Pearlescent Poems # 47: Sea Of Love Part 2 (Original Poem)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Love's not just a noun, or a verb, it's a lifestyle
Put my heart in everything I do, including right now
So what I write down is heart felt
Ice poetry with a hot flow just enough to make the art melt

Pour it to the rhythm of the children, a billion
Opportunities to make a better world that we can live in...
It is where we are going,
Not the distance we have driven

I'm here for God's mission, gotta make better decisions
I'm elevating through visions 'til my sin is in submission
Stand strong, persistent…Love stays consistent
Doesn't sway with the distance, or displays resistance

My family and my friends, this world is coexistent
Tell me if you need me, I'd be there in an instant
Why do people say the world is dead, when it isn't?
We gotta love our best before these days are reminiscent...

Thank you for reading this post in its entirety. Don't be scared to stand tall and love in this Sea of Love.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $767 and .29 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $00.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided: [email protected], but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy,, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


So good brother!

Reminds me of Enoch in the Torah, who put every ounce of himself into his shoemaking, into every stitch. So much so that he is one of the only humans to be taken up with his physical form. You can see this in part, in the genealogy in Genesis, where the 1 sentence description of his life is in a different format from all the others.

I really like this one mate :)

Thank you bro, I am really glad you enjoyed this one in particular. Now to wrap everything up nicely in Part 3. And yes, I must take a look again at Genesis to understand the line you are referencing in Enoch's life through the historical genealogy records, thanks for that.

Very welcome, can't wait for part 3!

And you can't miss it in the genealogy, his description stands right out. Makes you go hmmmm!

Yeah I just read it, all related verses too with Enoch and it is indeed interesting!

That's a good idea, I should do the same. Isn't there only 1 verse about this Enoch that we are speaking of? (Iirc, the other verses are about Ca'in's son, the other Enoch right?)

I'll have to double back and look it over, you may be correct sir!

Where were we? Oh yeah, I love that you love that I love that you love the way that you love LOLOL! Great stuff my friend ;)

:))) I can't say better than you man! This post is exactly like your comment! In one word: love! Cheers!

Thanks! It really is a continuation of another comment where we went a little overboard on the back and forth love, but this post does embody it perfectly ;) Cheers to you as well!

It's okay for people to go overboard in the sea of love, no drowning is possible here.

@dreemit, I didn't know that your comment is a continuation from the other post, but it's a good continuation to an amazing post.

One hundred percent agreed! ;)

Thanks a lot bro, appreciate your positive enthusiasm and your energetic reaction, it's a good feeling. Cheers!

Not only that your poetry is very good, but also those gifs are awesome as well. It's a perfect combination and gives to the person who read this post a good feeling. Thanks for that and congratulations for another amazing post.

Thank you as always bro @the-future, I appreciate your feedback. The gifs are always fun to choose. I know they help to liven up my posts a bit.

Haha, we're getting pretty complex and intricate now with all the back and forth. Thank you so much my friend, glad I can continue to make a big impact with my artwork.

I'm really liking how you're dividing everything up into three parts. A beginning, a middle and an end, with no spillage whatsoever. There is no doubt that you have a way with words, but it's so awesome when you use those words to send powerful messages. I love how you emphasized love in all its forms. Such a fitting description to a concept that should be universally celebrated. Great job as always, brother!

Thank you so much bro, God truly has gifted me with some skill with writing for sure, I can't deny His influence either. I'm glad you can appreciate all the different approaches to love, as that was my definite intent. Thank you again bro, I just posted Part 3, I think I will continue to do this beginning middle end series because it makes it a bit easier on me when Posting because life is getting hectic lol.

I already have it on my queue and I'm excited to get to it in a bit! :D

Nice! You are quick on your toes bro

Operation - @berniesanders - Negative Rep. Account

Dear Users,
I came back live because the abuse listed below is immoral. I will make something clear to all. I am not a bot, I use no auto codes, I do all manually, and I'm very good at everything I do, and put my hands on. You all sit around entertaining and supporting this evil person @berniesanders . You see how he does accounts in negative and treats them less than human. You see the way he bashes and abuses this blockchain and others. Those who support this immoral user who is a legend in his own mind and has won nothing, are now subject to the same tactics used before, with some new added since we want to go to another level of treating people unequal. I will come and fuck up every post painting it with truth and turning viewers and potential payers away, including new users. After all, I too am an artist. I see good people being misled, and clueless following as well. Post like this only aggravate situations, they never help. It's never good to go talking like that about others. So if you're as evil as he is, I'm coming for you. Now I made a promise to a friend to lay these accounts down for the benefit of a lot of things, and a lot of people. So, I now will show the world who is responsible for my quick return. @berniesanders is an immoral, evil, simple minded, heartless with his ways, human being. You want to fix a real life or blockchain problem, Take his ass out, and let the blockchain flourish. Take out the real trash. My flags and spam messages trying to have an equal voice never made me less than any of you. And we all well know, we see my messages as I go 1 by 1. So my friends, since this tyrannical person wants to continue to abuse others, I will remain on the server with all accounts live until @berniesanders is in the -negative reputation. I want him to know what it is like to be attacked into silence. We will see how he spams then to be heard. That is now the only cure for this virus created by abuse on humanity. Have a good day, keep smart ~ This Is A Call To Take Out The Real Trash ~ @berniesanders

To those that disagree, flag away at me. It does not matter. Even at -100 I will have a voice.
These accounts used to fight are expendable and disposable. Only Fix Listed Above.
Sincerely, @iLoveUpvotes ~

Webwide (a.k.a.) EatinCrayons ~

These Messages & Flags Will Cease In Entirety When @berniesanders Account Is In The -Negative Reputation. Let Him Now Reap What He Has Sowed.

A Long the way I talk some shit yeah. Don't attack people if you don't want a bad reaction.

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