Tattoo Shop/Contest

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Today's adventure had me drive my friend to the tattoo shop. Exciting times as I was looking forward to smelling that sweet aroma of disinfectants, to hear the tantalizing buzz, and the masterpieces permanently inked on skin. Oh how I missed that place.

The last time I witnessed the pain of being stabbed 3000 times a minute for 3 hours by a little hollowed stainless steel needle(s) was a few months ago. Feels like such a long time ago. Still working on my back piece, oh how expensive you are!

The last bit of work done on my back piece. Don't mind the ripped shirt, I wear bad clothes incase it gets stained.

The sweet, sweet titillating sensation of a tattoo is what makes us succumb to the enslavement. Always wanting more, needing more. At least for some of us. 😝

It was nothing less of a tease to bring my friend to the shop. I was happy to go back.

Ok, ok. I'm gonna stop this charade of funny talk.

My friend went back to get some more work done on her tattoo. Some small floral work on her shoulder area only had outlining done the first time. This time was for filling in the details and adding some more flowers and leaves.

As beautiful as this ink is, there is still at least one more hour of work to make it complete. Tattoos take time and lots of money...and also pain management. Honestly though, it's the healing part that's worse.

After wanting to write a post about bringing my friend to get some ink done, it made me realize a contest I did a while back and I thought it could be time to do another round of it.

I love seeing what people have for tattoos and learning what the stories behind them are. And as I have stated before, quite frankly, we love to tell about them and show them off too! I have yet to meet someone who doesn't want to say/show a bit of it.

So how about it?

I would love for you to show me one of your tattoos. Write a post about it and tell us the story behind it. Simple. I would say, share it in the comments section but then you wouldn't get as much as you would if it were a post.
You can also write about all of your tattoos, that would be awesome, but please pick just one that you would like entered in the contest.

Deadline for this contest is after the 7 day mark. Leave the link to your post in the comment section please to make it easier for me to see.

For a prize, I was thinking about 2 steem to the first place. 2nd place will receive 1.75 steem.

**Edited: @paintingangels added 2 Steem towards the prize pool for this contest! Thank you my friend for being so generous and so cool!

**@dandays has also been ever so generous and added 3 steem to the pot! Thanks man! This is getting exciting!

**@jlsplatts has generously given 4 steem to the prize pot!!! You guys all deserve huge respects and love! Thank you <3

If this post gets resteemed and makes an awesome amount, then I can send you guys more for a prize. Those amounts are just mimum.

Alright! Let's so those tattoos! I know you guys have some incredible ink and great stories! Show em off!


Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_round.png


How about a Steem tattoo?
It’s been two years now, but here’s the low down...

Ha! That is so cool! I'm checking out your post now :) Thank you for participating ^_^

Thanks! and no problem :)

Finally I got time to create this post and join the little contest.

Hey @foxyspirit...I will throw in another 4 Steem. Why 4? Because I’m a one-upper to @dandays. HAHAHAH

Yeah I’m totally ok with that.

Dah ha ha ha. Good Morning Brotha!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you so much! Do you know how great you guys are for pitching in? <3 Huge respect to you all! Ok I got your post in my tabs, gonna take the time to read.. (I'm all giddy inside because I get to read about tattoos and their stories :3 Like a kid in the candy store).

@jlsplatts. In order to complete the full “one-up,” you have to actually send the Steem. As it stands, it’s just an “up!” 👍🏿

I know right? That was a half a$$ one up job if I have ever seen one. Lol.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That’s twice now! I’ve read two of your comments today, the other was like 10 seconds ago, I laughed out loud both times.

Although I don't like tattoos and I can't make this in my body. But there are a lot of tattoos in my heart.... And there's a tattoo of a good friend like you.
PEACE TO YOU @foxyspirit

Hugs @yagoub nice to see you tonight 🌼🌸🌻🌸🌼

that great to see you dear @yogajill

Thank you @yagoub. Peace to you as well and thank you for your support ^_^

The way you described it in the first paragraph was as if it was your favourite ice cream or something hahaha
And then of course you made it real 😅
Those a very nice tattoos
I have thought about it but did not go through with it
Super scared of pain 🤪

Hehehe, I am fond of tattoos :P

They are nice tattoos done from great artists. I never know if I should say thank you when someone says that because I'm not the one that did it. So what do I say in that case? Ya, I know? lol doesn't sound right.

To everyone that gets a first tattoo, I say start with a very small one to give yourself an idea. If it is not for you, then it wont take long, the tattoo is finished and you know not to go back. Rather than starting big and stopping with an unfinished one.

Love this idea! I'm sure there will be many stories surrounding those tattoos. I don't have any myself, so I can't participate, but I kind of have a tattoo.

Years ago, my dad, who is covered in tattoos, told me I could pick one out for him. So I did, and he now has a hooded fairy wearing thigh high boots laying on her belly on his forearm.


Ha that's awesome! You chose a fine tattoo for him to have indeed. Awesome dad you have :p

I have one from years ago, but I don't know if I have a digital version handy. Let me look. I'll post it if I can find one.

Here is the closest I found to a pic of my tattoo on his arm. You have to look at the bottom of his forearm and you'll see the head and wings of the fairy. He gets a lot of work done, so it's easy to overlook, but once you see you, you'll know.

That's an awesome picture! Dad's n tats! :p

I only wish you could see MY tattoo better in it. 🤣🤣🤣

That's fun! Do you have a picture of it?

I'm looking for one. If I find it I'll post it.

It's there on the bottom of his can just see the head and wings.

I will definitely join in! You may just have to nudge me in the powerhouse discord if you don't see my post by in a few days. I think we're all a little fried after the last few days, but in the best way possible! Much love to the #powerhousecreatives right now!

I will try my best at reminding you <3 That you for joining in ^_^ And yes all the love to them all!

Haha, I will do my best to not need reminding, but I figure if nothing else commenting now will give me a written record that I committed to doing it! ;)

I enjoyed joining this contest, definitely a good opportunity to improve my English writing ;)

Yay for joining! You guys have made me so happy with all these entries ^_^ It's like a gift to read your tattoo stories :)

So glad you joined in @mermaid!

I do not wear any permanent tatoo, like I kind of think I would not like something permanent on one side and on the other I fear the pain hahha XD, but those soulder flowers are pretty... I considered once tatooing the paw prints of my ratties (now gone) to remember then, they're small and convenient, and maybe my logo (which is kind of a goddess logo) somewhere small... but i came to the conclussion that though I love it even as a form or art is not meant for me

Tattoos are not for everyone. Some people try it and get hooked and want more and then some people can't stand the pain and run away from it. I love it. I enjoy decorating my body, telling stories through art. Im a walking canvas :P

I hear you @foxyspirit. Tattoos are so addictive and a beautiful way to express yourself. It took me a while to decide which one share but here we go.....

Thank you for joining the contest! I am excited to read your post!

Thanks for pointing this out @plantstoplanks.

So.. Foxy, so you want to see me from the waist up do ya? Well, they all stop at my neck. -rewind-
⏮ Fhegeushrnfbsjfbrhdncbrhd

So.. Foxy, so you want to see me from my waist to my neck do ya? Well, get in line! <— ha!! Eh, you know that’s funny!

I dig this competition, @foxyspirit, don’t get me wrong, I’m a closet crocheter (is that a thing 🤔) but tattoo’s are just a teencie weencie bit more my style. I’ll try to put something together and at least tell you the story about one of the pieces on my right arm, the one that drained so much of my adrenaline I didn’t know my own phone number when we were finished and couldn’t get my keys in the door of my car.... don’t worry, I decided against driving for about a 1/2 hour until I got my bells back.

Just in case I don’t make it, I’d like to add to the weed pot. 😉

Also every other part of that back piece. Steady 3 hours into every section, except the horse on the right as its not finished. Still more things to add. I can't wait till its done to show the final picture!

Oh, foxy! Maybe I’ll go over to discord and show you I feel your pain.

30 hours on my back. Nope, that’s not a typo. 3-0. Thir-tea. Three to the Ouch. Seven times in the chair, 5 hours each time (5 is my max). Maybe extended a minute or two sometimes, breaks in between, yeah.. ouch! The whole thing is a tribute to my mother.

Holy shit! You are my hero!

For some reason the artists here only do blocks of 3 hrs. So I never got to test my limits. But lucky you to get those breaks, my artist never allowed me that kind gesture. I have also never asked for the break though. I didn't want to seem like a weakling lol So I took it the best I could but that nice refreshing cold wipe to clean felt really nice.

I don't think I will touch 30hrs. So far it's been 15hrs. I got 2 more appointments left go, if I don't add any more to it lol.

So now that you mentioned that it is a tribute to your mother, you must share it! I would love love love to see it!

Well well, I would never pass up a chance to see you like that! Tattooed men! MM MMMMMM!

I mean... uh oh. I'm in trouble aren't I? 👀

I can relate to the pain! My back piece, the lower part on my birthmark. Man oh man! I was making sounds lol. Tell me about it in your post. You'll have time for it!

Thank you for adding to the pot pot lol. Much appreciated!!!!! <3

Naaaa.. it’s just me and you here!

Ok, let me close the curtains just incase. 😜

Happy to spread the word/ink! Especially if it means I get to learn a little more about what you have and why you got it. I'm sure between all of us we'd have plenty of stories to swap!

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