Speak Write - What? And a Chance to Win!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Day 8 brought to you by @snook

Freewrite song, FreeSpeak, Speakwrite…….

Where did my keyboard go?

There are days when words are swirling in my head and I SO want to participate in the Freewrites but my hands and brain don’t want to connect. Are not able to type the words out on paper.

This is how the Speakwrites all started for me. Now hopefully you too! They are so much fun. So freeing in what comes out of your head when you just speak from your heart about what today’s prompt means to you.

You do need a microphone and some kind of free recording device in order to do it. I’m not a technical person so you will have to find out how to accomplish that for your type of computer. I’m sorry. It is the one drawback to doing them.

The Rules

  1. Set your timer for 5 minutes.
  2. Keep in mind the prompt of the day.
  3. Hit record.
  4. Close your eyes.
  5. Let your mind free……
  6. Speak from your heart.
  7. Don’t stop.
  8. Don’t over think.
  9. Keep speaking until the timer goes off.
  10. Don’t judge yourself.
  11. Write out the words you just spoke in 5 minutes
  12. Post it for all of us to hear your wonderful thoughts!

Sometimes I just record the story and leave it just as I spoke it. Upload it to my free SoundCloud account. I then make a post after I go back and write down the words that came to my head in 5 minutes as you can hear clicking below.

Other times I will go in and take out all the silent spaces and find some free music to go with a Speakwrite and post it like that on soundcloud. Click below to see what that sounds like.

Then there are the times when a Speakwrite takes on a life of its own for me. Those Speakwrites need a movie to go with it to help explain the meaning of the story that came into my head. These Speakwrites end up very special as I use old games, I use to play, for the telling of the tails. Below is an example of that.

The hardest part of doing a Speakwrite is going back and writing out all your words you spoke in your 5 minutes. The rest is just icing on the cake!

Watch this page for upcoming contests using Speakwrites as the theme. YES!! YOU CAN DO IT!! And you too will have so much fun in how freeing it is to just speak your mind for 5 minutes and then be amazed at what you all got out in those 5 minutes. Trust in the freedom of your mind!

Win, Win, Win!!!

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Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment
Which has something to do with this post.

  • Is at least 50 words
  • We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Have you done a Speak Write? do you want to try?

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

9:40 PM Pacific Time. 3/23/2018. The contest is now closed.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 6 days - and maybe longer.

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Now that, I might be able to accomplish. You don't have to see someones face to hear their story. Not sure how well it will turn out for a few times, lol. I just type away as I go, so speaking it will probably have gaps. You guys are making the freewrite club more and more interesting. Are you TRYING to get us addicted to story telling? :-)

storytelling is the Bomb :D you will love it once you start speakwriting.....it's a bit addicting!!

Lol, I bet it is. Time for me to do the day's prompt (but using the typing style) :-)

13 pixiehunter

You are in!! What are you talking about? Trying to get you addicted? You already are - let's face it 😜 Mission accomplished!!!

I have never done a speak write. Honestly, the idea terrifies me 😨 for someone who edits their conversations as they're speaking them, used to the always changeable edit-loving word to the page, I can't imagine just letting my mind run free-speaking out loud down my microphone. But... well I didn't ever think I'd write anything again a year ago and along came steemit. I never thought I'd voice a comedy character again since my school dayz... and along came steemit. So, yeah... never say never 😉

7 raj808

You are in!! What a difference a year can make! I like how you put it, "never say never"! Jump on in and give it a try! Who knows? You may end up loving the freedom with speak writes just as much as traditional writing! (bris)

Ohhhhhhhhhh you Do have to try it when we have the contests :D @raj808

How about this...If you try it I will come to your class and will listen.......REALLY listen to what you have to tell me to make my writing better :D Hows that for a Dare!! :D

Ha ha, challenge accepted @snook. I might not be quite as shy as I'm making out. I'm currently on whaleshares curation show waiting for them to choose me to talk about my post lol. They probably won't ask me now. I'm all fired up to talk about my latest 5 min freewrite poem ;-)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you TRICKED me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but a dare is a dare is a dare LOLLL

Wow, and the ideas are just coming and coming! I like it. And how I wish I could record the thoughts in my brain, but even speaking is not fast enough to really get the words and thoughts out sometimes. I'm really looking forward to the "brain-chrophone" where the device would record what is happening in your brain. Let it be words or pictures... I mean, a lot of times I do "hear" the sentences and also can close my eyes and "see" the pictures inside. I'm sure someone is working on this... Sorry I got derailed a bit. But love the idea, also might get better in "putting it all out there" if I practice :)

I have to have it quiet and works , for me, best at night when I'm tired and don't over think it too much.....plus it helps to get out what's hiding in your brain too I think LOLL so it can be a bit scary sometimes :D

11 cyoadventuregame

You are in the drawing. Getting those racing thoughts organized and out is the struggle. But freewriting and freespeak are designed for that. let them fly until the brain can center...

This is the first time I hear about speak write, I guess I missed the earlier posts. I'm still learning dTube and now I'll need to learn dSound? I'm going to be dExhusted. Of course if @snook is doing it, it has to be cool. You know if you create a challenge, I'll prolly try it. Bring it on!

15 wonderwop

You are in!!! And that is the Bruni we all have come to love. "Bring it on!" We will!!! And we all will have lots of fun together!!

This is all very interesting. I'm not entirely sure that the world is ready for a full five minutes of my unfiltered brain stuff. It might actually break the brockchain, well that being said I suppose that Steem being the value that it is, it might not be a bad thing. Hey it could even put an end to the great flag wars of 2017 and 2018. Hmm to think that the ashes of my uncensored thoughts could bring piece to mortal enemies. Oh who am I kidding, such thoughts and illusions of grander are things of fairy tails and elixirs of ambrosia.

16 imjustsaying

You are in!! Yes, the flag wars need to go away!! Hopefully, we can create a happy space here where we can explore and be creative and have fun and not worry about the nay sayers and such.

Oh PLEASE TRY! The Flag wars Need to go away LOLLL :D and on THAT very happy laugh you just gave me I can finally sleep @imjustsaying!! Thank YOU so much for that :D

(Tips his hat.) I did it all for you ma'am. I just knew that somewhere out there, was a sleep hungry soul, just looking to find that quirky/cheesing humor that would allow the sweet embrace of sleep to come. Some say that I'm a Hero, while I just say "I'm just paying it forward." (Walks away with his head held high... Trying to ignore the taunting accusations of his conscience. Screaming in his mind "Your so full of $%^#." )

Ooohh.. I like this one too. Are we going to do all of these? A speakwrite sounds scary and fun. I think I'd be shyer about trying this than almost anything I could think of on a creative level. Freewriting is easy for me, as is performing something I've practiced, or reading previously written work aloud. But freestyle rhyming or extemporaneous storytelling sounds daunting... although, come to think of it, I really wish I had recordings of all of the stories I've made up on the spot for my son! There have been some really good ones, some of which he asks me to retell and I can't remember them...

14 bennettitalia

You are in! Yes, we are going to ask you to do all of these things we are presenting right now. Just not all at once :) But this House plans to have lots and lots of fun with all who want to be part of it :)

Another innovation for creativity placed into the steemit-sphere. I love this idea of doing a spoken free write. I find that my mind sometimes works faster than my fingers have the ability to type and often I find typos to be an obstacle because my mind wants to go back and fix them while I am trying to go on to the next thoughts. I will have to give this a go soon but honestly it is a bit scary but the things that scare us are often the most rewarding when completed. Thanks for continuing to push the creative buttons of the community @freewritehouse :D

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so happy you came to read the post!!! and yes, it's scary the first few times but just like anything let it flow and yes, I can not type very fast so it's freeing that way too for me :D

I will be giving this a go tomorrow :)

12 maslowmission

You are in. That is what we are trying to do. Push everyone a little bit our of their comfort zone to open up. We all have so many conditions of what is right and wrong or "worthy" holding us down. Time to let that go - we know you are doing great with exploring already. Loved your video!!!

This sounds hard for me, but I might give it a go in the future. I’m always up for a new creative experience, so this might help me brainstorm and better articulate my project if I walk through a scene. Thank you for yet another great idea that has me ponderous and interested!

9 linnyplant

You are in!! You're welcome and we hope you give it a try! Trying something new is one of the greatest things about Steemit and we're happy you've come to play and get creative with us in the Freewrite House! (bris)

Ohhhhhhhh it does.....it gives you a place to start......then you are not looking at a blank page!!! you might only use the concept but.......it helps get you over the blank page thingy :D

Thanks for the encouragement, snook. Yes, I’ll talk that blank page out of existence!

I have been trying to encourage someone to do exactly this! He has dyslexia and trouble writing his thoughts because his brain mixes up the symbols of written language. He is quite brilliant and funny, but the baggage from being a kid with a learning disability gets in his way. I am going to give speak writing a try, and I hope he will too!

8 ghostsinahatbox

You are in!! Speak writing is excellent for those with dyslexia! Thankfully, there are more and more schools that have caught on to this and are using it to help students with dyslexia gain confidence in themselves! We hope that you (and your friend) give it a try! It would be wonderful to hear your voices as you tell your stories! 🤗 (bris)

This is great! Very much like the live freewrites I've done at open mics! I may try this at some point :)

Just commenting Byn? I know that you can easily hit 50 words! 😂 Your live freewrites are awesome! It's soooo great to see you having a blast and killing it on stage! (bris)

Ha, yeah... I feel like I talk enough. I want to leave the contest for the people who are newer to FWH! :)

I sure hope you try it @byn <3 hugs

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