DAD-Chronicals : Your child will be three? - now it is getting really funny

Your child will be three? - now it is getting really funny

Many children make around the third birthday around once again a strong development spurt. The kids are talking and understanding a lot more than before and are rapidly developing their own personality. For parents and outsiders that brings a lot of hilarious situations. In addition, the increasing understanding of children usually allows their parents a few freedoms.

A good friend of mine, whose children are already older, once told me that the time when his kids were three years old was the best. As the father of a daughter who turned three months ago, I can now understand him. At least in part - but more of that later. One thing is for sure: with three-year-olds, there is suddenly much more to laugh for the parents.

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Many children are still making a significant push for development around the age of three (I'm sure that's one of the reasons that kindergarten starts at that age). The new skills - on a linguistic and cognitive level as well as in dealing with others - the kids also want to implement immediately. Above all, they do that in the game. This opens up completely new possibilities for interaction - both with other children and with their parents. Children learn primarily by observing and imitating their surroundings - and that is precisely why parents can prepare themselves for amusing situations. Because more than once you will recognize yourself in their children and their games.

Word creations to the dead laugh

Our little girl suddenly started to talk more and more with her third birthday. This toddler-talk is often really funny. The sentence often reminds of Yoda from "Star Wars" and every now and then there are lyrics that can make you laugh with laughter.

The new language skills enable social games - even with parents

The new language skills open up completely new possibilities for children to play. Games that require collusion will now become possible. Often children now play everyday situations that they are familiar with. Either with other children or - often even more popular - with the parents. Next to "shopping" our Lilly likes to play "father, mother, child". The game usually starts with the announcement "You are the child". Our daughter never takes on the role of the child, but either the mother - my wife is then a child and then Lilly has a doll as a baby - or even more frequently the daddy (where, oddly enough, I'm the second dad in the game ). My wife and I wondered for a while why Lilly likes to play the role of father. Then we noticed that in the game we always drive somewhere in the car - and with us, the dad is just the chauffeur. Something our daughter did not want to take in the game. In this way, as a parent, you are given the mirror by the children and you notice how unconsciously gender roles are shaped.

Also with other children is more played together from the age of three. This is also promoted by the time in the kindergarten, where children can meet peers and get away from the "big ones" something. Very first friendships are closed, these being primarily friendships. We parents were also allowed to hear "if you do not give me the gummy bears, then you are no longer my friend." The first time we were so surprised that we did not know whether we should shake our heads in disbelief or laugh out loud.

The new skills do not just have nice sides

Through the language skills children can also formulate questions - and do so with enthusiasm. In many cases this is the beginning of the endless "why" questionnaires that can really get on your parents' nerves. The questions of the children are born out of a genuine need for knowledge and therefore one should also try to answer them as best as possible. However, parents are forgiven if you do not feel like it after the tenth "why".

Also, parents have to take good care of what they say because their child is listening. And the very words that they should not hear seem to catch children especially well. The fun to pronounce them is even greater if the parents react shocked. The SCH word has been part of our daughter's vocabulary for a few weeks now. We're just not sure if she picked it up from us or at kindergarten. We hope for the latter ;-)

With what children learn anew, their personality also develops. This inevitably leads to increased discussions, because children want to show their independence by protesting and no longer accept everything that the parents present to them. With us it started with discussions about clothing and now we have arrived at the food, where our daughter has quite clear ideas what she DOES NOT want. An effective remedy in this case is to give children two alternatives right from the beginning ("Would you like to put on the red or the blue dress?"). So your child has the feeling that it was allowed to decide for themselves and does not feel taken by surprise. A tip: more than two alternatives still overwhelm children at this age.

Speaking of personality - you will also increasingly recognize yourself in your child. In the gestures of your child, in his choice of words, in the way he argues with you. In one or the other discussion you will surely hear proverbs that you like to use yourself.

The increased desire for self-employment is also expressed in the fact that children want to do things themselves more often than before. For parents, it can be frustrating to watch the whole thing and wait patiently for their child to dress for themselves. If something does not work out, tears or outbursts of rage often occur. But that's what parents already know about the tantrums and know how to handle them most of the time.

New freedoms for parents of three year old children

With advancing age, children develop in other ways. Most three year olds need - at least during the day - no more diaper. Many sleep in their own bed. As a rule, children of this age sleep through the night. A large part of the three-year-olds - mostly through the kindergarten - had experiences with third-party care. This makes it possible for the parents of children at this age to conquer new freedoms for themselves. Most three-year-olds are looking forward to play meetings / playdates with friends of the same age. Here, the parents of the children can agree, so that only one parent takes over the supervision. This usually works fine. The children can usually live with their mom and dad saying goodbye for a while and often two kids who play well with each other are even easier to supervise than one who wants to get busy. The duration of absence of parents can be slowly increased. However, you should be reachable by phone for emergencies.

The same applies to evenings with the partner - completely without children. Now comes the time when you can go out in pairs again, assuming a reliable babysitter. Again, you should increase the time in which you are "off" slowly.

Three-year-olds have the ability to see if they want. They slowly learn to empathize with others and understand their situation. So you can explain then that you have to go now, because otherwise you are late or that unfortunately you have to go to work to pay the rent and to buy ice cream. Also the understanding of deals in the way "if you're good now you get" have children now. These trades are not pretty, but as parents you can often do what you want. A real advantage over the tantrums of two-year-olds, where usually nothing helps.

Suggestions for parents of three-year-olds

There are many things that parents of three-year-olds can do, who can be fun, make connections, or help the children in their development. Here are some suggestions:

  • Talk to your child through the day. Either in the evening eating together or later in bed before the bedtime story. Encourage your child to share his experiences. You will be surprised what your child has to report.

  • Read to your child. Children now have the ability to concentrate on following short stories, the short versions of fairy tales, for example. Reading aloud and speaking self promotes the linguistic abilities of her child immensely.

  • Sing with your child. It has a lot of fun and slowly learns to remember the lyrics or to interpret them - often very funny.

  • Encourage your child to tell his grandparents about his experiences on the phone.

  • Create your own rituals. In addition to the bedtime ritual, these can be regular joint activities - feeding ducks, visiting a tree, baking pizza, building a railway, etc. - or just a special song, a phrase that they always use together or a secret handshake. Something that connects you and your child.

  • Let your child decide things. That does him good and creates self-confidence. Limit the selection to two alternatives.

  • Explain things to your child. The explanations do not usually have to be particularly complicated, details do not usually understand three-year-olds. Or, even better, show your child things. An example: our daughter did not want to be fastened in the car. I told her that the straps are important because they hold them when I have to brake. That only half convinced her. Then I told her I would show her. She was strapped on, I drove a few feet slowly and then braked hard. On the one hand, she thought that was great and on the other hand, strapping on has not been an issue ever since.

  • Let your child gain experience. Protect your child where needed and explain why they do not want things to happen. But let your child gain experience as long as it is safe. So, if your child insists on going out barefoot in cold weather, then leave it - and follow with stockings and boots.

  • Let your child do things for himself. The feeling of "I've done it myself" does the kids really well.

  • Show and explain things about your child - the way home or how it did this or that. This promotes the language skills and self-confidence of your child.

  • Let your child share things with other children. The principle of sharing is still difficult to understand for children of this age. You do not see the benefits yet. But if, for example, you only give sweets to your child at the playground, sharing them with the other children, then it will quickly learn - and make new friends as well.

  • Take your child and their needs seriously. Your child is by no means a baby anymore and is developing his personality. It also means that it finds out for itself and decides what does or pleases him - and what does not. Support it as much as possible and save the "no" for important things.

Three year old - not always easy, but often funny

Children at the age of three are not always easy - the defiance phase is not quite over yet, the increasing urge for independence leads to stubbornness and argument - and yet this is an age with many delights for the parents. Your child is now getting more and more understanding, they can do more with him, but also have to take more care of his wishes. Actually only fair, right? In any case, living with a three-year-old child has many funny moments. Another example: A few days ago, my wife told our daughter after the goodnight kiss, "I love you". Then the answer of our three year olds: "Thank you."

What else can you say :-)


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I miss so badly when my daughter was 3. Now im so nostalgic. She's almost a teenager now.

Awwww ... its good to see i catch some Mothers also with my small niche blog ;)

keep posting about dad-chronicals.. i enjoyed it as a dad

I´ll try it as long as i can.

All this feedback over time shows me up im doin right with it ;)

Thx for this thumb up ;)

My twins are about to be three, this is helpful.
I also do a bit of oaks blogging but mine is more based on my thoughts but I wa t I get into giving more advice directly. No I do it rather indirectly like gems in between the lines.

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