DAD-Chronicals : The pace of life - children teach us the slowness

The pace of life - children teach us the slowness

It is impossible to travel with a toddler in our usual pace of life. From the beginning even the smallest determine our day and its speed and that is unusually slow. Efficiency, on-time delivery, punctuality - parents know that these high virtues often fall behind. Instead of getting angry, you should enjoy this!


The world is full of wonders - unfortunately we adults hardly see it anymore. Which in turn is no wonder, because even our parents have taught us early on that it does not matter to explore the world, but to cultivate punctuality and speed. As a parent of a small child, you have the opportunity to learn from your child, to slow down the pace of life and to see the wonders of life again.

Children and plans

There is a law that all parents know. Whenever there is a rush, the little ones straddle in between. The full diaper, when it is high time to make your way to the pediatrician or the completely blushed child, who is already in his best clothes for a visit to granny's birthday. Children do not work according to our plans and appointments, they live simply and without consideration for external circumstances or constraints. What a great gift is, we adults often perceive as greyeless egoism - and it gets on our nerves. At the same time, children are a great opportunity to rethink their own planning and re-evaluate the significance of structure and organization.

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Life in the here and now

Children live in the present and that excludes hustle and bustle. Because every moment is precious and must be savored accordingly. Flowers along the way, puddles of water, beetles and thousands of other little things can captivate our offspring. Everything is new, needs to be closely examined and researched. Children are still very close to the earth - and not just because of their height. Their perception of everything that is beautiful and special (and that is almost everything in the eyes of our children!) Is very pronounced. We, on the other hand, are often annoyed because the children's view of the world disturbs our adult plans. At the same time, we often do not notice how relaxing is staying in the present.

Get nervous or enjoy?

Every time a child thwarts our plans, we unconsciously make the decision: are we annoyed or curious and relaxed at the pace of our child's life? The good advice in these cases: Choose if it somehow goes the second way. Basically, you can not change the speed your child chooses anyway. At least not without causing a great deal of shouting, anger and a bad mood. Why not just fall into the lightness of being yourself and curiously look at what can come of it?

Let the world become a big adventure for you, too! Of course, this is not always possible, but nevertheless: There are opportunities, there is no external reason to be impatient - for example, on a Sunday walk through the forest. See with the eyes of your child the beauty of small things and the wonder of every moment. You will be refreshed and happy to come back from this experience!

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