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RE: Speak Write - What? And a Chance to Win!

in #contest6 years ago

This is all very interesting. I'm not entirely sure that the world is ready for a full five minutes of my unfiltered brain stuff. It might actually break the brockchain, well that being said I suppose that Steem being the value that it is, it might not be a bad thing. Hey it could even put an end to the great flag wars of 2017 and 2018. Hmm to think that the ashes of my uncensored thoughts could bring piece to mortal enemies. Oh who am I kidding, such thoughts and illusions of grander are things of fairy tails and elixirs of ambrosia.


16 imjustsaying

You are in!! Yes, the flag wars need to go away!! Hopefully, we can create a happy space here where we can explore and be creative and have fun and not worry about the nay sayers and such.

Oh PLEASE TRY! The Flag wars Need to go away LOLLL :D and on THAT very happy laugh you just gave me I can finally sleep @imjustsaying!! Thank YOU so much for that :D

(Tips his hat.) I did it all for you ma'am. I just knew that somewhere out there, was a sleep hungry soul, just looking to find that quirky/cheesing humor that would allow the sweet embrace of sleep to come. Some say that I'm a Hero, while I just say "I'm just paying it forward." (Walks away with his head held high... Trying to ignore the taunting accusations of his conscience. Screaming in his mind "Your so full of $%^#." )

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