Freewrite House Podcast - And a Chance to Win

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


Day 9 brought to you by Marianne

What is a Podcast?

A few years ago, not many people knew what a podcast is. But every year, the percentage of people who do is growing and growing. That is partly due to most phones having now a podcast app preinstalled and partly that the big players have discovered the value of podcasting.

A podcast is basically an audio or video production delivered via RSS feed to a device of your choice.

And that is all I will say about the technical aspect.

In the beginning, podcasting was firmly in the hand of the indie hosts and producers and that is where a FreeHouse Podcast would fit right in.

See the word would? Everything we have presented to you until today is something we have already done (at least once) in our freewriting community.

A podcast, we haven't. And today, we are asking you what you think about that idea.

Yes, you guessed it, as it turns out, you can win a membership to steembasic income with your answer. More about that later in this post.

The Freewrite House Podcast

What would a Freewrite House Podcast be like?

Obviously, we are asking you for input right now. But here some of the details.


  • On the blockchain in DSound.
  • Off the blockchain through a hosting company like Libsyn which delivers the audio file to all podcatchers like Apple podcast, iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify and many, many more.

That increases the range of exposure from a possible few hundred thousand to millions (not saying that millions will be listening - just the potential)


  • Freewrites and stories you are writing and want to give that kind of exposure to.
  • You allow your story to be used on the podcast.
  • You submit your story to a podcast team.
  • We ask you if we can use your story.
  • You read your story and submit (either fully edited or we edit)
  • Volunteer readers read the stories.

The frequency of publishing the podcast will depend on how many people are submitting and want to get involved with producing - editing, show notes, organizing and so forth.

What do you think? Does that sound like fun? Something you want to do or help with?

Let us know!!!

Win, Win, Win!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment
Which has something to do with this post
Is at least 50 words
We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

9.00 PM Pacific time. 3/24/2018. The contest is now closed.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 5 days - and maybe longer.

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Ugh the freewritehouse is already an addiction for me. What are you trying to do to me? :-) Podcasts would be cool, if you find time to listen. But I guess it wouldn't be too much different than listening to us record our stories. On the plus side of it, those like myself, and many more who continue their story could potentially make an audio book, where each chapter would be available to listen to at your own pace.

8 pixiehunter

You are in the drawing. What a great idea!! Actually, one of my more recent favorite author, Terry Fallis, did just that with his first book and got a publishing contract out of it. He very quickly became a best selling author and has released each one of his new books as a podcast first. didn't hurt his sales at all, actually made them higher. The book usually came out in the middle of the podcast series and people got it to finish the story faster...

Oh wow, I like that. With the Chozzy story and novel I had been writing, the podcast could be good for me to try. Or any other writer. :-) Jotted down name :-)

This is a really interesting idea and I'm down for reading on a freewriting podcast, especially a poetry freewrite. I recently published (yesterday) a freewrite poem. I find the freewrite poetry experience an illuminating one, the time limit really kicks my mental acuity up a notch, it's like my mind goes into overdrive to find those poetic expressions of meaning. I actually have 2 timers set, one for 4 minute mark and then a 1 to go off at 5 mins. This is because I find that under these circumstances my mind often gets mixed up with metaphors and things end up in the wrong order. So I leave myself 1 min to read over the poem, rearrange anything that needs it and then I stop at the 5 min beep. Is it cheating... hmnnn maybe. But I see it as a process I had to take on because I threw away one or two freewrite poems because I wasn't happy to publish them.

Ha ha, after this writers rant about process, it has made me think that could be a good idea for a segment on a podcast. The 'a comparison of process from the freewriting community' show. But with a catchier title of course. Then we could see how everyone approaches it and if there are any other big cheaters like me out there 😉

1 raj808

You are in!! We know as a fact that you are one of the few rule followers :) there are those amongst us who take the 5 minutes as a warm up and then write for an hour :) But since we are in support of freedom, we love it all.
Great suggestion on the podcast segment idea and we are starting a list of names of people interested in this project. Your name is on it 👍

The idea of an audiovisual podcast is a great idea. It would be great, if possible, to keep the original authors as the orators. That would add a definite feel to the end production. Still, not everyone has the presentation skills and I can appreciate the high standard required for the end product.
I am happy for one or more of my freewrites to be used. I haven't even thought about what is going to happen with these in the long run. I have a whole pile of short stories and they just keep stacking up. Anyway, I would be proud to be part of your project!

2 mysecondself01

You are in!! We are so happy to hear that you are wanting to participate. Having the authors read it is the ideal and the author readings we have planned might be a good way to double purpose. Maybe we have some editors among us. But since not everyone might have the tech required to do a good recording and such - the options of others reading the piece can be interesting as well


The idea of a podcast is interesting, I would definitely listen, especially if Marianne reads some of the stories. I just love her accent. The only thing I don't like about videos and such, is the buffering. I'm not sure if it's my ISP or cellular provider or if it has something to do with the recording speed. I'm sure you guys will work that all out.

5 wonderwop

You are in!! This podcast would be mostly audio, I think. And the buffering drives me crazy as well. But the platforms like DTube and DSound are getting better and we would also distribute it to the outside world. And this is Marianne and you can listen to me on my podcast all the time. We have about 130 episodes and I am in at least 80 of them lol

I am really interested in participating in the podcast challenge and would love to read my own freewrite. So should I write a freewrite on the latest prompt and submit my post's link there and then contact you here? I am a bit confused about that.

6 sharoonyasir

You are in. Right now, we are just presenting ideas and see what people think about it. If you are in, I do suggest that you start reading some of your stories. Audacity is a free editing program you can download (I am assuming it is internationally available) and also record right into. We will figure out how to share the files and a release form - basically saying that you allow your piece to be aired under the Freewrite House name.... something like that. I am so pleased that you are interested!! (marianne)

I love reading stories and essays and hosting shows haha so I am very much interested in it. I will down the program today hopefully and see how it goes. I am completely fine with having my piece aired under the Freewrite House name. When you are associated with something, I completely trust it. :)

Oh, you are so sweet!!! Sounds like a lot of us are excited about this. We need to have a little contest for some Intro music!!! Hope it works for you and we get to hear your readings!!

Like, I like the idea of podcasts more than I actually listen to them. If the podcast includes a transcript, I will often read the transcript instead of listening to the podcast. Possibly this is because it is usually easier to start, stop, and go back when reading than when listening. Every once in a while I put on a podcast while cooking or drawing, but perhaps only once a month or so—very rare occurrence, basically.

I have considered starting a podcast before, because I am often complimented on my voice when speaking or reading my writing, but I haven't ever done it. I would possibly be interested in sharing my writing in a Freewrite House podcast, but that seems rude, since I would likely listen to it very rarely. But I would also possibly be interested in volunteering to read other writers's work, too.

7 tessaragabrielle

You are in the drawing! And it is not rude at all to contribute your writing to a podcast even if you might not be listening. But one never knows, you might listen if it is your own words coming back at you. And reading other's stories would be a fantastic contribution!!

hmmm... honestly not sure about this one. It sounds like a lot of work for all concerned, and I'm not sure it's worth it, as I'm with on the not-listening-to-podcasts thing... Are they popular? Also, is this something where @freewritehouse will be producing a single podcast featuring multiple writers, or is it something where each of us will be making our own? I'm not catching the vibe on this one, though I'm willing to be convinced :)

9 bennettitalia

You are in the drawing. I am actually surprised that so many of you are not podcast listeners. They are such a big part of my life and I am learning so much through podcasts. And of course, I have my own as well. It would be a podcast through Freewritehouse and people contribute - either reading their own work or allowing their work to be read by someone else. On my own podcast, I have several thousand listeners per episode. That might not be so for all podcasts, but the potential is huge. (Marianne)

Interesting... well that actually does sound kind of cool! For sure it would be fun to be featured on a show along with my fellow freewriters <3 And it might bring more attention to Steemit and to The Freewrite House, which would be awesome...

Ok, you've convinced me to give it a chance. Than wasn't so hard actually XD

It is a brilliant idea, running a podcast on and off the blockchain. The exposure would be massive.

I feel the this is an opportunity for every and any writer who seeks to explore beyond the steemit hemisphere. Also it is a good way to market the steemit community to the world.

Can the podcast be on YouTube and Soundcloud also or any other video and audio sharing site? That will be cool too.

I look forward to the podcasts and hope to have some of my works read on it. Nice one.

10 warpedpoetic

You are in the drawing. Yes, and yes, and yes. When I release my own personal podcast, it is released to all the podcatchers, YouTube, FB, LinkeIn and more. I release to Soundcloud, but only have a free account that stores 4 hours of content. So, I delete older episodes from there and upload newer ones. (marianne)

Oh that's cool. It's going to be awesome, I guarantee that.

I think that a podcast seems like an interesting new avenue to explore for freewriting. It will be another way for the steemit world to learn about this initiative and hopefully get more people on board. I am curious what the main theme of the show would be and if there would be a guest brought on for each show? Also, would the podcast be posted on Dsound? Ultimately I am curious to know how the format would look like? Maybe it would be a fun idea to have the community vote or submit ideas of how they would like this to ultimately run? Just some ideas running through my head in the moment :)

Thank you for the continued chance to win this awesome prize! Keep up the amazing work @freewritehouse :D

11 maslowmission

You are in! The format is open to suggestions. Personally, I like a variety, but we can start with short ones - maybe 2 stories at a time. And we can feature people in between. Yes, it would go on Dsound, but also way beyond it.

I think it is good to start small and then see how it grows organically over time. I'm glad to hear that you will be using more Steem blockchain based systems for this :D

Thanks for the entry!

We always have tried to use as much blockchain based applications as possible - but they are not working too well yet.... so, backup is a good idea on everything.

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