DAD-Chronicals : The love of parents for their children - indescribable, infinite, incomparable, unconditional

The love of parents for their children - indescribable, infinite, incomparable, unconditional

The love of parents for their children can not be compared to anything else. It is there from the beginning, knows virtually no boundaries and manifests itself in many ways. What makes this love so unique?

Before they have children of their own, couples wonder how it will be - especially how it will feel - to be parents. No matter how many thoughts you have in advance, the wave of feelings that comes over you when you hold your own baby for the first time in your arms, you can not prepare. This little bundle of life that cuddles up in one's own body ignites emotions - caring, softness, sentimentality, strength, willpower, affection, protective instincts, but above all a deep love - that people without children of their own can not imagine , I would like to write about this special love of parents for their children today, because they amaze me again and again and in my opinion can not be compared to anything else.

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The love of parents for their children has many facets

All parents learn in their own bodies, what they are capable of by the love of their children. It gives them the strength to endure sleepless nights and to rock their children in their arms until exhausted. It gives them the staying power to do this again and again over months without complaining seriously. It is the reason why parents almost always subordinate their own needs to those of children - be it small children's things like personal hygiene or the cleanliness of the home or, for older children, the choice of holiday or place of residence. Regularly one reads of parents, who raise unimaginable forces, in order to rescue their children from dangers or without thinking about sacrificing their own well-being for the offspring. Anyone who has children knows that this is also in him - this primal instinct to work for his children, regardless of himself.

The love for one's own child overcomes women during pregnancy and breaks through during childbirth - certainly a trick of nature, which helps expectant mothers to survive the birth pains. Expectant fathers feel "only" anticipation during pregnancy. In contrast to the expectant mother, they are not yet physically affected by the child during this time, so the child has one more personality and is less palpable. The feeling of chaos therefore usually gets over them all the more violently, if they hold the baby for the first time in his arms and can deal with him.

Parental love grows with time and seems to know no boundaries

As much as the love of your own child is there from the beginning, it tends to grow over time, as almost all parents can confirm: the time you spend with your child interacting with him as you do getting to know one's personality through the difficulties one encounters with one's child - sleepless nights, illnesses, worries - but also beautiful experiences such as joint ventures, success stories, celebrations or milestones like the first steps children make with the help of their parents.

It is also fascinating that love for the first child does not diminish when a second one comes into the world. The new baby is in focus for a while, but that does not change the love for the firstborn. This remains untouched; The ability of parents to love their children is growing and seems to be unlimited.

The love of parents is selfless - it is there, even if little comes back

The love of parents to their child is very selfless: it does not charge what comes back from the other side, it does not count on thanks and loves its child through quarreling, defiance and puberty. When in doubt, one's own child may do things that would lead to the immediate end of a partnership - the parents endure it, albeit often with a heavy heart. My own mother occasionally said to me as a bigger kid: "I love you very much, but I do not always like you." Now I understand well what she meant then.

The greatest sign of the parents 'selflessness, however, is that they teach their child to live their own life and eventually let go and allow the child to step out of the parents' circle of love. For many parents this is a great overcoming, a sacrifice, but it is also the ultimate proof of love.

The true love of life

In contrast to the romantic-sexual love between man and woman, in which the duration of most relationships is limited, the love of parents to their child has no end date. Like any relationship, she goes through ups and downs - in most cases around puberty - but there is no end to it. The relationship between parent and child is changing, but the relationship is deep-rooted and persists. This makes the love of parents for their children the true love of their lives.


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Really touching Bembel. You hit all the points. Great job. Off to call my mom. ❤😛

yaaay... it shows me im doin right with my storylines :)

Aww yeah, me too!


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