

I'll leave you with a piece of Classic Up-Lifting Music Guaranteed to Make Your Heart Smile :D

Well I hope reading all these tips was as fun for you as it was for me to make them.

May this time that we shared together bring you not just entertainment and knowledge, but also a great blessing of value and will help you towards a life of abundance, and success here on Steemit!

Note: If you have not read the other parts, here is Part 1 or Part 2. You can read it in any order, entirely up to you. However, if you are rushing, please take your time and come back to read when you have a solid 10 minutes to get the most from it.

Have a Great Week Ahead.

Always at your counsel,

P.S. I would deeply appreciate it if you could take some time to leave me a thoughtful message or feedback.

P.S.S. If you believe these principles will help you succeed, then please Follow me (@drsinmongwong) for more weekly inspiration, and Re-Steem this to add lasting value to your followers.

Links and References:
1.image, 2.image, 3.image, 4.image, 5.image, 6.video, Habits of Likeable People Dr.TravisBradberry


Very Useful thx so much
i never stop learning here

Wow what an inspiring post. Even Mona Lisa will step out of her canvas and smile:

What a wonderful smiling picture you sent me @sharonomics!

Thank you for the feedback, the first 2 Parts are actually more important to new Steemians as I gave key examples to cover the basics that every communicator and writers needs to have.

May I kindly ask, If you think this post is worthy and also beneficial to elevate the skills of your fellow Steemians and followers, would you please consider re-steeming this. My hopeful is that over the next few weeks, months, and years, the knowledge transfer will help increase their abilities of many Asian, African, Nigerian, and Emerging Nation Steemian too become greater influencer and raise up to become global community leaders right here on and beyond the Steem blockchain.

Highest Regards,

if Mona Lisa can smile Michael Jackson will surely do his Moon Walk watching the happy ending :D

Hi @rahemanali,

I see you found my post through one of my readers, did you enjoy it, and do you think it could help get your efforts to the next level here on Steemit?

Do leave me some feedback, I do understand my post is longer than most, I just hope it was manageable and not too long for you.

In Your Service,

Some interesting points in there, thanks for sharing! Allowing for space is key, I agree. I will only add that balance is also key and it is possible to try to 'people please' which can result in you yourself not feeling good and balanced - so everything must be felt to know if balance is present or not.

Dear drsinmongwong, so much lifetime wisdom in a nutshell! Your advise coming for me in the right time is the following: to make a list of the fellow Steemians I‘m in contact with and writing relevant notes. It was just what I was deliberating und you enforced my to transform thought into deed. Thank you so much. I will always thrive to be as motivating and encouraging others in the way you do.

Dearest @martinamartini,

That is one of the greatest honor you can bestow upon a sharer of truth and knowledge. To transform words into deeds.

I'm so encourage by the fact that you took your time to read, believe, and to start your plan to take action.

I have up-voted you to encourage you to be encouraging to others as you have been to me, and to continue to be uplifting and persistent in all your efforts. I look forward to reading a new post from you and I hope you will use some of the techniques you have learn while it's still fresh (like fresh bread, yes?), please come back at least weekly to let me know what you have been up-to.

I'm following you now.

Kindest Regards,

Deat DrSMWong, resteemed your article. Grateful for your support. Will write posts on general topics that move me such as ways of cooperation, selfhealing, balance, music, gardening... Tied up now. Family and visitors coming... cooking, baking, parcels, greetings... it‘s Christmas and New Year time... I am coach and mediator and so I think I will be able to bring inspiring texts. Have a good time!

I just went to your blog to see what new posts you have made and was surprised to see you have resteemed both the good Dr and myself.

That is a wonderful encouragement, for it shows you really did find value in our posts.


this is a great post, nice to know you... My great author friend @arthur.grafo who suggested me to take a look your post... it is always nice to know someone who care and willing to share positive things in here.

regards from Indonesia.

Thank you for dropping by @mariska.lubis.

I am so happy to be visited by a fellow teacher. I feel our profession originate from great calling to nurture and to bring about the best in humanity, starting from the youth.

I have been a teacher, a vice-principal, a principal, and an honorary fellow in the University, and in all those years, the greatest pleasure and joy has been in serving others.

For all your service to your students and to the students amongst your followers in Steemit, I only need to say you honor me with your presence.

I have loved all the trips I have taken to Indonesia when I was younger. I competed in basketball in Jakarta, Bandung, and Medan in Sumatra. In fact, after the tournament we toured around and I visited the beautiful Lake Toba. Indonesia is truly an amazing country that everyone should go visit.

In Your Gratitude,

It is an honour for me to meet you in here DR. SM Wong, you are very nice and very sweet. May God bless you and family, happiness and success.

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis.

Hello Dear @mariska.lubis,

Thank you for your warm greetings. I too wish to relay my best regards and blessings to you and your love ones, especially during this holiday season.

I get a sense that I'm talking to a future community leader, or soon to be one here in this young Steemit ecosystem.

May I kindly ask, If you think this post is worthy and also beneficial to elevate the skills of your fellow Steemians and followers back home in Indonesia?

If it is worthwhile, then please consider re-steeming. My hopeful is that over the next few weeks, months, and years, the knowledge transfer will help increase their abilities of many Indonesians Steemian too become greater influencer and raise up to become global community leaders right here on and beyond the Steem blockchain.

It would give me the greatest joy to see wisdom passed on to help new Steemian to grow and expand this amazing platform for the benefit and financial freedom of all, especially for the next generation that comes after us.

Highest Regards,

Well Dr, wasn't I right to ask her to visit your posts? She is a lovely person and more open-minded than most of those I've met here. She goes beyond just being a teacher and has tried to help children in terrible conditions, never worrying about her own safety.

Taking a flash back in your previous series in part 1&2 which you made known on this medium utilize to have a good interaction with the audience. In my view, an author must first understand its audience by their perception,their retention and their exposure so that he/she interaction with them will bring forth an effective feedback as a result of effective communication between the encoder and the decoder.

In this part 3, you have really made great highlights that i can say it summarized my 4 years course in mass communication. In reference to point number 11, you made know that their is power in persuasion. I can say politicians are really good at that as a great tool while making propaganda to the masses. But you have made known that persuasive messages should be used positively and it most make a strong and lasting impression that is, the code must carry meaningful content to the audience and they should be able to make reference to it in the future. This and many other cogent points you have made to the steemits and to the heterogeneous audience that are beyond this channel and I can assure you that Nigerians are reading your post through this medium.

I look forward for more of you.

Thank you for that deep and thoughtful comment. You have made some very good parallel observations, very astute of you @hollacute

In reference to point number 11, you made know that their is power in persuasion. I can say politicians are really good at that as a great tool while making propaganda to the masses. But you have made known that persuasive messages should be used positively and it most make a strong and lasting impression that is, the code must carry meaningful content to the audience and they should be able to make reference to it in the future.

Power is politics, but so is great social ideas, altruism, leadership, relevant and applicable philosophy, and also social awareness and action. We must welcome and try to get the best of all that is good, and filter out, fight back, and even down-vote out the questionable with our time, deeds, words, influence, as well as our resources.

With great powers, like persuasion, we should hold ourselves to greater responsibility. I think this was quoted by spider-man's late uncle and father figure Ben Parker, but this is more relevant to all and everyone today, especially in a day and age where what we say can be published to the world so easily. So we must do whatever we can to make this new world a better place.

There is power in Steeming regularly by posting, and there is going to be greater power added to this platform as the months and years go by. You are in the right place and the right time @hollacute!

I am still learning about how to interact with my audience, once I know more, I will surely try to share it in small and digestible suggestions for all to benefit.

Thank you once again for writing back.

If you see that this is a good benefit for your Nigerians and your followers, please consider increasing the value you bring to them and re-steeming this article so others too can benefit.

In Your Service,

"If you see that this is a good benefit for your Nigerians and your followers, please consider increasing the value you bring to them and re-steeming this article so others too can benefit".

I will.

Hello Dr.

Your post is fully loaded and informative.
I love number 11 so much.
It is good to know that first impression in every area of live is very important. There are people that have turned to become our bosom friends due to the impression they gathered at first encounter and also there are some that might plan to be our best of friends but due to the treat they get at first encounter they decided to retire and find their way to somewhere else.

I love the way you relate it with life in #steemit community.

I look forward to reading more from you. Much love.

Regards @maintain4real-eu

Welcome @maintain4real-eu,

I see you found your way into my most recent post, and you discovered a very important little gem, about making an outstanding impression. This is an old one but a good one, imagine the network of people that we all could have reached and connected to, and the golden relationships we could have had to so enrich our lives, if only we gave our best foot forward consistently and considerately.

If you find that this post add great value, and can make a difference in the lives of your followers, please consider re-steeming this post and generously share the knowledge so they too can see the value you saw. When you bring great value to others, and into their lives, the greater your respect and influence will grow especially if someone follows and grows with you.

I hope you can take sometime to also read Part1 and Part2 and give me some feedback, I'm always seeking to learn from others.

In Your Service,

Am honoured to learn from you.

I agree with you 100% about this;

When you bring great value to others, and into their lives, the greater your respect and influence will grow especially if someone follows and grows with you.

Am re-steeming this right away and i will check the previous parts.


Regards @maintain4real-eu

Another great post! When reading your post, I felt like you were speaking directly to me in person and teaching me like a teacher does in front of me. This is something for me to learn. I like it when you end the 15 tips with the Smile, the greatest secret weapon of all!

By the way, the second photo makes me smile ;-) If those words were to stand alone without the photo, they may be too offensive. But the photo softens the words and make them fun to read. :-) The power of a photo!

Greetings @cheneats,

I truly enjoy reading your feedback. It really helps me see things in new perspectives, without assessment, I could not work on getting better to help others. So thank you so much.

I'm actually trying to start my early articles on inoffensive topics. Nothing to fancy or controversial, yet * smile *. So it's actually good to see I'm on the contentious boarder with a few of these points.

Sometimes, being challenging can hep make the most difference. And the effectiveness of that challenge, is evident in the stirring of emotions. Well at least in my life, I know that being challenged had made some of the biggest difference for me.

I also enjoy making things fun, as you can see. Take that must have technique and often add some of that to your post.

btw. I have upvoted your post on making biochar :-) You my fellow Steemian, are definitely more courageous than me, so I take the challenge to someday post something audacious like you. Well done I say, well done!

In Your Gratitude,

You're welcome and it's my pleasure! We are all here to learn together. As an individual, we can only see one direction at any given time. But with 2 or 3, we see 360 degrees!

Thank you for your compliment! As a matter of fact, I use some techniques I learn from you to write that peeing and making biochar post. I try to step out of my comfort zone and hope to add a little humor and smile to my readers.

Thanks again. I look forward to reading more posts from you, my friend!

Well that's good to hear.

I did notice some improvement in your post. Subtle but they are surely there :)

Many elements are there, story telling, humor, engagement, giving credit to others, personalizing which connects with your audience, courageous and entertaining, active and positive body language (well done to the actor too), clear and concise, and most of all genuine like the rain!

Applause to you @cheneats!

Kindest Regards,

Thank you, @drsinmongwong! Your compliments lifted my spirit. :)

Growing up, I liked math much more so I never paid much attention to learning languages. Therefore, I have never good at writing even in my native language. English is my third language. Many times I struggle to put my thoughts into words.

But I will keep trying and hope it gets better and be genuine like the rain all the times. :)

Almost all this will work well on Steemit, but some posters are either too busy or too self-centered to even pay attention what is going on in the comment section.
So, this tutorial shoudl come with the disclaimer, IF we are dealing with a person who is engaging and altruistic, otherwise after a few attempts it is quite a waste of the time.
Also, some people write well, when it comes to posting, but have the poor discussion skills so they avoid actively to participate or even reply.

HI @aschatria,

Thanks for taking the time to write back.

What you just shared is absolutely true and is something all article writers and readers have to be aware about especially if they are new.

Interacting with our audience in Steemit is not much different from an artist, or actor, or writer meeting their fans and audience, or even like a professional meeting up with all their clients.

The only difference is that it can be difficult with a large following, so its probably best to use technology.

Steemit is still young being beta, and especially only being 2+ years old. From my experience and what I have seen so far, the potential is largely untapped, the winning rules of interaction, networking, and others are mostly all experimental. It's going to be an exciting time very soon to invest ideas, resources, and build many relationships on this platform.

Remember, problem are good, if they are worthy they will usher in many great solutions, and if you seek to be helpful and show people good or great solutions, they will keep coming back to you for great value.

Great feedback and well done!

Highest Regards,

In the future, I will show how to effectively deal with different kinds of viewers and posters alike.

I'm just a student...but as i learn, I will share and teach what I know.

The conflict related solutions will be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Well, a little bit different than a fan meeting a writer or similar. On Steemit many writing pieces become subject to a link spam and similar atrocious elements.
People post without thinking what exactly is on the page.
Personally, I make little to no financially oriented posts, mostly reflexion, interesting website, application reviews, and stories, so in nature of logic, I also expect to see a similar comment under it, related to whatever I wrote.
Or at least a fair guide to what was wrong with my idea, to improve it. I can't be appreciative if my commentators are oriented to something else, and completely off topic. That is the problem we have on Steemit when a leading member brings to the table something that is not even on a bottom list of the post itself.
Usually flagging result in wars of pressure and magnitudes, defamation and atrociousness, even among very low-income members.
The best solution I found was to just either hide a comment I dislike or simply to reply to the person to stay on topic. Ignoring pretty much does the same thing, but it doesn't take anything away from the problem that a member with higher sp can simply fill up my comment section with links, and I have no means to remove it without any kind of a friction, in other words, I have to cause the unnecessary commotion.

Wow... I can never get tired of reading this

Wecome back @sirsticks,

So glad you visited. I hope you got something good from reading this post. I wrote and put it together with the mindset to help your team and your followers grow the most.

Any suggestions or feedback for me good Sir?

Also, if you found it uplifting and beneficial, would you consider re-steeming it to your feed to add value to your followers to benefit. I would just like to see more people from emerging Steemian countries benefit the most!

In Your Service,

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