
Is that really your tattoo? I loved the way you used the freewrite prompt. Now who are those guys??? You never know! :) Having fun!

I like the way you slipped in the prompt!

I anticipate tremendous curation rewards from this little vote. This series entry is poppin'!

Thank you so much! I hope that I can make some waves and some crypto at some point with this story. It is really a bit more suspenseful than anything I've written in a very long while.

@byn It's a challenge to get attention, but I hope you do!

Oh, I know it is a challenge (but I still welcome it if it happens!!!)

I'm also working on fleshing out and expanding some earlier stories into an ebook to publish. I need to stop spending ALL of my time and effort on steemit on the off chance that I might make something some day.

@byn Hard to turn away from the thing that's working at least a little, though, isn't it!?

It's working for making friends and inspiring me to write, for sure! I'm still not sure how much it is working for me in a financial sense, because I'm way too ignorant of most things crypto.

I did need to step back and find other ways to make income though, because well... the real world bills don't seem to care that I have a steemit account. I was pouring way too much time into this.

I DO love that it inspired me to start writing again. It was the first thing that brought the love of writing back to the surface in YEEEEAAAARS and I am so SO thankful for it. Both the freewrites and other contests as well as all of the networking and support have been incredible! I definitely love the community here and will stay on for that.

It reminds me very much of livejournal and I blogged there nearly daily for 13 years. I still consider the people I met through that to be some of my closest friends.

@byn I had a livejournal, too!

Yeah, Steemit is still not an income source for me yet. I mean, if I had sold at the top and bought back in now, then I'd have more... but I still wouldn't have so much that it would make any sense to me to start withdrawing sums to supplement my income. Right now it's all funny money that I just use to have my votes be worth something.

howdy @byn you are so descriptive that I feel like I'm living it!
great job, my vote strength is near zero sorry.

Awww, thank you! I know what that's like to have little to no voting power, but that's okay. I truly appreciate your comments and encouragement each day! It really means a lot.

yes Ma'am well you deserve it because you gives us such interesting and entertaining posts.

This is more scary that I thought. No monsters, no horror atmposphere, but a well built tension in the way you put sentence after sentence and never show actually the source of this fear, that for what we could know until now, can be only a joke of the protagonist's mind.

It should be interesting to learn the truth behind it all. I'm so curious that it's actually quite difficult not to just keep writing until the story is done each day! Thank you for the comment. I'm glad that I'm managing to capture the fear and tension, even with the unknown!

I believe you might possibly have coined a phrase….as hectic as a monkey’s wedding.
And if you can work in ‘monkey’s wedding’ without any obvious discomfiture, today’s prompt will be a doddle for you:

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

Click the graphic to join in the fun!

A monkeys wedding! I love it.

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