15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit - Part 1

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

15 Powerful Persuasive Tips To Guarantee A Respond on Steemit

- Part 1

Persuasive people have an uncanny ability to get you leaning toward their way of thinking. Their secret weapon is likeability. They get you to like more than their ideas; they get you to like them.

Here are 15 tricks of the trade that exceptionally persuasive people use to their advantage.

1. They Know Their Audience

Persuasive people know their audience inside and out and use this knowledge to speak their audience’s language. Whether it’s toning down your assertiveness when talking to someone who is shy or cranking it up for the aggressive, high-energy type, everyone is different, and catching on to these subtleties goes a long way toward getting them to hear your point of view.

know your audience2.jpg

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does what you say in your post or reply encourage others and help them believe in the Steemit platform?

  • Does what you say in your post or reply help them feel good about themselves, their efforts, their time, and does it help them improve, and question themselves productively?

  • Does your message give hope, show love and appreciation, bring value like humor and connection, or does it spark creativity in others?

  • Lastly and most important, does what you share in your homepage, post and replies add content that is considered valuable to your followers?

2. They Connect

People are much more likely to accept what you have to say once they have a sense of what kind of person you are. In a negotiation study, Stanford students were asked to reach agreement in class. Without instruction of any kind, 55% of the students successfully reached agreement. However, when students were instructed to introduce themselves and share their background before attempting to reach agreement, 90% of the students did so successfully.

The key here is to avoid getting too caught up in the back and forth of the discussion. The person you are speaking with is a person, not an opponent or a target. No matter how compelling your argument, if you fail to connect on a personal level, he or she will doubt everything you say.


How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does my audience know me and do I know them?

  • How can I help them know me better?

  • How can I get to know them better?

  • How can I show the best part of me that would add value to my followers?

3. They Aren’t Pushy

Persuasive people establish their ideas assertively and confidently without being aggressive or pushy. Pushy people are a huge turn off. The in-your-face approach starts the recipient backpedaling, and before long, they’re running for the hills. Persuasive people don’t ask for much and don’t argue vehemently for their position because they know that subtlety is what wins people over in the long run. If you tend to come across as too aggressive, focus on being confident but calm. Don’t be impatient and overly persistent. Know that if your idea is a really good one, people will catch on if you give them time. If you don’t, they won’t catch on at all.

pushy people.JPG

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How does my post or reply help my audience decide for themselves?

  • How does my post or reply help me freely give?

  • If a topic is contested (hot), how can I reach a greater understanding, and keep an open mind about different points?

4. They Aren’t Mousy

On the other hand, presenting your ideas as questions or as though they need approval makes them seem flawed and unconvincing. If you tend to be shy, focus on presenting your ideas as statements and interesting facts for the other party to mull over. Also, remove qualifiers from your speech. When you are trying to be persuasive, there is no room for “I think” or “It is possible that.”

Don't Regret Being Mousy

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How does my post or reply stand up and be counted?

  • How can my post or reply show my point without being a push over?

  • How much assertion can my audience take, and how can I creatively make my point?

5. They Use Positive Body Language

Now I understand we use mostly words here in Steemit, but follow along and see if you can get a few gems of wisdom.

To use great body language, we must become cognizant of gestures, expressions, and tone of voice (and making certain they’re positive) to engage people and open them up to your arguments. Using an enthusiastic tone, uncrossing your arms, maintaining eye contact, and leaning towards the person who’s speaking are all forms of positive body language that persuasive people use to draw others in. Positive body language will engage your audience and convince them that what you’re saying is valid. When it comes to persuasion, how you say something can be more important than what you say.

How do we apply this on Steemit?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How can I show energy and positivism in my post and reply?

  • How can I keep my audience focused and engaged at all times?

Let Your Posts and Replies Reflect a Lively and Positive Body Language .

I'll will continue with Part 2 shortly so your mind can take a rest and digest these tips first:

In the mean time start applying these effective tips to become powerfully persuasive right here on Steemit. May you enjoy greater fruits of success in all that you do on this platform, as well as in life.

Note: If you have not read the other parts, here is Part 2 or Part 3. You can read it in any order, entirely up to you. However, if you are rushing, please take your time and come back to read when you have a solid 10 minutes to get the most from it.

Have a Great Week Ahead,

Always at your counsel,

P.S. I would deeply appreciate it if you could take some time to leave me a thoughtful message or feedback.

P.S.S. If you believe these principles will help you succeed, then please Follow me (@drsinmongwong) for more weekly inspiration, and *Re-Steem to add lasting value to your followers.

Links and References:
1.image, 2.image, 3.image, 4.image, 5.image, Habits of likeable people Dr.Travis Bradberry


Hello Readers,

This is DrSM here, I'm putting this comment in so you can up-vote this reply if you find this past 7-days article useful and encouraging.

If you SP is draining (under 50%) or you are a small minnow, a small token is sufficient, your up-vote will be an indicator for me that you benefited from this (this will greatly encourage me to write more on this topic in the future).

I would also appreciate any feedback.

Will leave you with a quote written by another Steemian who understand the blockchain better than myself, I quote tongue in cheek, "Upvote talks and Bullshit walks" :)

I wish you all the very best!

In Your Service,

P.S.I'm self-up-voting so people can see this experimentation

It is not that you tell us anything most social people don't know, it is the way you put across your arguments.

One of the few posts I feel are definitely worth re-steeming.

Hi @arthur.grafo,

Firstly thank you for taking the time to write a reply and for re-steeming, I do appreciate it.

You are correct, alot of basic skills are picked up in life. The key to get from good to great is to be able to concentrate the best parts of these deceptively simple skills, its this tricky act that bring about mastery, and even trickier, simplifying it even further for knowledge transfer to enrich others.

Just like Bruce Lee says, 'I fear not the man who knows 10,000 different kicks. I fear the man who knows 1 kick and has practiced it 10,000 times'.

Highest Regards,

Excellent advice! This post shows how we can transfer good people skills to Steemit where we can only use words. I'll be sure to keep these tips in mind when I write a post, comment, or reply. I am following you and this post is resteemed!

Thank you for the positive feedback @cheneats. I hope you did not find it too long a read, I'm trying to find the right length for my post. I've decide to break it up to 3 parts so more knowledge and skills are retain in memory (or at least in the subconscious), so you can better draw upon it when the time arise to post something inspirational!

Appreciate the re-steem and for taking the time to write such an up-lifting comment. Also feel blessed that you are sending some encouragement my way. I hope you will also enjoy Part 2 as much as Part 1.

Since you can still edit it, one suggestion is to add a link to Part 2 at the end of this blog so your readers can simply go there with a single click.

What a wonderful suggession @cheneats, I will do as you instruct. Thank you for your feedback.

I am still a student here in Steemit and also in life, so I appreciation your guidance anytime. I will be posting Part 3 today, hope it will be a blessing of knowledge to you.

You are very welcome! I am still learning, too. We can all learn together and help each other.

I am looking forward to Part 3!

You're welcome, @drsinmongwong. It's perfect length since most people can remember 3-5 tips at a time. Keep up the good work! I am learning from you. :)

great topic! peace and love

Thank you for coming by @lollobrown and more so for dropping me a positive note.

I hope you got something valuable from the article to help you earn more and have greater success here on Steemit.

Best Wishes,

You bet! thanks again!

@drsinmongwong i love your passion in educating others putting them to the road to success on steemit and beyond steemit. I see you as a role model. like i do say, I look forward to see more of you. Thanks

Welcome to Steemit @hallacute,

You have arrived in the correct place (here in Steemit) if you seek to learn how to be successful.

Thank you for showing support and visiting my other post A Life of Abundance Begins With These 3 Basic Skills, I appreciate you dropping by.

Since you are still new and young in Steemit, may I suggest that you share this with others, it will add greater value to your front blog and feed. As your writing and skills grows putting in high quality re-steem will show your selectiveness, eye for value, and make people pay attention to your opinions and respect your thoughtfulness. Just my humble suggestion.

Remember generosity pays tremendously here just like in any community, that is part of the Spirit of Steemit. Keep showing the generosity of your spirit with words (which I can see you are already talented in), deeds, and any creative way you can come up with, the possibilities are endless here on Steemit. Be blessed!

Also if you do not know already, the maximum payout for curators starts at the 30 minutes mark, and its always best to be part of the upvote in the first day. I assure you in 7 days times you will be rewarded for being early to vote here in any of these post...more will usually sees this much later, you are an early one. And only do this for post that are less that 7 days old, you will not be rewarded as a curator after a post is older than 7 days, this is how Steem works. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be glad to help if I can.

I hope this little tip will help you with your curation rewards to earn a few extra Steem and SBD (Steem Dollars)

You have a appreciative heart. we love you to

Ah a spirit of gratitude I see in you young man, yes that will serve you well here. Keep up the appreciation @hollacute.

Thanks human for mentioning this BOT :]

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