Rise Of The Techno Control Grid: Building The Walls Of Perception
The Birth Of A Synthetic Reality

A Brave New Unreality


Skin & Sweat Ducts
Dr Devra Lee Davis

5G Effects On Biology, Mental Health & Electromagnetism

The Internet Of Things

Smart Dust

Not Very Smart Technology

Transhumansim & A.I

Synthetic Reality

Hijacking The Brain

The Space Fence & The Worldwide Smart Grid

The Eye’s In The Sky

Caught In The Web
Future spy satellites may unfold like origami birds, collecting image data along long, flat sensor arrays that weigh almost nothing. By replacing the bulky telescopic lenses that make today’s spy sats among the biggest and most expensive things in space, light-sensitive microchips promise far cheaper access to orbital imagery.
Last month, Lockheed Martin released the first images from its experimental Segmented Planar Imaging Detector for Electro-optical Reconnaissance, or SPIDER, program. Funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, SPIDER is basically a telescope on a microchip. But it collects light data very differently from a conventional telescope.Source


I still don’t understand why people are so happy to be locked into an electronic prison?
If people aren’t careful there will be no choice about whether you are ‘plugged in’ or not in the not too distant future, those who are not will be outcast most likely cut off from banking and other services.
Interestingly Mrs Percy turned down the offer of smart meters last week and when she was asked why she picked an answer from the drop down menu, the answer she picked was......
Mistrust of technology.
Funny it would be an option, I told her she’s on a list now!
Great post as always dude, resteemed etc......
Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by and lending your eternal support .. as always I very much appreciate it. In terms of an electronic control grid/prison .. yes I couldn't really agree more, indeed look at Sweden who are now on the verge of becoming a cashless society and thousands of people are getting microchipped and having "implant parties" .. because it's cool .. eh? This is going to come down to a very clear choice and I think life will probably become very difficult for those that refuse .. but ultimately that refusal will pay huge and potentially profound dividends. Say what you like about Alex Jones (I'm very aware of what is happening) but his interview with Aaron Russo was a good one and in the context of this post and our conversation I feel the above clip says it all.
I'm certainly with you on the smart meter .. I guess the thing going in your wife's favour is the debacle that is the roll out, fires, high bills etc etc so I think there will be many people ticking that box. I had one of the very last standard meters fitted just before the roll out went live so it's good for a good few years yet ;) Thank again @tremendospercy .. always great to hear from you!
This is awesome. Terrible, of course. Still awesome.
Ha! It's certainly a brave new .. erm depraved new world my friend!
Epic post @perceptualflaws, it's funny I actually took a MEMS class and have always been interested in nano tech.
Not much to add on this one, most of this was new to me but I really enjoyed reading. Like you said we still have choice and we can still fight back in our own ways. Just being aware of this is very helpful when seeing some of the changes and weird crap the government and other entities are pushing. It's worrisome, but I think we will overcome :)
Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by and sorry for the delay in replying but I've been away at a wedding for the last few days. Yes, nanotech is certainly a very interesting and indeed multifaceted subject .. have you heard of molecular electronics? (a subset of nanotech) in a broad context it begins to open some very deep and profound questions.
In terms of overcoming, although I feel it's going to get far darker yet, ultimately I have great faith in the ability of humanity to wake up and understand what's happening.
I've kind of said this will be my last technology orientated post for a while as I want to write some more about spirituality, the nature of reality, time etc etc .. but having said that, I now have another concept buzzing around my head so I'm sure I'll be back at some point! :D
Thanks again @jakeybrown
I don't think I knew about Earthnow. I still think the shadowy network of individual ruling Earth today might unwillingly lead us toward a better world through challenging us all, something like a divine script unfolding as we speak...
Hey @teamsteem thank you for stopping by. Yes I couldn't agree more with that statement and I very much believe there is some form of "divine script unfolding as we speak" .. I believe we are being ushered towards a crisis point and that the decisions we make will change the entire course of humanity. I am certainly not against technology .. what I am trying to do is differentiate between corporate technology and open source, decentralised high tech. I feel the lines are very much blurred because many startup tech companies are actually funded by the military industrial complex and the fact that military and government contractors are the progenitors of much of this tech is of great concern to me.
I have carried out many years of research into the human experiments unknowingly carried out on the population by governmental bodies .. hence I am extremely wary of the intent behind all of this. Equally, like you say I very much feel that out of this near fantatical push for control there will arise a new consciousness and awareness .. I feel we are being born into something more profound than we can comprehend and as such the current state of our world could also be viewed as birthing pains. I feel our fast approaching societal crossroads is going to invlove some form of a decision and so I'm trying to provide as much information as possible as a way of doing my bit to ensure that people make the right choice. In terms of the blockchain I feel there are aspects that the governments will try to utilise but I also feel the concept behind platforms like steemit have the potential to set brushfires of community, unity and co-operation in the minds of man and I feel that ethos resonating through people like yourself. This is an extraordinary time to be alive; so much incredible promise and yet although it's equally tinged with palpable danger, I have great faith in the future of humanity and over time my writing will increasingly display that fact. Thanks again my friend.
Good god! I was just thinking that I put a bunch of work into my last post and then I come to find this one. What a collection of info and intelligence.
I am wondering how internet of things block chains will play into this or go a different way. IOTA for example. Decentralized is one thing but it will be still run by a group and partnered up with large manufacturers.
I blew through this in 5 minutes but am going to go back through it now for the finer points and look through some of those links.
There goes my evening. Thanks for taking the time to share with us!
Hey @zekepickleman thanks for taking the time to stop by and lend your support .. I shall have to take a look at your post!
Short of something major this will probably be my last technology related post so (along with my posts linked at the bottom) I wanted to have all the information stored in one place. I think they are probably trying to build some form of mother bockchain which is why they have allowed the idea to creep into the public consciousness, but they may have overstepped the mark. Indeed, it's the philosophy behind the concept of decentralisation is what drew me hear .. and it's an idea that I believe could start a fire in the minds of man, for me decentralisation also transcends the blockchain.
Thanks again my friend, hope you like my final technology post!
I have to say this is depressing stuff! But I think people are slowly waking up, and that's what will scupper this - not completely, but I don't think it will ever work as well as it's intended to. There's a certain point where people start going "Uh-oh, this is taking things too far". For example, I have a gmail email account, and recently it's started automatically filling in my iphone diary. Most people are horrified when I tell them this, and say it's "creepy". But a few years ago, when I stopped using Google as a search engine, most people thought I was slightly nuts. I think everyone has a point where they say "Enough is enough" - one example is the Iraq war. I started protesting against it in September 2001, when there was just a handful of us getting dirty looks from people. I never imagined that in two years time there would be millions of people out marching against it. I'm not saying we should all be out marching in the streets, but I think if we keep steadily calling them out on what's going on and refusing to participate in it, there will be a critical mass effect.
I must read Brave New World again. Aldous Huxley was certainly on to something!
Hey @natubat yes I agree it's a depressing outlook, equally like you say I do feel people are becoming wise to it and so I don't think they have the time to get it all into place .. but it's not too difficult to see where they want to take it. The abilty to monitor, track and indeed control every facet of our lives .. a control freaks dream!
Yes your point about google is a very valid one and equally it's why I have made these technology posts. Even if people find it all a bit too sci-fi for them at this moment in time, it will sit in the subconscious .. eventually something just won't sit right and they will draw an intellectual line in the sand. I mean look at the power of facebook: facial recognition technology, internet tracking, they can listen in to conversations via their phone app and then send you associated advertising .. some people deny this but I've seen it happen .. in real time! algorithmically induced echo chambers, manipulated social divisions .. and yet I feel they have reached their high tide mark .. the Cambridge Analytica left a sour taste in people mouths and think many are beginning to see it for what it is .. equally many are staying and turning facebooks reach against them.
As a species, I feel we are at a major crossroads .. this is the most important perhaps profound moment in human history .. a time of great promise and yet inherent danger, my advice is be aware, tread carefully .. and of course, spread a bit of love :) Thanks again my friend.
Well it's a thought-provoking post! Keep on posting them :)
Another great post, thanks. It chills my bones to read it all. The implications of it all are far worse than the Terminator movies. There is definitely the AI component of it but the other far worse aspect is that there are actual humans that are this awful and sadistic to come up with this stuff. It’s just sheer evil all of these manipulations these pompous elite are trying to do on the masses.
They make all of these horrible new things like facial recognition seem so innocent but it’s all nefarious. We are willfully allowing them to destroy our freedom and humanity. Thankfully a lot of people don’t trust a single word that comes out of the mouths of the poisonous MSM and government. Trouble is like you highlighted those lines are blurred and the government owns non government companies.
Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by and leaving a great comment. Yes I couldn't agree more it's the slow steady erosion of rights that is so insidious, hell they're now even selling free speech as some right-wing conspiracy .. the trouble is many are buying it!? Who would have thought we'd arrive at a time when facial recognition would become a selling feature .. where we'd pay actually pay to have microphones in our living room (Alexa) it's crazy eh? People really need to become aware that they are funding and buying the tools of their future enslavement .. it isn't being pushed on us, it doesn't need to be. Left/right, left/right, left that's the sound of the left/right paradigm marching us towards totalitarianism .. crazy days, but in the long run it's always darkest before dawn ;) Thanks again!
Yes, in my opinion also we are really controlled by the technology and many people literally cannot stay in peace without their gadgets. And i think that there are many conspiracies going from many decades to control the minds of people. And many conspiracy theorists also said that TV is the one of the tool of control and nowadays we can see that many news channel sing same words like an script and they only produce negativity in my opinion. I don't know about the 5G, but we can imagine how that can effect us, but the most important thing is awareness of people. And we have to believe in humanity and have to showcase the brotherhood towards everyone because we all belongs to same tribe and that is Humanity. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by, leaving a great comment and lending your support. In the long term I have great faith in humanity and great faith that people will eventually withdraw their consent. Part of that awakening will come from understanding the darker side of the system that is currently being built around us and how it could be used against us. From my research, this is certainly the type of control grid that they want (along with a Chinese style social monitoring tool) equally that doesn't mean they are going to be able to acheive it, it's not a given and I still believe the future lays with the people. Thanks again @chireerocks
Welcome and thank you so much for your kind appreciation. And also your extra insights and thoughts are appreciable. 🙂
Great Post, and i believe you are on the right path here. I saw one of your comments here about the blockchain, and you are right about that. The Dutch royal family (the ones behind bilderberg) are heavily promoting blockchain tech atm.
Hey @elektropunkz Thank you for taking the time to read and comment my friend .. and yes if you suspend disbelief and follow the current momentum, you can see where they want to take us. Yes, I feel they are allowing the blockchain to enter the public consciousness and then they will try to some behemothic mother chain that will sit atop and link aspects of it together ... there are probably many far more technologically proficient people than I .. that will tell me that's not possible, but I think they certainly have some plan in mind.
If certain things are not possible now, according to moore’s law, it will be possible very, very soon.
Fantastic post, that does relate more to the west than where I currently reside, heck they have not even got national databases here for number plate recognition, MOT or even insurance. It will be though more to do with the UK. I put a 1 hour 30 min Aldous Huxley interview post on the other day, and this is exactly the kind of thing he stated in that.
Hey @deliberator thank you for stopping by my friend .. yes that's why I think they want to have the European union as a stepping stone for world government, the world government would have a singular framework. That said, those pesky Eastern Europeans don't seem to be playing ball ;) although in terms of monitoring the Western governments will have a reach that extends across the entire world .. anywhere there is an internet. Equally the glue of the system is also intended to cover the globe. That said, I don't think they are going to be able to achieve all this and it's certainly not set in stone .. but first must come the realisation of the intent behind what is being built. Thanks again my friend .. I will be sure to take a look at the interview.
My friend watch the Tom Duggan one I just posted instead, if you want some unbiased truth, I am listening to it now with headphones on, bloody shocking stuff and hot off the press.
Ok will do .. thanks
If you watch nothing else for a month, you have to watch this, forget upvotes I care not, I just want people to see it, it is mind blowing.