10 gaming Cryptocurrencies that could get huge in 2018 (Video)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemit,

Ya know - I never was really into video games that much growing up. Sure, I remember plopping down in front of a television as a child and rocking out some Combat on the Atari, and I'll never forget the joy of opening up the original NES one mid 80's Christmas morning. (a simpler time where the game 'Duck Hunt' felt like magic!)

By the time the PS2 had hit in the early 90's, I was already phasing into High School feeling like I was too busy for video games. This mentality persisted until the mid 2000's, where with the help of @sykochica's prompting, I fell face first into a WOW hole (world of warcraft) for a few years. After that addiction subsided, I began to play some LoL (league of legends) with friends in the evenings, which is the first game I remember putting usd into in order to purchase character skins . For years those were the only two games I ever played in my free time.

Fast Forward to 2014 (ish), and I found myself a single man with disposable income, and a lot of free time on my hands. At 35 years old I decided to install Steam (the gaming service, not to be confused with our beloved Steem) and began to buy games. This technology had advanced fairly rapidly since the old NES days, and I was quickly lost in a gaming hobby I didn't even know I was looking to get into, spending over $3K USD on games over the course of the next few years. (Do u even PC Master Race, bruh?)

Purchasing a gaming pc and going balls deep on every online gaming store I could find for the next few years, as it stands, I now have well over 200 games on my Steam account and I've spent a lot of time visiting these BEAUTIFUL Worlds for escapism and adventure as needed. I even recently beat the Witcher 3, including the base game and both expansion packs, which clocked in at just shy of 200 hours game play.

Moving forward with this ramble - I still like to game in 2018, but am not in the habit of buying every major studio release that hits the shelves, as was the case the last few years. I still play a bit here & there when I have some free time, and currently I'm enjoying a fps on Steam called Paladins. (Free DL/ Free to play)

This would be a good time to mention @spbesner 's recent post -asking Steemian's to post pictures & specs of their gaming PC setups. If interested in this glorious & ascended content - you should check it out!

In the game of Paladins, as well as many other games, an option persists to purchase in-game currency with fiat currency, then spending that exclusive in-game currency for additional pretty things to use. (Cards, Skins, Mounts, etc)

As an Adult with a little bit of disposable income, I personally do not mind having these systems setup, yet there definitely is some push back by the gaming community when it comes to exchanging 'real money' for 'video game money'. As an Adult who dabbles a bit in crypto, I personally do not mind holding alt currencies on various platforms, though I acknowledge how the bulk of 'normal people' may object to that notion.

You may have heard of the debacle that was the release of Star Wars Battlefront 2 late last year - in which the gaming community as a whole banded together to curb the insanely overzealous actions of the game's developer 'EA' to make the game not even 'pay to play', but instead 'pay to win' - meaning someone who spent 100+ hours grinding a character could easily be bested in battle by a spunky tween who just started playing, yet had access to Mom & Dad's debit card, buying all the fancy things before even playing the game. The community push back was so strong on this issue, that the publisher disabled (albeit temporarily) all in game purchases until they can better balance the system.

So what does this all have to do with Steemit? Well - aside from seeing lots of video game posts on the platform, I stumbled across this video this morning that got me thinking. Since in-game currencies are a widely prevalent and accepted in most cases - what does the future hold so far as integrating crypto-currencies into these same games? I know its been discussed before, I even remember having this conversation with @raymonjohnstone one day at length in discord chat - but aside from the game developer's actual in-game currency, what other 'mainstream' coins do you feel could actually be integrated into the gaming world in our near future?

This video attempts to predict that answer, and I felt it was a worthy share here, despite not being OC of my own. So via my Youtube subscriptions page this morning: Here is "10 gaming Cryptocurrencies that could get huge in 2018".

Cheers Steemit!


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I sincerely do not have experience with games but I might just try them out whenever I have free time on my hand.
Mind recommending some for me?

There are so many - it just depends on what play style you're into. Are there any games you've played in the past that you enjoyed?

I LOVE this idea. I'm a bit fan of Star Citizen and it would be amazing if the in game currency was a crypto-currency.

I'm going to have to find a way to propose this to the developers. That would really change the level of investment and possibility in the entire game.

@phaazer1 [SquareLink]

If you can Dream it, you can Steem it.

It's crazy dude, I could absolutely see a cryptocurrency appear in gaming (universal or not) in the near future.

Think about what an economy WoW gold had - it was almost the OG cryptocurrency without even knowing it yet. Or Diablo 2? Don't even get me started 😂. D2 broke so many walls down in the early 2000's in regards to creating a thriving, intense in-game economy to the point where websites were selling hundreds of items and runewords for actual money (and still are), some ranging into the hundreds of dollars range.

I could absolutely see that happening.

And so what is the more promising crypto within this industry ? I'm waiting for the Triforce token

Awesome article.


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