in #contest7 years ago


Here It comes! Contest # 420

Last Week Was With a Twist, So Is This Week!


Failure to follow the rules will disqualify your entry.

Limerick Contest 420.png

Image Credit

What is a Limerick?

A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines only have to have five to seven syllables, and have to rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm. A limerick can be on the raunchy side as well.


How Do I Write a Limerick?

The first line sets up the character(s) and setting of the poem so the reader knows right away who/what the story is about. Line and Rhyme. Only five lines long, limerick poems have an AABBA rhyme scheme, which means the first, second, and last lines rhyme while the third and fourth lines rhyme.


Where Does the Word Limerick Come From?

Limericks (1903) THE origin of the term Limerick, as applied to a certain form of five-line stanza, seems to be as yet undiscovered. A statement was recently made that this stanza is so-called because it was invented by Edward Lear, and that he was born in Limerick, Ireland. William Shakespeare used the limerick's rhythm in Stephano's drinking song in The Tempest, as well as in Othello and King Lear. Yet it wasn't until the early 1700s that soldiers returning from the continent-wide War of the Spanish Succession brought the limerick form Ireland.


Example Lymmerik: The Habit Of Smoke, By: @Lymmerik

There is a definite rhythm to a Limerick, read my example Limerick in the above link, YOUR Limerick should follow a similar rhythm.


This contest is open to all Steemians

The rules are simple, fair and without a doubt, this is going to be a test of your poetic abilities, wit, and creativity!

The Theme

Write Your Original Limerick About Marijuana!

We all know about the high. Give me Funny! Give me a Limerick that will knock your entry out of the park! BE CREATIVE!

The Rules

  • Write an Original Limerick about the above Theme and post it with these tags; the first tag should be #contest and and the second tag should be #lymmerikslimericks.
  • Plus three other tags of your choice, (I suggest that poetry be one of them, but that is your call.) Here are the tags I chose: #contest #lymmerikslimericks #poetry #writing #marijuana you can copy and paste them if you want. (contest lymmerikslimericks poetry writing marijuana).
  • Only ONE (1) Entry per Steemian.
  • You MUST Reply to this post with a link to your post. (Sometimes my tag #lymmerikslimericks does not recieve or hold the post tag long enough, some glitch I suppose)
  • UPVOTE this post.
  • RESTEEM this post. (You May Follow @Lymmerik, But It Is NOT a Requirement).
  • You may NOT use the word Nantucket! No Seriously!
  • Entries must be posted and must be placed in the comments below no later than Midnight MST (Phoenix Arizona Time), Friday November 10, 2017. Below is your countdown timer!

That's it, simple rules! But following me, @Lymmerik, is okay too!


The Prizes

There will be 3 prizes awarded.

1st Place - 7$ SBD

2nd Place - 5$ SBD

3rd Place - 3$ SBD


Contest Judging

All entries will be judged on your wit and creativity. The Limericks may be raunchy, but fun.

I, (@Lymmerik), will judge the entries and choose the most original and humorous of the entries.

The winners will be announced and the Prizes awarded on Sunday Evening, November 13, 2017.

Thank you for participating in Lymmerik's Limerick Contest # 420


Lymmerik Fish Logo2.png



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I sold marijuana all day,
The people were happy to pay.
The time is now nigh
To chill and get high,
So soon I'll be hitting the hay.

...just warming up. Not my entry. ;)

that one is going to be hard to beat! Ok, I hope this contest brings more interest! Lol

@chrisroberts, lmao what a good warm up.

Awww, thanks. I'm sure there will be plenty of action! Carrie said she'll add your post to the @trasientflowers curation post she made earlier today. That should help!

I really want this to work for you, as you can probably tell. I love limericks! I'll be thinking of ways to help get more views to your contests.

One thing I just thought of: The #limerick tag is empty. I don't know much about creating interest in a hashtag, but it would probably be a good idea to start using/promoting that tag. I know there are a lot of other limericians out there, in every interest group, but they have yet to be organized.

I think there's great potential with the limericks 🤗👍👍

the #lymmerikslimericks tag only keeps them for around 7 days, then they fall off. Perhaps Steemit will keep the tag if I promote it? I'll try it, we'll see.

I made it!


In a feather boa I sat
as poised as an aristocrat.
One hit off the bong,
it didn't take long
to slip out my chair and fall flat!

Link to a bonus limerick AND the story behind this HERE!

I fell off my couch laughing! That is awesome! besides, I like feather boas anyways!
A daring young lady named Ruby
Had a secret tucked next to her boobie.
She was going to fly
And she hoped to be high
So she smuggled herself a fat doobie.

Calling @originalworks :)
img credz:
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Peace in Blunts Fam 🔥💨

I had been waiting for a chance to write about cannabis for ages! Thank you, @Lymmerik!

Please, have a smoke and read my entry, The things one must do for a reefer!. I guarantee a laugh or two!

Contest 420 is going to be vry interesting and challenging adding to the theme of will b a witty weird
420 is code for consumption of canabies at 4.20 pm in US. Whereas under indian penal code section 420 refers to cheating and dishonesty.
Looking forward to see the entries....and if possible i will also try to lick the limerick😋

Awesome! Looking forward to your entry!

Yay! I was finally able to enter one of these! Thanks @lymmerik! Here's mine:

Got it! Awesome. Welcome to the contest!

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