Day 9 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 60.181 SBD

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Day 9

Are we having fun yet???

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The Contest is at 60.181 SBD now and the prize is growing every day!!!

We are grateful to our contest sponsors


Thank you @digitalmind for your donation!!

You too can donate to the prize - any amount is welcome. Just transfer with a memo: to 200-day celebration.

SBD will be added to the SBD payout. Steem donations will increase the SBI memberships we give out.

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Eliminated players

Everyone is still here. But one player came in with one minute to spare!!

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you already recognize each other's faces.








See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: Monkey's wedding

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 5/23/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

Win SBI Tuesday is open - recommend a freewrite from one of your fellow freewriters!!

And check out the Interview with Marco!!!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


This is THE cutest set of selfies I've seen yet. You are so adorable. 😍

You’re funny. The different pics are fun.

Oh, you and monkey. So cute :)

So cute honey ;)

Thank you! :)

After the long day I had, I had fallen asleep for almost 4 hours. Here is my almost missed freewrite.

I knew you would dream of him lol

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In the land of hairclips, there live 2 peeps that were a bit odd but fell in love.
They were all warm and cozy together but the misses was dreaming of a white long dress as all funny creatures do.
Mr., in love, said I will if you do, and the wedding of to monkeys was set for the rest.
The trees were full of everyone from town to see the lady walk in with her gown all white and sparkly but needed a brush as she was molting a bit.........
Is was Spring! what do you expect!
They made it through and are now soon to be united once again as soon as she get's her monkey bum back on the plane to fly home!

This was too cute, and I hate when I molt!

Haha another true story! I love the selfie! ❤

soon, you will be with your sweet monkey again lol

Haha. Nice Editing. Happy sweet forever.

I overhead this conversation when I was traveling in southern California this weekend. Okay, maybe, I didn't. ;-)


Hehehehe , so cute 😃💗

You will be ready for the next Monkey Wedding coming your way!!

You crack me up!! You look very happy next to your groom 🤪

this is funny!;)

My awesome artistic skills strike again!


Almost a decade ago, I drove with three friends from Los Angeles to Austin. It’s a 24 hour drive on I-10 (or, “the 10,” as we would say around here), and half of the time is spent in the emptiness of West Texas. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, we encountered a roadblock and a detour that took us almost 150 miles Northeast and out of our way before we hit the junction that took us back South to I-10. We must have gone nearly an hour without ever seeing another driver on the road.

At some point, we found a large mural of Texas with a star placed over our location painted on the slanted side of an overpass, and my friends skateboarded down it. But that’s not what this story is about.

We started getting restless a while into the trip, right around the time we saw an offramp into a little town, with a sign advertising a zoo and a flea market. Naturally, we decided that this was a great place to stop and marvel at the weirdness (or at least, what we thought was weirdness… this is about the closest you can come to culture shock within your own country). We found the entrance to the zoo. There was nobody at the ticket kiosk, and we didn’t see another person anywhere. After awkwardly standing around waiting for someone to take our money, we opted to hop the turnstile.

All along the aisles were cages of wild animals. There were no people anywhere. It was surreal. I talked to a llama. We found a mountain lion that we were convinced was dead and turned out to just be napping. My friend banged against the cage and it immediately stood to attention, frightening my friend. It was hilarious. (In retrospect, I don’t think that was a very nice thing to do to the poor lion that was just enjoying its siesta, but that’s what happened.) My three friends ended up getting matching tattoos of the mountain lion when we got home. After an hour or so of wandering around and being utterly creeped out by the dead silence of the place, we left. We didn’t see anyone in the town until we went to the advertised flea market.

That was a true story, and the only thing that immediately came to mind when thinking about monkey weddings. That and that episode of Parks and Recreation where Leslie married the gay penguins. If I were to genuinely include a monkey wedding in here (which would probably make for an excellently weird addition to an already weird story), it would take away from the truth of it. But let’s just pretend that somewhere in that labyrinth of cages, we found two monkeys enjoying their afternoon, one in a veil, and one in a tuxedo. Actually, let’s say they were both wearing tuxedos and veils. A genderfluid monkey wedding. I like that thought.

I lived in west Texas. Where was that zoo? I would be interested to find it.

No idea. The star on the mural was placed right in the middle of West Texas though. I can try to ask one of my friends who was with me.

I love your drawing!

That sounds like a surreal experience!!

My freewrite for today:

Trying to get a Clue


That would be an awesome tattoo!!! That is very cool!

It is one of my favorite tattoos! I drew the veil on the monkey for the theme, but the rest of it is actually my tattoo. I wrote posts about each of my tattoos, this is the one explaining the purple monkeys:

wow!! You have a monkey wedding on your arm!!!

Who would have ever guessed?

Yeee #monkeylyfe !!!


My refurbished computer is almost here! I’ll be able to do something more interesting with pictures than. For now though ... 🐒💩 🤣🤣

Ah. Drat! I knew I screwed something up.
I didn't mirror my letters, and you did.
You win this round.
But beware . . .

I don’t know what you did, but I simply pointed the camera at me and shot. No mirror need. 🧐 good idea though.

It must just be my phone's camera then, mirroring the image :|

We are looking forward to your computer as well 😂 🐒

This pic is amazing! <3

This selfie is genius. #madskillzyo

Haha! Thank you! It took a while to get right!

🤣 we used the same picture, just differently.

This is a great selfie!!!

that is the cutest little monkey ever!!!

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