Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 05th Sep 2023 - Win 550+ STEEM

in #contestalerts10 months ago (edited)

Today's #contestalerts includes,

This is the 818th Active Contest List

Living a 'healthy' life doesn't have to break the bank! Share your daily routine for staying healthy. Whether it's affordable workout tips, budget-friendly meal plans, or creative fitness hacks, show how you make health a priority without spending a fortune with "My Healthy Routine" contest 💪💰.

Life on the blockchain can be a challenge, and sometimes we face obstacles that make it even tougher. Share your blockchain journey and tell us about the hurdles you've encountered with "Your greatest adversities to face the blockchain" contest. Your experiences might inspire and help others navigate this exciting yet complex space.

That's just the highlight! Get the maximum out of all the contests listed below. Make sure to carefully check the rules of each individual contest. Good luck!

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Season 12 - Week 01

👉 Full guidelines & Explanation: Announcement Post By Steemitblog

For your entries to count in the Challenge you need to receive at least 10 upvotes and at least 5 relevant and proper comments - so encourage all your friends and fellow community members to vote and comment on your posts!

Contest Name
Organized by
My blue part

Hashtag: #cotina-s12w1
12 Steem
A bedtime story

Hashtag: #recreative-s12w1
10 Steem
Finance and Me

Hashtag: #steem4nigeria-s12w1
10 Steem
My Closet, my closest friend

Hashtag: #steemfashionstyle-s12w1
10 Steem
If almighty allows you to select one among Wealth, Knowledge, and Intellect, What would you prefer to pick, and why?

Hashtag: #incredibleindia-s12w1
10 Steem
The Luck

Hashtag: #rv-s12w1
Upvotes (not guaranteed)
Understanding Cryptocurrency

Hashtag: #cryptoacademy-s12w1
Upvotes (not guaranteed)

These contests will run from September 04th, 2023 until 11.59pm UTC, on Sunday, September 10th, 2023.

To have the best chance of winning in the Steemit Engagement Challenge you should enter as many of the contests as possible - but you can only enter one contest each day.

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Preparations for back to school. 🏫

Organized by @anailuj1992

If you are a student, parent or representative of a student or better yet if you are a teacher, we want you to tell us through this contest how you prepare for this beginning of the school year.

Image credit: @anailuj1992
  • Hashtag: #coticlases

  • Your entry must be in Spanish or Portuguese.

  • Prize pool: 15 Steem

  • Deadline: 07th September

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  • Contests closing on
    Tuesday, 05th September

Contest Name
Organized by
Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness

Hashtag: #autismawareness-c5
20 Steem
B&W Photography And Art #165

Hashtag: #woxbw
14 Steem
Architectural Photography #04

Hashtag: #ccsarchitechphotography
10 Steem
My Town in Five Pics #02

Hashtag: #mytown5pics
07 Steem
Booming vote
Unique Traditions of Indigenous
Peoples in My Country #11

Hashtag: #tradition-11
05 Steem
Booming votes
Give us Unique Contest Ideas

Hashtag: #sfs-contest
05 Steem
Art and Writing Contest #67

Hashtag: No specific tag
03 TRX
Booming vote
SV Photo Challenge #87

Hashtag: #sv-foto
Booming votes
SV Creative Contest #35: Videogames

Hashtag: #sv-creative
Booming vote

  • Contests closing on
    Wednesday, 06th September

Contest Name
Organized by
Portrait Photography And Art #139

Hashtag: #woxportrait
14 Steem
Macro photography #03

Hashtag: #ccsmacrophotography
10 Steem
Playing photographer #37

Hashtag: #photowox
07 Steem
Booming vote
Let's Contribute for the growth
of Steemit - Power Up Your Steems
with SFP

Hashtag: #rubab-c23
05 Steem
Booming votes
Writing sports #15

Hashtag: #sports360
03 Steem
Write us Your feelings about
Steemit server down

Hashtag: #contestsd
02 Steem
Booming votes
Tell me, what has been your
strangest dream?

Hashtag: palabras300
02 Steem
Booming votes
I spy with my little eye #59

Hashtag: Comment contest
02 Steem

  • Contests closing on
    Thursday, 07th September

Contest Name
Organized by
One Street of my city

Hashtag: No specific tag
30+ Steem
Photography and Art #175

Hashtag: #woxlandscape
14 Steem
Street Photography #04

Hashtag: #ccsstreetphotography
10 Steem
Steem SEA Contest #114

Hashtag: No specific tag
10 Steem

Hashtag: #cotirarezas
10 Steem
Booming votes
Let's do it...Do It Yourself #04

Hashtag: #ngoenyi-diyw4
06 Steem
Food photo #145

Hashtag: Comment contest
05+ Steem
Sunrise Photography

Hashtag: #ccs-contest3
05 Steem
My Pictures, My Memories #20

Hashtag: #ngoenyi-mempicswk20
12 TRX
International Day of People
of African Descent

Hashtag: #efemeridesaldia
05 TRX
Booming votes
Comment on the song #02

Hashtag: #music
03 TRX
Booming votes
Power Recreative #09

Hashtag: #powerup
Booming votes
Daily Menu Delicacies

Hashtag: #dailymenudelicacies
Booming votes

  • Contests closing on
    Friday, 08th September

Contest Name
Organized by
Save the World XIII

Hashtag: #savetheworld-contest
30 Steem
Booming votes
Street Culinary #08

Hashtag: #streetculinary
15 Steem
Booming votes
If I had an Aviary

Hashtag: #activistchallenge3
15 Steem
Photography Challenge 17:
Helmet ⛑️

Hashtag: #helmet-pcw17
10 Steem
Booming votes
Moment Of The Day #04

Hashtag: #ccsmtdphotography
10 Steem
Your Favorite Food Captured #03

Hashtag: #artist1111-c17
07 Steem
Booming votes
Draw A Ring

Hashtag: #sfs-contest16
05 Steem
Guess The Country #07

Hashtag: Comment contest
03 Steem
A Power Up with Original
Style #34

Hashtag: No specific tag
Booming votes
Weekly Sports Challenge #65

Hashtag: #sv-sport
Booming votes
The Meaning of Home for You

Hashtag: #amalindonesia10pc
Booming votes
Favorite book quotes #08

Hashtag: Comment contest
Upvote from ukraine-steem

  • Contests closing on
    Saturday, 09th September

Contest Name
Organized by
How do you view the matter
of borrowing money?

Hashtag: No specific tag
25 Steem
Golden Hour Photography #05

Hashtag: #ccsgoldenhourphotography
10 Steem
Alphabet Soup #10: Hall of Fame

Hashtag: Comment contest
10 Steem
Animals Photography #08

Hashtag: #animals-photography
10 Steem
Photo of the week #146: The Autumn

Hashtag: Comment contest
05+ Steem
The Digital Connection:
Showcasing the Influence of
Devices in Our Lives

Hashtag: #rubab-c24
Booming votes
Funny or weird vegetables 🍆

Hashtag: No specific tag
Upvote from xpilar

  • Contests closing on
    Sunday, 10th September

Contest Name
Organized by
🆕 The Diary Game #04

Hashtag: #sfldiary
15 Steem
Booming votes
Don't ruin their life for your pleasure #02

Hashtag: #weneedattention2
15 Steem
🆕 Food Photography #05

Hashtag: #ccsfoodphotography
10 Steem
🆕 A Short Movie Script: My Robotic Hand

Hashtag: #moviecontests2w12
08 Steem
🆕 My Neighborhood Watch #12

Hashtag: #neighborhoodwatch12
06 Steem
Help The Kids To Develop Their Creativity #38

Hashtag: #developkidscreativityw38
06 Steem
Show Your Creativity, Draw A Dog

Hashtag: #dog
05 Steem
🆕 Photo contest #08: Your menu today

Hashtag: No specific tag
30 TRX
🆕 Diary Game Of The Week

Hashtag: No specific tag
Booming votes
🆕 National or International awareness day

Hashtag: #awarenessday-s6w19
Booming vote
🆕 Scouts Power

Hashtag: #scoutspower
Booming vote
Special Engagement Challenge Season 11

Hashtag: #specialchallenge
Booming votes
The Sauces in my Kitchen

Hashtag: #lassalsas
Booming votes
Draw a Banana #20

Hashtag: #sfp-banana
Booming votes
Food challenge contest #78

Hashtag: #kidspar-foodchallenge
Booming votes
Writing competition #131: Lost in space

Hashtag: #writing-story
Upvote from xpilar

  • Contests closing on
    Monday, 11th September

Contest Name
Organized by
🆕 An image, a story

Hashtag: #oneimageonestory
10 Steem
View from my window #37

Hashtag: No specific tag
09 Steem
🆕 My Healthy Routine

Hashtag: #contest-routine
07 Steem
Booming vote
🆕 Share how you spent your day

Hashtag: #thediarygame-week7
06 Steem
🆕 Your biggest adversities
when facing blockchain

Hashtag: No specific tag
05 Steem
Booming votes
Power Up And Win #18

Hashtag: #hwc-25
Booming votes

  • Contests closing on
    Tuesday, 12th September

Contest Name
Organized by
🆕 Illnesses & Diseases That Come
with The Rainy Season

Hashtag: #illnesses-diseases
07 Steem

  • Contests closing on
    Wednesday, 13th September

Contest Name
Organized by
Photo contest: post processing #30

Hashtag: #photo-process
Beneficiary Rewards

  • Contests closing after
    Thuesday, 13th September

Contest Name
Closing Date
Organized by
An Italian Story

Hashtag: #italygame
17th September
10 Steem
Steem Business Contest #04

Hashtag: #steembusiness
23rd September
15 Steem
Booming votes
Blitz contest: Guess the movie- round CXXIV
Until the encrypted film is announced
02 Steem

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Total Active contest on the list - 84

Disconnected Rat found 12 New Contests today

All new contests added on today are tagged with 🆕

Prize pool for the contests are 550+ STEEM & Booming Support for many contests

Today Steem Value - $0.16

Total Contests Value in USD US$ 50+

Discord Channel of Disconnected Rat

Disconnected Rat has a small favour to ask, leave some cheese on upvotes to show your love & Say Cheese! ❤️

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63595.77
ETH 3415.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49