Why CURIE "needs" to be your choice for Witness /My thoughts/💭

in #curie6 years ago (edited)


This will be another one of my "ramble on" posts about topics i feel deeply about.
Usually i start my posts with some kind of a silly joke but ill be keeping it "relatively" serious this time. 😀

Few weeks ago there was a initiative by Curie that encouraged Steemians to write about how Curie affected their lives.
Ill incorporate a bit of that into this post, but most of all i want to emphasize how much indeed Curie has done, not only for those that were rewarded with that pretty financial boost, but rather for the platform as a whole.



I wrote shortly about what Curie meant to me in my "2 month Steemit anniversary" couple weeks ago, and the role it played in keeping me here on Steem, showing me why i should give this platform a legit shot.

I arrived on Steemit accidentally by browsing through crypto-news and crypto-related sites and in the beggining i was simply uploading my old content i used as promotion for the band i was a part of. I didnt have any experience or broader knowledge of how the blockchain worked, how to network, how to write online content, and i didnt really own almost any equipment which i could use to create what i wanted. No skills to speak of, in audio editing or video making. (not that i have now, but you know what i mean😋)

But something kept me here. My first post i wrote was an introduction of sorts, sloppily written, with a sort of music video, of "Sia: Chandelier" which people seemed to really like from the comments and the upvotes i got.
Curie community upvote was on it which i didn't realize until long after...

That small upvote, i think the total was around 20-30$, kept me around and motivated me to at least keep on writing and uploading more, to start networking as much as i could, since i didnt have the tools to make something of my own.
"Maybe then another big upvote will come, i thought to myself".

I was extremely lucky to get support from a larger account early on, which allowed me to buy the first piece of equipment i needed.
First song i recorded with my new mic, for #openmic got a Curie. The audio was recorded badly in terrible lighting (now that i look at it), with clipping all over the track, no work done to make it sound or look better. Id say its actually quite scary to listen to it with your headphones on. 😏
With time i tried to improve and a few more Curies came my way that sustained me and helped me grow.
Curie was the incubator, training wheels of sorts for me, and when i outgrew those training wheels i was able to move forward on my own.

And thats the core. Curie isnt here for a creator to depend on it throughout his time on the Steem blockchain.
Its here to get you on your way and pick you up when you fall down, when you have a spill of bad luck but continue creating quality content.


On to a bit of a explanation..


Curie is a community project that rewards undervalued, high quality creators with high upvotes, attempting to give them exposure.
That is the simplest, most straight forward explanation i can think of.

The upvote itself is made up of the SP from the @curie account and of those that support the project by following the curie curation trail. Follow by clicking here
The project is supported with the SP of some large accounts like @meerkat and @hendrikdegrote whom you will see at the top of your payout list above the curie upvote itself.
This is somewhat of a source of confusion for new Steemit users since the upvote recipient is most likely to first notice those topping the list.
The system itself works in a very polished way.

  1. Curie curators, _that have proven themselves as being able to effectively recognize generally high quality posts in the #curationlinks room of the Curie discord channel (or have proven themselves through their solo work) search the "new pages" of Steemit in search of quality posts manually, or with the use of various tools (Example: Steemlookup)
  2. They submit those posts through Streemian after which a review process starts.
  3. The review process is lead by reviewers, of which some have been with the project from the start and some are those that have proven themselves as being Curie curators of the highest caliber, with consistently high approval ratings.

I have been working as a curator for almost 2 months now (admittedly im not the greatest one. 😅) , lately more focused on growing my blog, but in that time i have noticed the following effect Curie has on the platform:

  1. By supporting new quality creators Curie encourages them to remain on the platform and create value which in turn increases the overall worth of the platform itself.
  2. By supporting struggling creators, Curie gives them a boost in visibility that often reinvigorates their blogs by raising attention, attracting support from all sides.
  3. Curie helps mold the structure of content on the Steem blockchain in a positive way by pushing towards "exceptional" rather then the "average" or "low effort". Indirectly fighting the downfalls of the Stake based voting system and the hijacking of the trending page by various bot abusers and self voters. The primary focus has always been on quality... And thats something i consider to be the most praise worthy of all things, especially in a system where rewarding quality isnt incentivized enough.

Yes there are others that do a amazing job that deserve mountains of praise as well, like @ocd, whaleshares, the many solo manual curators and other bigger and smaller communities, but in my opinion Curie has always been a leader in this area.

Which is why whenever i vote for a witness i ask myself:
"what do they contribute towards and would we even notice them gone?" The answers to those questions i leave to you.

Since this is somewhat of a promotion post, i would like to call upon anyone that has a fondness for Curie to consider delegating to the @curie account and consider voting for Curie as witness.

You can delegate on the following links:
50SP 100SP
250SP 500SP
1000SP 5000SP

Little bit of background

Curie is one of the oldest projects on the steem blockchain, announced in August 2016 as an attempt to focus whale power for a good cause.
The “Project Curie” team started with: Tom (donkeypong), The Alien (the-alien), liberosist, Etherpunk (kevinwong), Anwen Baumeister (anwenbaumeister), infovore, gavvet, steemship, plus contributors including Cryptogee, Andrew Levine (andrarchy), piedpiper, nanzo-scoop, rok Sivante (rok-sivante), nextgencrypto and others.
i removed the "@" because of Gina, but you can easily check out their accounts by adding @ in front of the names in the brackets

According to Steemworld stats @curie has given out 104720 votes Totalling to more then 2 300 000$ in post payouts

To the guys in the #curatorlounge: "keep up the good work, and selfies are photos too!"📷😊

This post is solely based on my own opinions and the bots have been payed for from my own post rewards.

See you around and

🌟Keep on Steeming!🌟

Some of my music videos:

Nina Simone: Feeling good
Elton John: Can you feel the love tonight (Lion King soundtrack)
Enya: May it be (LOTR soundtrack)
Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack (Hoist the colors and Main theme)
I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables
The Minnowsupport Lullaby
Schindlers List Theme
Sam Smith: "Im not the only one"
Meno/Pechichemena: "Wait" cover
Whitney Houston: "I have nothing"
Beyonce: "Listen"
Cee Lo Green: "Forget you"

Webp.net-resizeimage (8).png

Curie is a community witness and a community curation project with the main goal of discovering unrewarded, exceptional content. Curie curators work hard to fulfill those goals every day.
Please consider voting @curie for witness.
Vote here!



The most common criticism I hear about Curie is that it "just" gives authors a big upvote and then "abandons" them. The inference is that it doesn't give them a community, work with them one on one to help them learn how to post better, etc. The funny thing about that... let's poll the minnows here, shall we?

Hey minnows! Is there a shortage of communities you can join here? Any shortages of Discord groups you can join that will help you learn to post better? Any shortage of communities on almost every conceivable posting subject out there?

Now... is there a shortage of huge accounts willing to give you a huge upvote without making you jump through hoops? Is there a shortage of accounts with huge votes that are upvoting good content just because it is good content?

The answers to these questions are clear. There are tons and tons of communities here and pretty much none of them give out $100+ upvotes to their members. DTube and Utopian.io are obvious exceptions, but are also obviously focused on very narrow ranges of posting (video and open source contributions, respectively).

For just an average blogger who has read the advertisements that STINC continues to put out there, saying that this is a place that you can be paid for posting, the reality when they come here is that groups like Curie and OCD are the only realistic chance of getting a big upvote.

Now lets talk about value added to the platform. How many people are talking to friends and family that are not on Steem platform yet about the awesome Discord community they joined? Vs. how many people talk to friends and families about the USD $200+ upvote they received just for posting a song or artwork or story that they would have posted for free in the past on Facebook?

What is more likely to get people to come here... a community they can join or a huge upvote on their posting that they didn't have to pay for? The answer is so obvious that it blows my mind when I hear people questioning the value of Curie. Wake up people! You can find a community of friends and peers on Facebook or any other social media platform. You can't find a group like Curie that will give you a significant sum of real-world money for your posting there.

Upvoted....Go Carl!

Great post! Also thanks for helping me get 'curied' I really appreciate it!

I left a few comments on your post that you expanded on from this comment so i wont go on for long.

Ill just say that Curie is a cog in the system that should be, not the one that is right now. And its amazingly effective at what it does.
Just for a thought experiment, in the long run, if by any chance curie had all the delegations the bots have, we would all be far better off. The trending page would be populated with high quality content, the general consensus of the outside world would be that this is a place of high value (not the complete opposite), people would come here more, and the Steem price could possibly rise above the speculative practices of crypto since this is atm the best place for a layman and the general public to get acquainted with crypto.

Just something to think about. ;)

Proudly upvoting @curie posts and witness here!

hehe. :D

Having only been on steemit for 3 months now, I've thus far only ventured out into the shallow waters. It's obvious, even to a newbie that there's some kind of whale politics going on, but I just focused on what I was doing.
It seems though that I should now become more involved with those doing, what i would like to one day do. I checked my list and as it turns out, I've already voted for Curie :)
Thanks for the validation.

The goal of curie is very good thinking they want to help minnows to get upvotes given that the post is a quality one. If only all witnesses can do the same thing!

Well some of the witnesses do that, but many dont have that much of SP. Some are minnows like us.
A few great ones to consider along with curie: @crimsonclad and @aggroed (both of whom are extremely well connected to the community), @pharesim (hes a bit bigger, but spreads his VP to a lot of minnows), @gtg, @drakos, @pfunk (that supports openmic) etc...

The structure of the witness page is extremely important in its own right which is why i always encourage steemians to research the witnesses they vote for. Even drama, of all things, can be a good show of who you can trust.

Thats the right idea! :D

Great post. Love your content, I haven't been able to find many other good music related Steemit pages as of yet. You might like my page, it's all my own original concert photography and vinyl record collection, I also do interviews with big names bands, although they are mostly just on my website for now.

Wow, i have to say that your concert photography is really quite good. Especially that last one. I mean i see its some kind of heavy music so you expect power in the photos, but thats really something.

Im glad you enjoy my work. :D

Thanks so much! Yeah it's a cool hobby I'd love to be able to do it full time one day. I'll keep checking out your stuff. Keep it up!

@curie is such a brilliant initiative for new Steemians! I did some experimenting with using upvote bots and as soon as I stopped with them I got a Curie upvote :)

Haha. Yep, that was a smart move. :)

Well, thank you for letting me know how great @curie was before. I feel like everything that I read about them just compliments them for their help in the past. I’m very new to steemit, about 3 weeks now, and what I find is that Curie is not what many claim to be anymore. Basically, they are now just a group of a few privileged that get all the benefits that everyone got or had a chance to get in the past. Isn’t that how it works now? Only the few benefit? They no longer allow anyone to suggest or curate. You must be selected. Only a few get all the benefits, that before a large amount of people took advantage of. They no longer try & help the underdog, their demeanor has changed. It helped you, but for all the new plankton: Good luck!

In the past Curie accepted submission from everyone that wanted to submit, but that ended up leading to an enormous amount of spam, and bad submissions. The acceptance rating was extremely low. That was of course before my time here.
What they did afterwards is not to shut off others from being able to curate, but rather created a room in the discord channel where those that want to become curators have an opportunity to:

  1. show their skill and dedication
  2. show that they have an understanding of the guidelines and what makes a generally good post.

Thats actually how i became a curator, took me maybe a week and a half. And a lot more people have been accepted in the exact same way. You are free to go there and try it for yourself. :D

I dont understand how you mean that only a few benefit? Curie supports minnows everyday, it gave out more then $2mil in upvotes to quality creators. There is a ongoing feed on the discord channel where you can see who gets the upvotes.

Id wager that this "feed room" holds the highest quality content on any Steem related pages, discord channels, etc.

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