Day 48 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 114.58 SBD

in #contest6 years ago

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Day 48

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This is what I got so far. If I don't hear from you, your payout will be SBD since that is how we started out the contest.

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We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 114.58 SBD!!!!!


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NO Eliminated players

A Huge Shout Out to Bruni!!!!!

@eaglespririt forgot to post her post and her selfie. Bruni came to her rescue and posted her entry with a couple of minutes to spare. You, Bruni, are an amazing dude!!! Thank you so much for all you do!


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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you recognize each other's faces.




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See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: It's the weekend - you know what to do

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 7/1//2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Hi guys ,

I'm so glad for @eaglespirit , 😘😘 love you sis . I would have been very sad if you had been eliminated.

Freewrite prompt for today - Bored stiff

As I waited for see good thing to come on YouTube , nothing , all bad stuff keeps popping up. I want some CSI or mentalist or something like that. I only have one more holiday , but I'm so bored stiff. Laying here on this hard bed , I can't even think.

The temperature is very humid , it's making me feel like bathing again and again. But I injured my toe today , while I went to get some books. So I had even an excuse to be on the bed.

But I wonder , how life would be , if it wasn't boring. I'm waiting. I'm waiting. I know my schedule will become more tighter from Monday. May God help .

Life is so boring and weird mostly for me. I'm fine with it as long as health wise at least if everyone is okay.. that's when I get depressed when everything all gets messed up.


thank you for the sweet comment and the hearts are real cute! i hope your toe gets better!! hugs

Thank you sis 😘😘 I hope so too.

I miss you more 🦅 eagle , hehe can you see the little eagle I sent you.. I don't know if it can be seen. 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚 I hope you are good sis ❤️

@ashley4u i can't see it! i use Fast Reply its just an empty box hehe
i am just okay had a weird holiday but other than that i'm okay. hugs

I'm sorry you hurt your toe and I hope you heal up fast. Your selfie is adorable, as usual! Cheer up, dear. we love you. Its in the 90s here and super hot and humid. Jeff got too heated mowing the lawn today so he had to quit.

I'm sorry sis 😘, especially for brother. I hope he becomes okay...

Thank you, dear. He rested and went insode so he is better. I was worried when he said he was mowing but the heat finally convinced him. My sister and nephew are coming to stay with us at his house next weekend, and he wanted to get the house looking nice.

☺️☺️☺️ I'm so happy he is better now...I hope they have an awesome time there.

I chose to write today about a smiling house! So I took a selfie with my husband.

We've been through so much over the last few years, but the Lord has seen us through, and we've continued to smile and persevere. I'm unbelievably excited for our future!

I've been reading @byn's stories about her family, and I just realized I never commented...or was I doing this morning?? But her story so far is inspiring to say the least!

So, now I will sign off of here and spend some much needed time cuddling with the love of my life and watching The Office! We've been binge watching it the last few nights and it is just the best!

That is our superpower - to keep on smiling and know that better times will come.
Are you watching the American version of the office or the English one? Enjoy!

I knew someone would ask that! Lol It's the American version...although we do enjoy the English version as well!

Thanks for reading. I write a LOT, so it's a wonder you can even keep up with it all :)

I know, a scary selfie of me, but I like the way that it turned out and the symbolism that arises out of the negative (like light-filled within and a blackened witch, a column of windows behind).
Today's prompt just sparked again, me writing about having grown up Mormon and later walking away. It's a difficult subject for me because although I am no longer a member, I tell all it is my culture and there are aspects of the church I love and respect and so most often, I find myself coming to "their," defense.
Socially speaking, there are those early beginnings linked in spirituality, right/wrong, and school too, which prescribe and imbed beliefs and experiences we will carry with us the rest of our lives even if our minds are changed.

I went to college in SLC at U of U!

Cool! So you definitely recognize the LDS buildings :)

Here Bruni comes to save the eagle. So we can all finish the race together. Not leaving one behind. :) yay!

LOL!! so nice and thank you!

Golly gee wiz, I feel like crap right now. When will this sickness end?! I'm literally crying goo from my sinuses being so messed up. Not that you needed to know that.

I've been so depressed about being quarantined indoors for nearly a week now. But thank the heavens for my sweetie pie taking long naps in my arms.


And again, a mishmash of prompts (this time the third chunk, I think):

Now let me start by saying that “palimpsest” is one of my favorite words. I first heard it in a list of the most beautiful words in English, which I memorized for my GRE. (I did terribly on my GRE, mind you.) I next read it in an academic article about tattooing, which mentioned a tattoo which had been crossed out and covered up with another word—a human palimpsest. That is all on that subject.

But describing wind: it can be anything between gentle and ferocious; from a light, almost imperceptible kiss on the cheek, to a howl, to an intangible earthquake. Sometimes it’s full of cigarette smoke, and sometimes it accompanies a sunset in California. It can scatter things about, painting the sky on a Saturday morning, as you go back and forth, imagining the smell from within. It’s something you can dream, but not something you can put in a mason jar or leave in a bowl on the coffee table next to the crackers. It whirls past you when you ski, and can knock the glasses right off of your face.

I bought a tiny elephant and a board game at a yard sale last week. Round was the shape of the pieces of both, but the madness of the game—it led to hardboiled minds.

I so hope that you are feeling better soon. But rest assured. Your mind did not get hardboiled by the fever - you wrote beautifully!!

Feel better!

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