WhaleShares Short Story Contest | Week#3

in #contest7 years ago

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This is the 3rd week of WhaleShares Short Story Contest. I hope that there is much more entry than the last week.
And Congratulation for the winner of last week contest. If you haven't read my post about the winner, here it is:
Winner of WhaleShares Short Story Contest | Week#2

According to Wikipedia

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that can be read in one sitting. Emerging from earlier oral storytelling traditions in the 17th century, the short story has grown to encompass a body of work so diverse as to defy easy characterization. At its most prototypical the short story features a small cast of named characters, and focuses on a self-contained incident with the intent of evoking a "single effect" or mood.[1] In doing so, short stories make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel. While the short story is largely distinct from the novel, authors of both generally draw from a common pool of literary techniques.

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Contest Rules :

  • Write an Original ShortStory ( Plagiarism will be flagged and reported )
  • The Story contains no longer than 200 words
  • Write a ShortStory based on the topic that I will give every week
  • Only 1 entry per user
  • Submit your entry in the comment section below
  • The Winner will be decided by the number of valid upvotes received. So don't try to cheat
  • Rewards will be 5 SBD and 5 whaleshares token.
    If you're wondering what's whaleshares, you can check this thread:
    Whaleshares Project | My Experience with Whaleshares Project
  • Upvote and ReSteem is appreciated to help me grow the contest interest.

I will choose 1 winner every week, and I will also choose 5 entry that will receive a 1% upvote to any of his post by @officialfuzzy

This Week Topic is "Nightmare"

These tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares Account to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!

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It was the coldest night of winter. An old mother was cooking for her 15-year-old boy. While cooking she was crying because there was only one bread in the food tonight.Her husband had been dead before 10 years, who was killed in a road accident.
The old woman worked hard to feed her boy. When she got to sleep at night, she had a nightmare that her son was leaving home and going somewhere because he had no more food to eat. His mother stopped him alot but he left, the old lady started crying so much. Suddenly, the old lady's eyes opened and she saw that her son was serving her.
Seeing all this, tears have come in the eyes of that old lady and hugged her son.
Now the old lady was happy because her son was with her, that was just a nightmare.

We should respect our parents and obey the commandments, because they need us, because they take care of us, because they love us.

Awesome GP Story :)

Thanks for reading @tech-trends

Touching !
All the best


Mr. Hudgy-Puffels was a proud Persian cat of a noble bloodline.
Starting from his great-grandfather, Princy, every descendent was a noble contest winner and an expression of pure grace.
7 of his 12 brothers and sisters were living in the queen's pallace, for Meaw's sake!!
And here he was, sitting in front of his human, degrader to a simple house cat.
His human seemed angry. Apparently he didn't know how to appreciate the godly aroma of per in the shoes.
Then he heard the unthinkable:
"I will not feed you until you learn to catch mise! They are all over the place and you don't even lift your tail."

Mr. Hudgy-Puffels was shocked.
Did this filthy human really...
Did he expect him to...

Oh god! Oh Meow!
This was his worst nightmere.!

In the office, next to the water dispenser :
Rob: I had a nightmare yesterday.
Bob: What dream?
Rob: It started with me, completely submerged in water.
Bob: Were you drowning?
Rob: No. I was running from the tiger.
Bob: Was it gonna eat you?
Rob: No. We were playing tag on top of the skyscraper. But then I fell.
Bob: Did you crash in the ground?
Rob: No. I flew around and threw all my money at the people.
Bob: So... You were poor?
Rob: No... Well, kinda... I was driving a train really, really fast, towards another train.
Bob: Wow. Did they crash?
Rob: No. I got raped BY YOU!
Bob: .....

Sometimes dreams make no sense...

I used to be haunted by nightmares a lot during my childhood. Every time I had one, I would wake up in a cold sweat, crying, only to be calmed back to sleep by my mom. But not that one night though.

Because that night, I had an eerily realistic nightmare about something dark and evil, lurking under my bed. Those whispers I kept hearing, were giving me chills. By the time it was pulling my blanket, I was already screaming. As I felt it crawl under my skin, I was saved by my mom, who jolted me awake.

But my relief only lasted until I heard my mom's voice shouting my name downstairs. When I looked back at the creature wearing her face, a devilish grin spread across it's face. And that's when I started screaming again.

Cold sweat stains my cheap cotton sheets as I awake, jolting straight up like a prairie dog checking for predators.

"It's gone." I thought.

They were there in my dreams again last night, probing, searching. I've always been able to fight them off before, but this time... there were just too many. I hadn't trained as hard I should.

I slowly crept over to my computer, delaying the inevitable. I tried to login, but it was no use. The keys were already changed.

My steemit password had been stolen.

(Apologies to Inception)

Thank you for joining the contest

"I screamed when the bear pushed me of the road."
"It was really fast. I never had a chance to outrun it."
"I remember trying to grab on a tree to stop myself from falling, but I couldn't hold on to it."
"Then the bear came over me, and stood on its hind legs."
"My body was frozen. I could only watch at it from the ground."
"It then dropped it's weight on me. I heard a crack. My leg broke at that point."
"I wanted to skream, but my voice was gone."
"The bear then liftet it's pow and striked at my left shoulder. It's nails dug in my body and tore all the way to the elbow."
"Strangely, I didn't really feel the pain. Not immediatelly, at least."
"As it was preparing for it's second strike, I heard the gun shots of the local rangers."
"I can't recall what they were screaming."
"The bear turned around and ran."

Dr. Zigner listened to the story of the old woman and asked:
-How long have you had this nightmere?

-Little more than 37 years - she said, touching her left shoulder.

Alison beautifull girl, mid 20's in the prime of her life, perky you know whats, fast a sleep. Was dreaming about her fling with Jason last saturday night, and yeah the sex was great but. He can make breakfasts, owh man 😋. Pancakes with bacon, just to drewl about.

So Alison woke up, slightly sweathie, very hungry and a little horney, as you can understand after such a dream, so without thinking, she run to the kitchen for breakfast, starving. She opend the refrigerator, and the she knew she had to do the grosseries, there was no bacon, noooooooooooooo 😫

Thank you for the entry

Yeah no problem man i love making stories

I am stuck in a mansion that seems like a labyrinth, I am running, trying to escape, but all the doors are locked, I don't see who is chasing me yet, but I know there is somebody behind me. It is dark, I am scared, I don't know what to do. I am not going to stop, if I do, it will catch me, I have to run.
Everything is dark around me, a sickly green light being the only thing to illuminate the halls, the aura of the house is pure evil. I hear her now, it is a woman, laughing hysterically, chasing me, she has dogs, they are looking for blood. It feels like it has been hours, me running and her coming after me, no matter how fast I run, she is just a couple of steps behind me, and if I hide, she knows where to look.
I see a door, I know it is locked, but I have to try, there must be a chance. I rush to it, pull the handle, but it wouldn't budge, I turn around to defend myself and see her face. Cruella de Vil.

This is a real nightmare I had when I was around 8 years old and watched 101 dalmatians for the first time. I was afraid to go to sleep, because I saw this dream 3 nights in a row :D So, I made myself learn to know when I am dreaming, haven't had a nightmare since. Still makes me feel uneasy, how powerless a person can feel in their dreams.

i want to participate

Just post your short story here in comment section

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