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RE: A Word on Steemit and DMCA 512 Takedowns --some food for thought.

in #copyright8 years ago


Welcome to the Steemit community! I have added you to my list of people to follow and I hope that you will do the same.

I have also created a blog here and would like to ask if you would kindly contribute some of your knowledge to the community and perhaps answer a question or two I have posted on the links below.

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I once answered a question on here and received 59 STEEM which converted to roughly $177.00 in USD! The reason was that my answer was of value to readers! So please add your value and answer a few questions here:

What should every foreigner know about your country?

What is your favorite YouTube Video of all-time?

What is your favorite quote: Which quote inspires you?

Payout timer. When do you get paid for your contributions?

What is the role of religion or spirituality in your life?

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What are some amazing facts that sound like BS but are actually true?

What is your favorite music video of all time?




Also, to a limited extent, i agree about the USA being hostile to decentralization... that said, there are many many cases where the US has pursued people and organizations offshore... the 2011 online poker thing is a great example.

1..that if trump wins, you might want want to stay away for the next 4 years.
2..The DBZ vegeta vs 17, powderburn "now you know" video.
3..its a tie between " something of such a kind and such importance that it ought to be asserted and defended to the death, even if the whole world had not only to be thrown into strife and confusion, but actually to return to total chaos and be reduced to nothingness.” martin luther, the bondage of will and
"Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.” " HST
4..Never they never make any money

5..None. except i like to make myself seem deep by quoting the bondage of will
6.. adderall
7.. Not eat? also, adderall.
8.. tie between your mom and my dad
9.. Nazis invented fanta.
10.. tie between greenday and TMBG

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