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RE: Speak Write - What? And a Chance to Win!

in #contest6 years ago

Another innovation for creativity placed into the steemit-sphere. I love this idea of doing a spoken free write. I find that my mind sometimes works faster than my fingers have the ability to type and often I find typos to be an obstacle because my mind wants to go back and fix them while I am trying to go on to the next thoughts. I will have to give this a go soon but honestly it is a bit scary but the things that scare us are often the most rewarding when completed. Thanks for continuing to push the creative buttons of the community @freewritehouse :D


yaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so happy you came to read the post!!! and yes, it's scary the first few times but just like anything let it flow and yes, I can not type very fast so it's freeing that way too for me :D

I will be giving this a go tomorrow :)

12 maslowmission

You are in. That is what we are trying to do. Push everyone a little bit our of their comfort zone to open up. We all have so many conditions of what is right and wrong or "worthy" holding us down. Time to let that go - we know you are doing great with exploring already. Loved your video!!!

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