The Tempest Papers (Sunday Funnies!)

in #dailypetphotography6 years ago (edited)


Holy beans! I almost forgot it was Sunday!!! Eeek :)

FOUR of my kids and their significant others (and their kids) left the state on Thursday night & Friday morning. My oldest took the grandkids, her husband and our youngest daughter @abyni to visit relatives out of state.

My oldest son Kainan took his roommate, our daughter Paris @loliboofae and her friend Jazz on a camping trip to Colordao.

That means that I am enjoying a lot of alone time, QUIET time, uninterrupted writing time and some husband time with @serapium. He's working a LOT at the moment, though, so it's usually just me and the animals (unless I'm wearing myself out helping him do his construction & remodeling jobs. My back is not up for much of that!!!)

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, here is Tempest once again. The cat who traveled with us on our sailboat while we lived and journeyed through Florida, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and the Dominican Republic. It was quite an adventure with two cats, two dogs, four young adults and Patrick and ME!

Here is Tempest's take on the boat life if you're a cat. You can use this to determine if your cat would enjoy the boat life or if they would instead prefer to vomit on your pillow to show their displeasure...



Dear Paris,
Well, its letter writing time again., mainly
because there isn’t much else for me to do.
I did my morning routine, complete with my
meditation, my stretching, lying in the sun,
eating and thinking about things. I get so
much done every morning, it’s great, but that
does leave quite a lot of the day left to find
something to do. Anyway, so now I’m going
to write you a letter. I can't believe the
humans have never caught me using the computer.
They probably don't think I'm smart enough.


If only they knew. I'm pretty damn sneaky
though. I've been putting a few extra dog
hairs on and around the laptop every time
I use it so if they suspect anyone, it will be
the dog that gets in trouble.
I know, that's pretty mean of me, but hey,
what are they going to do? It’s not like they'll
punish that freaking princess of a dog. Ugh.
It’s disgusting how much they spoil him.
The Real MVP,
Queen of the boat pets, Overlord of the floating
Castle of 11 Purple Monkeys.


Photographic evidence attached:
See how much happier the dog is than I am!?!?!?!






Letter Ten: Throwback Post, How Tempest Came to be a Part of the FamilyWith Bonus Kitten Video!

Letter Eleven: Guess Who? Hint: It’s ME again.

Letter Twelve: Tempest doesn't Cuddle!

Letter Thirteen: Training Humans

Letter Fourteen: Pondering the Boat Life

Letter Fifteen: Battling the Laundry Demons

Letter Sixteen: When Cats Get Bored


Click the graphic to join the fun



thealliance-400_square.pngIOW COLOR LOGO.png
art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



And if you're in the mood for something entirely different:

Contemporary Suspense Story: The Hunted

My name is Natalie. This is my story. It all started months ago when I thought I was being stalked. I was positive. I had the deep down knowledge that something was terribly wrong. I took every precaution and soon started feeling like the threat was over. My friends from work were relieved to see me getting back to normal and we planned a girl’s night out. We were all out having a blast that night. Drinking, partying, dancing, doing all those things that people like to do to get away from it all. Letting my guard down was the worst thing I could have done and because of it, my best friend was murdered. Now I was in a haze of chaos and grief tinged with guilt as the investigation finally gets started.

Nothing like a murder to get the police to take you seriously. Officer Franks (Mark) is one of the detectives on my case and he's the one making sure that I'm home safe. He promised me that he is going to make sure this gets solved and for some reason, I believe him. There are some sparks flying between us, but this is definitely not the time to explore that.



Photos are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos


haha love tempest !! will be reading more from this sneaky cat :)

Thanks for reading :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Omigoodness! Well, considering the indignity she's being subjected to, Tempest seems pretty... even-keeled!!! XD

This is really cute and funny. As a cat person, I have to say the feline sensibility in the writing is fully evident :)

Hahaha, you're very punny! :) Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tempest is a very easy to read cat. She wears her heart on her sleeve, so to speak!

lol so cute <3

Haha I really enjoyed the letters! Totally what a cat would write!

Thank you so much. Tempest is a cat with a very strong character ;)

Wow, another funny piece from @byn. :-)
I love these!!!

Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate the comments!

brilliant. Tempest is my kind of cat. I hope she gets alot of fresh fish to eat, she deserves it!

That is a funny story, actually... you'll have to stay tuned on Sundays for that story that will be coming in the future! Thanks for stopping by!

You are so sneaky, Tempest by doing that to the dog!!!! Well, I hate to say but you are good at typing, lesser typo than me!

Hahaha @byn looks like you are having a quiet week with all of them off traveling!! More writings from you?? :)

@happycrazycon I got a LOT of writing done! I am really enjoying the quiet time. :)

Hahahaha! Love this. Not sure how any of our felines would take to the water, let alone life on a boat. Reminds me that I did a series of posts about our Black Pearl when she was a kitten - "Pearli's Pickles". Perhaps I should re-cycle them and share them here?

That sounds like a fabulous idea! Definitely share them :)

@byn ok, will do. Have been AWOL for a while, so....

Your cat looks very regal and content on the boat.

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