Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Emoji....)

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for all the replies to the Cooking theme from last week... it appears that we are pretty evenly split on those who are completely messy and those who are nice (hehe...).

Anyway, this week I was listening to an interesting podcast that had a theme of Emojis and how they get approved and standardised across the different platforms and everything... it's pretty cool in a nerdy sort of way, mainly because they have to have a central set of standards otherwise messages just turn to garbage as it won't be recognised by the receiver.

Anyway, it did start to bring up the idea of what constitutes an emoji... could it just be anything?

My Question

  1. How do you feel about Emoji in general?

  2. Should there be a limit to Emojis or should we just include everything that can be rendered in pixel picture form?

My sample answer


I'm a real late comer to the Emoji game... I think my daughter (who is now seven) started to introduce me to them in the last few years... even so, I've used them pretty sparingly. I am a huge fan of the Google Hangouts stickers though! Those are pretty cool...

Anyway, I think emoji are pretty useful as ways to convey nuance in meaning. Text by itself can be open to multiple interpretations of nuance and tone... that can rely too heavily on the projection of the reader's intent onto the author. So, they serve a good use for that... or as a short hand for a reaction to a particular idea.

So, in this vein... that is how I view Emojis.... thus for me, it makes really little sense to have animals/chairs/beanbags... and a whole slew of pictures, which just makes finding the right one difficult! Maybe this is a sign of my loosening grasp of the cutting edge of technology? For me, the little round yellow guys are all that are required... the rest are just complications and confusions!


  1. Upvote is not required, but appreciated!
  2. Resteem is NOT necessary!
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
  6. PLEASE PLEASE Don’t upvote your OWN comment. I can’t stop you doing it, but it seems to mess up the distribution of the Bounty for everyone else. If you upvote your own comment, I will consider it an invalid entry when doing the draw.

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I think society really "jumped the shark" when The Emoji Movie was released. This is why aliens won't talk to us!!!

Haha... My daughter really wanted a set of emoji shoes after that...

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:

I love emoji. It's like you say: it can give written text an obvious nuance which makes sure something does't come across the wrong way. Just add a 😉, or a 😛 and people know not to take what you say too serious.
It's a shame I always have to go and look up the codes when i'musing my laptop. It's so much easier to implement them when using your phone.

I use the non-smiley ones mostly to make something stand out, like the 🌺 for the garden challenge, the 💡 to mark something important or a 🏆 in a contest title.

It shouldn't be overdone, though. I've seen posts with so any emojis in it that I did not have a single idea what the post was about, lol.

I think you never have enough emojis... Often I'm looking for one, and then it appears it simply does not exist...

However, it needs to be obvious for everyone where an emoji stands for. I use the upside down smiley pretty often on Discord. Not so long ago, one of my fellow @teampossible members asked about the meaning of the smiley. It appeared everyone had his own interpretation, and on top of that, it was hard to explain what I meant by using it.

I think you do bring up an important point. Once you get off the really obvious ones and the literal ones... then it can be quite subjective as to what they mean... and from that point, they really lose their usefulness. After all, a language is only as good as long as the two communicating parties agree on the meaning... Plus, then you have the problem of the "literal" emoji sometimes having extra meanings...

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:

For me, it is an illustration that reinforces the message.
I only like those of joy and encouragement. 😁
Sad faces are pessimistic, they use them for bad reviews that I do not like.

This is how I like to use them as well.. to reinforce the meaning of the words... or to clarify the intent!

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:

Emojis are great for initiating sex

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL... I had no idea...

You laugh... But it's so true. And efficient. ,,🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:

I use a lot of them. Don't know when I started using them but I do so often. My only problem with them is when I chat with someone who only uses them. When I make the time to type, 'how are you?', then you just respond with 👍, makes me start hating emojis.

Posted using Partiko Android

ha... yes, it can get quite irritating to only have emoji as replies... however, sometimes it can be just because the other person is busy!

Maybe true, but I'm not sure they would love that if they were on the other end

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:


This post has been granted a 100% upvote, courtesy to @wokeprincess, from BlissFish!
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To be honest lol I think they are a waste of time i very rarely use them lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't know, they can be useful for making clear the tone of a text... otherwise it can be hard to find nuance!

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:

Here's a 100% upvote from the @contestkings community.

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emoji is a good sign of human interaction with the others in a way will not make others feel teased or upset.
when i am angry i post happy emoji this will release me from the pressure sometimes
and for your second question, yes it must be limited, so it will not be boring.

however, i will upvote my comment due to silly point , this donkey @cheetah is downvotin all of my posts and comments so to overcome the ngative value deducted from my reputation, i upvote my comments - silly ha,,!!

I have upvoted this post and resteemed it too

good work my friend

thank you

Emoji are very useful for conveying when you are joking or serious... that can be extremely difficult to do in a text only message! Especially if you don't know the author very well....

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and the new question (Anyone out there?....) can be found here:

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