Friday Freewrite Favorites - Week 5/28/2019

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

Week 5/28/2019 - Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite


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Remember if a post is older than 6 days, try to find something more recent to upvote so they can get the rewards. Thank you so much for your support!


Happy Friday from Carol!

And welcome back to one of my favorite poet-novelists, @raj808! His post begins like this:

Its been a while @mariannewest but I took your prompt of 'tart' and turned it into some truly tragic poetry lol.
I'm currently gearing myself up to get started on the first of a trilogy of books in the fantasy genre and I've been inhabiting some characters the last few days. Also, been listening to some sad Irish music as well lol

In case you don't click on that gorgeous photo

and go read the poem--you should, of course, but as @wakeupkitty notes with her internet connection as slow as mine, we don't always find time to read all the freewrites most deserving of being read--I'll copy what I wrote in the comment section:

Raj, great to see you back with a freewrite poem! Love the image you include with it and, as always, I love the words. And how exciting that you're working on more fantasy fiction! Good for you but sad for us that As I get deeper into the process of writing this novel, I may disappear from steem for a time. We'll be here keeping a chair warm for you at the table!
It took me a while to recover from this poem. The opening lines are gorgeous. The refrain, that tart steaming in the window, is a great image and a reminder of our expectations of being alive long enough to eat it (my motto: eat desert first, because you never know when a comet might take us out like the dinosaurs). Does anyone cool pies in windowsills anymore? Yes, I'm running off on tangents, trying not to think about the child taken by the pox and the final lines. You break my heart, Raj. But you do it so beautifully.



You all know how much I love butterflies so I was delighted to read a cute story about the Orange Dog caterpillar and its journey on a tree to find the perfect meal and includes an awesome photo of the caterpillar.@nmcdougal94 is also giving everyone a chance to win SBI with every freewrite he writes to keep him motivated to write a daily freewrite and to reward fellow freewriters. What a great idea! So be sure to read his fun story and find out how to enter for a chance to win SBI.


Monday's prompt, Day 584: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: Nest inspired the most Freewrite Favorites.

"Nest" and "empty nest" seem to pair well this week.

@isgledysduarte, one of our Spanish freewriters, looks stunning in this mother/daughters portrait. She creates an equally beautiful sense of time and family, with roles shifting: First, the dad, nobody would touch his princess, or else!

Then the princess leaves home:
With a prince she had gone
She never said i´m sorry mom.
She was the queen of her house
As her mother was

Then, a new generation:
The princesses arrived
Now the roles have been reversed.
Already my girl has blossomed
And with that the warning
That soon she will leave the nest

The little girl in white (First Communion is the milestone I'm guessing), the baby sister, the mother: all so beautiful! And the full-circle of the generations, the inevitable emptying of the nest, are handled here with sensitivity, wisdom, and optimism. This speaks to me because our firstborn, our son the jazz musician, surprised me greatly when his departure to college left us all sobbing as if it a funeral. Live music in the house; his voice; his commentary and impromptu jokes on the narrative of daily events; sure, he's only 40 miles away. Might as well be 4,000 miles.



I just read Nest, by @tristancarax. It's hard to believe he wrote that in five minutes. It's so effective, so detailed. And yet there's a really big idea behind it (probably unconsciously at work): the whimsy of nature, the hunter and the hunted, winners and losers. The bird has to eat, and that poor scurrying creature on the ground has to leave its safe cover because it also has to eat. I'm left wondering, who is watching the bird? Maybe in the next round the bird will be the loser. @tristancarax explained that he just learned the rule of threes. I'd say he has it down pat :)



This one comes with a lot of backstory. Regular followers and fans of @owasco know the story of the hens, the foxes, the near-death experience of one, followed by the unexpected demise of the other. First, let me cite the sad tale of Betsy during this tumultuous week (for chickens and those who love them like the people they are, sort of):

And then this will make more sense:

As writers, we can all identify

with her thoughts on fitting her feelings and words into a freewrite prompt:
I wrote and wrote on this prompt today. I tried three times to use the prompt to continue a previous three part freewrite story and trashed all three attempts. Then in desperation I tried a freewrite poem. I wrote oodles and oodles for 4 minutes and 30 seconds, then spent 30 seconds throwing words out. These four lines are the only ones I decided to keep. It's a good thing I like them. I will never try to force a prompt into some box again, lesson learned.



Hereby my recommendations!
My 1st recommendation tells about the empty nest (feeling). How do you deal with it? Or is there nothing to deal with?
There are parents who have a very hard time to kick their kids out of the nest, ones that want them to stay, who leave or are left. Good or wrong? In the end, if the kid is old he/she is the only one who can tell if you did a great job as a parent. @fitinfun wrote an interesting post about this subject and I recommend you to read it!

Partiko link
Note from Carol
Maybe I should add a PTSD trigger alert to this one. My heart breaks for @fitinfun:
I’m pretty sure I won’t see my son again. I will be surprised if I do. I don’t think I was too good of a mom, and I hope he can have a good life. My empty nest is in my heart, so it really does not matter where I go.

My 2nd recommendation is another description of "nest" you will find in the German freewrite written by @meins0815
No need to tell you what that nest looks like. The pictures used already says a lot (I am sure all writers and book lovers agree with me). Nothing is so peaceful as your own library (my wish never came true) and please do not smoke inside! It's worth translating it!

Partiko link

If you don't know how to freewrite visit @improv, my 3rd recommendation!
You can call it nonsense and so did he as he wrote about the prompt nest!
As I visited his nest I read I cannot be thrown out before I can spread my songs/fly and since I can not and can and will never ski either my only option is to catch that dragon.

Partiko link

My 4th recommendation is written by @myjob. She also used the prompt nest. This times she tells us about the time you could drive with a (transformed) car over the beach. She did at night and they did watch the turtles made their nests and even had a ride on them. Enjoy this freewrite and the picture!

Partiko link



I ran across this continuation #freewrite by @nmcdougal94 while delivering the prompt today. He used the prompt chapter and now I have to read the earlier chapters. He also turned his #freewrite into a SBI contest, so go visit his post and drop a link to one of your #freewrite posts, you may win a SBI unit. Jitterymans' story is a must read. 👍



I love this post for the prompt of "rate" by @myjob

She was on a cruise last week and this post tells us all about the outrageous costs for every little thing from parking at the dock to expeditions. The trip sounds like it was so much fun, but you needed to have money to enjoy it.

Also for "rate" @dranuvar gives us a glimpse of the first meeting of a couple in very few provocative words. I was so impressed with this one and want to know the rest of the story now!

And finally, this post by @ddschteinn got curied, and currently has a $17 payout!
This post is all about the Spring Break experience in Florida with all the craziness of that time in young lives. It's a great post and deserves the curie very much.


@ddschteinn's Twenty Eight Minute, 5-Minute Freewrite" caught my eye as well!

Check out the comment section for a lot of fun exchanges between the author and various readers. I'm very much in favor of this expansion of the 5-minute time limit to something more, and this curried piece s ahows how lucrative as well as satisfying for the author it can be, editing and polishing and earning positive feedback. As @ddschteinn replied (did I not tell you to read the comment section as well as the post for all these Friday Favorites?)
Ha haaa, well, it isn't patented, but is something I've done for quite awhile. It's my way of still putting this out under the 5-Minute Freewrite, without getting asked to leave ( : It just feels more honest this way. And I LOVE the Freewrite, and sometimes they do end up short. But mainly, they are a real impetus to write a story on the spur of the moment, if the word triggers something in my odd little brainbox. And they sometimes end up going longer. SO...the 28 minute-er was born. I'm SO glad @mariannewest does these writes. They are a lot of fun, and help foster further creativity. Even if they DO go off the rails on occasion...

Speaking of Five-ish Minute Freewrites,

@carolkean has a well written, articulate, punchy story with a provocative ending. This is one of the best "for-real-only-5-minutes" freewrites I've seen:

Yes, he does confess to taking an extra minute to polish it, but still. What a natural storyteller! As fans of know, he's once again working the daily prompts into an ongoing story. I like the visual disclaimer he takes time to post with each freewrite:

This is part four of a new freewrite series--and if it doesn't get your attention, you may not be awake. Get some coffee. Read this. It's short. And while you're there, check out the first three parts, even though this works as a standalone.


are in order for @Felt.Buzz, @jeezzle, @manoldonchev, @stinawog, @giantbear, @blueeyes8960, @jayna, @janenightshade, and @improv, who teamed up with fellow @freewrite members on this, the SECOND anthology coming from these quarters:

Dead Silence: 9 tales of MURDER from your favourite writers from the #STEEM blockchain


This one is past payout, but we'll include it.

You can clique on @mo-nique and upvote a more recent post if you wish.


My recommendation is for Otter freewrite by @mo-nique. I thought this short and simple piece was very charming. It made me think about how I see myself and how one beautiful comment by another person can make us feel so seen. Sometimes what is most loving is simply feeling like someone sees the real you. It's definitely worth a little visit!


You may have noticed @tipu

this week showing up in comment boxes. It was @wandrnrose7 who brought it to my attention by tipping one of my posts. I had to look into this one.

Hi! @wandrnrose7 is sending you 0.1 SBD tip for: She Came In Through The Kitchen Window Day 577 5 Minute Freewrite Monday Prompt. Please continue to create great content on steem! :)
Thank you @wandrnrose7!

I did a wallet transfer (wrongly, it seems, twice) and inadvertently tipped myself (oops) and have "subscribed" to several Freewrite regulars, but I'm waiting to see how this works before I keep going. Someone else is sure to make sense of @tipu before I figure out what I'm doing.

@tipU voting service: instant, profitable upvotes + profit sharing tokens | For investors.

0.05 SBD/STEEM may not seem much but every steem author can have many subscribers - in this situation he will receive combined reward from all subscribers. The nice thing is that the subscription rewards are sent instantly after the new post has been created so there is no need to wait 7 days for post reward.

With tips vs upvotes, you need to pay the subscription reward from your funds.

Sending Tips

Tips are small amounts of SBD or STEEM that are send to other steem users. Sending a tip is a great way to reward a steem author, especially if your upvote is very small. Tips also have other advantages:

  • they are delivered instantly, no need to wait 7 days for payout
  • they are send in liquid SBD/STEEM which means that no part is locked in STEEM POWER
  • they don't drain your voting power
    OK, so let's say you found a really helpful post and want to reward the author with a tip. To do this, simple replay to the post and put anywhere in the comment a !tip word. This will tell @tipU to send the tip to the post author. Check out this example:

    The tip - in this example 0.1 SBD - will be send almost instantly.
    As you noticed, @tipU automatically added a comment about the tip. The cool thing is that the comment will feature one of your latest posts so you can use this feature to advertise your blog.

If you can make sense of this,

You can use tips versus upvotes to support your own weekly Freewrite Favorites!


Check Out The @FreeWriteHouse Prompt Of The Day By @MarianneWest

Remember the Monday prompt is a collaboration with the microfiction contest with @jayna - look for the Contest post on her profile - win 2 Steem.

Check out her contest post for more info. Contest starts every Monday and ends the following Saturday evening.

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Check Out The @FreeWriteHouse Prompt Of The Day By @MarianneWest

Join us on Twitter to spread the word about Steem


I am glad you shared info on @tipu. I learned of this feature from @dswigle last year and since I am always exhausting votes it always lets me reward some how. You actually taught me about subscriptions so thank you! ❤

Posted using Partiko Android

Wonderful write ups.

Thank you so much!!

Some really great #freewrite suggestions here @freewritehouse. Nice work everybody! 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Great selections. Thank you so much!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think we had less other options as choosing the prompt nest. It is not that other freewrites are not great but they are older.

Well done 🍀💕

Posted using Partiko Android

So many great stories! Great job Carol! : )

Thanks everyone - I had lots of help nominating. :) The hard part is catching even a fraction of all the good stories out there. And poems. And hasty freewrites, and more polished freewrites!

I need to read more freewrites before posting each Friday!!!

Just had to go in and edit (sorry @marianne and @freewritehouse; I have no idea how much edits cost in terms of blockchain SBD!).

Oh for heaven's sake, now I posted this in the comment section of the wrong post. Gaaaahh!!!!

no worries!! Edit away LOL

I feel very proud of mi girls, and i'm happy that you liked mi freewrite.

My best for you. God bless you.

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