

Is an “L” missing in bockchain (tag Of this post)?
Cheers! 👋

Posted using Partiko iOS

You’re most welcome! 🙏🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

They are having it hard because of the government, and maybe the US too. Why don't they just do all crypto and just open it all up and see what happens...

Yeah, why not give it a try

I expect crypto usage in Turkey to go through the roof shortly too...

Hm yeah hope so

the thing is petro is not backed by anything on the contrary belief it was backed by petrol. it is a dead born baby from the beginning. let see how it rolls out for madura in the near future.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Signs point to yes

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Hay que entender de que el petro! es solo una unidad contable que se establece a través de las reservas de petroleo y recursos del estado debido a que su valor no esta publicado o fijado en una pagina de criptomonedas.

Ya que es una moneda ilegal a nivel mundial debido a que no es aceptada para comercializar (algunos paises creo que la acepta ejemplo como Rusia).

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