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RE: 15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit - Part 3

in #dssinmongwong7 years ago (edited)

Another great post! When reading your post, I felt like you were speaking directly to me in person and teaching me like a teacher does in front of me. This is something for me to learn. I like it when you end the 15 tips with the Smile, the greatest secret weapon of all!

By the way, the second photo makes me smile ;-) If those words were to stand alone without the photo, they may be too offensive. But the photo softens the words and make them fun to read. :-) The power of a photo!


Greetings @cheneats,

I truly enjoy reading your feedback. It really helps me see things in new perspectives, without assessment, I could not work on getting better to help others. So thank you so much.

I'm actually trying to start my early articles on inoffensive topics. Nothing to fancy or controversial, yet * smile *. So it's actually good to see I'm on the contentious boarder with a few of these points.

Sometimes, being challenging can hep make the most difference. And the effectiveness of that challenge, is evident in the stirring of emotions. Well at least in my life, I know that being challenged had made some of the biggest difference for me.

I also enjoy making things fun, as you can see. Take that must have technique and often add some of that to your post.

btw. I have upvoted your post on making biochar :-) You my fellow Steemian, are definitely more courageous than me, so I take the challenge to someday post something audacious like you. Well done I say, well done!

In Your Gratitude,

You're welcome and it's my pleasure! We are all here to learn together. As an individual, we can only see one direction at any given time. But with 2 or 3, we see 360 degrees!

Thank you for your compliment! As a matter of fact, I use some techniques I learn from you to write that peeing and making biochar post. I try to step out of my comfort zone and hope to add a little humor and smile to my readers.

Thanks again. I look forward to reading more posts from you, my friend!

Well that's good to hear.

I did notice some improvement in your post. Subtle but they are surely there :)

Many elements are there, story telling, humor, engagement, giving credit to others, personalizing which connects with your audience, courageous and entertaining, active and positive body language (well done to the actor too), clear and concise, and most of all genuine like the rain!

Applause to you @cheneats!

Kindest Regards,

Thank you, @drsinmongwong! Your compliments lifted my spirit. :)

Growing up, I liked math much more so I never paid much attention to learning languages. Therefore, I have never good at writing even in my native language. English is my third language. Many times I struggle to put my thoughts into words.

But I will keep trying and hope it gets better and be genuine like the rain all the times. :)

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