The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue #6. (3/1/18)

in #curation7 years ago



The Daily Whistle Stops is a curation post brought to you by @thesteemengine! This post features the best posts from our members selected by our master curator @enchantedspirit!

All of these posts were submitted in our Discord server's post-promotion channel, and have been hand picked to receive a full upvote from our group account! If you'd like to see your post featured here, simply submit it in The STEEM Engine Discord server! Not a member of The STEEM Engine initiative? Check out our intro post for more information about our group!


The Curator's Choices


Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/1/18
As much as I hate to admit it, my Dad was right
... and I think I am too.




So You Want To Learn A New Language?
5 tips before you start




Double E Blessed Homestead & Beefarm's
World Famous Camp Hashbrowns!



Image Source

The best payout of 2018
(no, its not in Steem)




The New Years Gathering



A New Evil Plunders The Reward Pool



Steemolutions For 2018



12 Must Have Baby Items



That was amazing!
After last night I believe the
Steemit community can do anything



Arts and Culture
Art, crafts, photography, cultural attractions,
food, travel, customs, special interests


Memories From Egypt:
The Tale of Two Mummies




Traditional Mexican Meal
New Year's Day 2018




2017 Review: My best paintings


The Playground
Games, contests, puzzles, quizes,
entertainment, hobbies and leisure





The author of this list of curated posts by members of The STEEM Engine is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog.





Finally had some time to check out most of these posts, great work selecting them

@lifeaef Great advice, all good tips, I think another one would be to start young if you can, Having travelled a lot and seeing a lot of the world and coming across many languages learning new ones is something I struggled with, I just dont have a knack with languages at all, I sometime seven Joke I am still learning English my mother tongue.

However I have seen kids of colleagues thrive with languages when they start with more than one language from a very young age

a couple of the other posts made me quite hungry :)

Title: So You Want To Learn A New Language? 5 tips before you start

I especially liked point 3 whereby we need to live the language. I've always believed that we learning a new language exposes us to a whole new culture and thinking without even being in the country of its origin. you've convinced me that it works the other way as well as it helps you understand how the language is formed and developed from the culture! :)

This is a great comment, @calebleejl. When I was in college I began to see how language shapes a culture's perspective ... and therefore the people in the culture itself. They see the world differently because of the way language directs their attention. In the United States, people tell each other ... "Be good." In French, that advice comes out in translation as ... "Be wise." In the Hopi Indian language, the advice is "Remember to follow the Hopi way." (In other words, follow the teachings of your religious guidance and community cultural standards -- which are quite different from those in white culture.)

Also ... in our culture there is tremendous emphasis on things like hard work and productivity -- and it shows in our maxims. But there is a wonderful maxim from the Navajos that says ... "A man does what a man does, and it takes as long as it takes." Personally, that one changed my life. Sometimes, I remember it ... and change the way I'm approaching a project.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Do come around often.

hahaha! I love your reply. it's also through Steemit I'm beginning to be more exposed to different cultures. just knew that there's an annual 'color run' in India. I know it's not exactly Hopi but it's Holi.

which culture are you referring to that emphasis on hard work and productivity? I do love that saying though. it's like you can never ever quit.

I will definitely stop by because you all made it easier to locate good content! :)

My culture is the one in the United States. (You know. Those arrogant b*stards who think they own the whole world!!) But I suppose on that topic of work and productivity the Japanese have us beat to a pulp. People there actually DIE from overwork and they actually have a word for that, too ... karoshi.

yes I've seen pictures! people in office clothes laying on the sidewalk. can't even make it home. :/

A New Evil Plunders The Reward Pool

This is actually something I've been following for the past couple of weeks, and I completely agree that there needs to be a change. The major issue I have with the two accounts you mentioned (apart from them plundering the reward pool without producing any content and for no reason other than personal gain) is that they are run by the same individual you used as an example of someone who tries to stop this kind of abuse (I dare not mention the name for fear of a flagging).

I find it incredibly hypocritical that we have so many people who are quick to call out others for this kind of thing, yet are so willing to do it when it benefits them. Granted, he may just be trying to make a point by showing a weakness in the system and how it can be abused, but at what cost to others?

Regardless, I agree with your overall premise and had not really given much thought to other examples of this, such as the example you gave with davidpakman. I would normally not pay much attention to this or even notice it at all, but you are somewhat correct in your thinking that it is wrong. I mean, he is clearly successful and making plenty. It is funny he only gives a small percentage vote to others while giving a large percentage vote to himself. It isn't "wrong" per se, but it feels a bit... well, just irritating?

At any rate, thank you for continuing to bring attention to this problem that has been plaguing the platform as of late. Hopefully we can rally enough support to find and implement a solution to it all. Cheers!

The minute someone invents a new experience that is fun, worthwhile, educational and profitable, someone else (often more than one of these benighted souls) finds a way to spoil it ... or cheapen it ... or turn it to his personal benefit. It's one of them most bitter truths about human nature. This is one example. The recent dust-up between "the good whale" and a self-described crypto-analyst with a rich and powerful benefactor (maybe) ... is another one.

From a sociological point of view, it's all fascinating. As a dweller in the same ecosystem that is being poisoned by this behavior, it's really scary. The overall lack of response in the upper strata of the platform is the most worrisome piece of this whole drama to me. I'm not sure what to think of that, but like you I found @penston's article worth reading.

I don't know what to think about the fact that we are all being "played" for the sake of an object lesson. On the one hand, that could be a very effective strategy. On the other hand, that "lack of response from the upper strata" ... well, that's a problem. It will be interesting to see the next move. The story isn't done.

Indeed. Fortunately it seems "the good whale" and haejin have settled their matter. Unfortunately, it caused a LOT of damage across the board. Like you, I wish there had been some response from the top. However, since this is supposed to be decentralized, I cannot say that I am entirely surprised their input was not present. Hopefully things can settle down and we can get away from this whole vigilante/revenge type stuff. I mean, even if you think someone gets more than they worth, downvoting ALL of their rewards, especially without even bothering to see what kind of value their posts are worth, seems extreme.

We need to find that compromise and keep walking that thin line. Unfortunately, like you said, greed and personal benefit are a part of human nature, and it takes far fewer people to mess something up than to make it great.

Title: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/1/18> As much as I hate to admit it, my Dad was right… and I think I am too

I like this post cause it hides both a truth and a vast knowledge that comes from a bunch of years ago and basically it tell us that we still haven't waked up!

Title: So You Want To Learn A New Language? 5 tips before you start
what i liked in the post except the fact that it's indeed a quality post, that he gave a bunch of different ways to make you learn the language. From passion to youtube and from apps like meet up to setting a plan with goals!

Title: 2017 Review: My best paintings
what i really like and enjoy are his animal paintings. At least for me they seem so real and peaceful

That's a great comment. Extra-credit for being the first to take us up on our offer. Thank you very much. I'm sure these authors also appreciate your opinions and comments.


Traditional Mexican Meal New Years Day 2018

Looks delicious! What a great introduction to a traditional Mexican meal. I’ve been to Cozumel and sampled some amazing food there and I continue to love and enjoy Mexican food, though I’ve surprisingly not had flan 🍮... the flan recipe looks like it may be similar to the baked custard my Nanna used to make for me in England and so I’ll have to give it a try 😊

It's definitely worth a try, but it is more like creme caramel than baked custard. Which reminds me, anyone got a custard tart you can send me? I can't find one here, and 20 years is a long time to go without something I used to have every week or two. That and lardie cake.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Leave it to you to find a way to use a lovely comment to beg for food. You have absolutely no shame.

It would appear that @catweasel is always hungry 😋

Lol... you mean I’m mixing my gelatinous desserts 🍮 I’m not sure I’ve ever had Lardy cake but plenty of treacle pudding and custard 👍🏻

Flan has a lot of egg in it too, so if you don't like the texture of cooked egg, you may not like the texture of flan. @catweasel is correct though in that there is a good bit of caramel.

Baked custard is set. Flan is more like soft jelly in texture.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I saw the post "Traditional Mexican Meal - New Year's Day 2018" by @eaglespirit with the mexican food photos and recipes.

I really like Mexican food. A lot.

I'm going to have to sit my wife down and have a conversation about dinner plans. I'm pretty sure they are going to include yummy Mexican food. And not just tacos, oh no. We're talking the WHOLE enchilada. @ironshield

Hilarious! Hey it’s hard work so prepare to assist in a lot of grating and chopping. 🤣
Thank you for the support my friend. xx


Woot Woot! Or should that be Toot Toot! Honored to be featured with these other fantastic reads today :)

Its amazing to see how fast things are moving in the new steem engine group. Lets keep up the great work team

This is almost as cool as having my picture on the jumbo-tron in Times Square! Thank you!

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