Tattoo Story telling time...Gather around Kids @foxyspirit Tattoo contest entrysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #tattoo6 years ago (edited)

"Line Trash" Nice! Now theres a line man thats dedicated. You could get hired anywhere with that one 😜.

With my IBEW Journeyman Card I can work anywhere in the world. It’s pretty awesome.

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I was at first afraid. I never knew that first picture was actually a tatoo due to the picture apperance

Oh my goodness gracious Splatts, I actually can vaguely imagine that ouch. It’s still so dark, that’s a lot of layers... blood, ink, blood, ink, blood (repeat) oh man!!

I’m glad you entered this competition brother, it wouldn’t be the same with you! Eh, before you even mentioned the sun, I knew exactly what you were getting at. Like a hot shower but different—no valve to close!

I agree, the added bonus of meeting your brother for coffee is probably the highlight of the whole event, although the white in the Lightning is tough to compete with.

Oh ya, wipe and repeat. Lol. The warmth of the sun just intensified that burning sensation ya get after a Tat. You know what, he wanted to Dad the black out farther and do some other stuff, I don’t remember exactly what it was but I, told him one day I will be back and he can have some fun. Maybe that is another bad idea. lol.

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You definitely have me beat on the rib front! I can understand just how tender that spot can be (kind of squirming in my seat thinking about it), especially with all of that killer detail! I had a friend lose a lineman husband to the job, so nothing but mad respect for you on that front.

I totally dig the piece for your son! Such a cool way to represent that. I can see why you want the same level of craftsmanship for your daughter. She may give you crap about it now, but I'm sure when you do finally fill up that tattoo fund jar it will all be worth it in the end.

Out of curiosity, do you have one for your wife, too? I meant to ask @dandays that. I think it took my parents almost 30 years of marriage before they finally got tattoos for each other. Still my mom only has a "K" for my dad's name, which if it ever came down to it she could always say is for my name. My dad also only got initials at first, and my sister shares her first initial with my mom. I think it was only 4 years ago that my dad did finally get all of our names on his sleeve, my mom included. 😉

✔️ How bout a dated wedding ring @plantstoplanks?


Hey I got one of those too. Mine is in Roman Numerals. EST. III XVII MMVI

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That Line Trash tattoo is in the perfect place for a whole lotta ouch. Good idea about the secret tattoo fund, it’s neccessary. I’ll make the first donation…

I know my Tattoo guy in Fresno could totally nail this tattoo, I am just worried I won’t be able to find someone around here that can complete. What??? You didn’t have to do that. Thank you. Now I just need the Steem price to skyrocket. Lol

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@kuku-Splatts deserves her own piece, especially since her brother has one. We all need steem to skyrocket. This has been a rough year for the crypto community. All I can say is I’m glad we didn’t get in during the hype of December 2017. A couple people from my work and our old neighbor bought in right when btc was $20,000. That has to be discouraging for your investment. 🤦🏼‍♀️.

Dude! That is a beast for sure! That must have gotten your teeth grinding lol.

What I really like on that tattoo is the details of the broken wires and the sparks he made, making it look wild. And the fact that he did a really cool job to give the illusion that it is coming out of your skin. That's sick! 🤪

That Wyatt tattoo and the footprint one, I think is pretty awesome as well. It is fun to look at, looks like graffiti but also matches with the family name. Great choice! And it looks really stinkin awesome too.

I had a Lumina as well from that year. A 16 hour drive in that boat well... At least the car itself is comfy lot. But that sun... I can't imagine a sunburn on it, I just can't and not sure I want to haha. But ya a 16 hr drive is pretty long, thinking the pain must have helped keep you awake for some time? But then pain also drains.

Thank you for joining the contest. I had fun reading your post! I appreciate it ^_^

That lumina treated me very well for over 10 years. My daily commuter and a very low maintenance vehicle. Lol. Plus it got 30 mpgs goin 80 mph. It was definitely a cruiser...just floats down the highway. No it is parked at the homeless shelter, I see it everyday and I miss it. Lol.

I felt like I couldn’t get there fast enough. I just wanted to lay down and relax but instead I had a thousand miles ahead of me. Stupid idea...just stupid. I should have waited at least a day. Ha ha ha

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That lumina treated me very well for over 10 years. My daily commuter and a very low maintenance vehicle. Lol. Plus it got 30 mpgs goin 80 mph. It was definitely a cruiser...just floats down the highway. No it is parked at the homeless shelter, I see it everyday and I miss it. Lol.

I felt like I couldn’t get there fast enough. I just wanted to lay down and relax but instead I had a thousand miles ahead of me. Stupid idea...just stupid. I should have waited at least a day. Ha ha ha

I have a Splatts tattoo on my other rib cage but the ink faded really bad. I need to go get it re-colored. That one is about ....hmmm ....18 yrs old. I don’t thing the guy used very good ink or maybe he didn’t go deep enough. Did I just say that???? Great now I don’t want to get it re-colored. lol

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Bahahaha... deep enough, well did you feel it enough? XD probably the ink. Actually come to think of it, I have a fox tattoo on my forearm that needs to be redone and its only been 2 years. It was the easiest tattoo I have ever gotten. Like to say if it was painful, I would disagree. If all tattoos were like that I would probably be working my ass off just to get more. So I am thinking that he probably didn't get it into the right layers of skin. The artist is a well known artist but well, I think he could have done better in my opinion. I'm just going to stick with the one I have for my back piece from now on.
I have this thing where I like to support the different artists we have in the area. I look them up and check out their stuff first before going to make sure they are legit. But it is now proving to be difficult if they don't give me their 100%

And so far this guy that I have now does exactly what you said you have with Noe. I explained what I wanted and he made it even better than what I had in mind yet still being exactly what I wanted. It's crazy how they can do that. They can envision it perfectly!

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