Steemitbloggers | Stickfigures Storyboard Contest (Results)

in #community6 years ago (edited)

Steemitbloggers' Stickfigures Storyboard Contest (Results)

After a week full of tootsies and foot fetishes (the previous contest), we needed to get off the camera lens for a while and think of something creative and fun for you guys to try. @jaynie have come up with a brilliant new contest that's simple and fun to do. She had this idea when she was up and about at 2am last night, not sure what she was doing.... but anyhooo... she was trying to explain a part of the contest criteria to me which got me confused. She then decided to draw em out for me. So this is the example of how this contest would go.

Example that @jaynie drew trying to explain rocket science to me

Stickfigures Storyboard


  1. You are required to choose only one of the scenarios given.

  2. Briefly Illustrate your story.

  3. Draw THREE blocks ONLY, Block 1 = beginning, Block 2 = middle, Block 3 = ending.

  4. MUST be STICKFIGURES Only. No realistic drawings.


Scenarios (Choose ONE):

• My perfect Date.

• My average working day.

• Me and my three meals a day.

• My night out partying.

• My Thug/Swag life.



  1. Your Entry is to be done as a STEEMIT POST tagging 'steemitbloggers'.

  2. Your own title and include '(Steemitbloggers Contest)'

  3. Share your Steemit Post link under this channel.


Rewards :

3 Favourites will each win 1 SBI


Deadline :

Saturday Night, 08/09/2018, 11.59PM (GMT+8) / 5.59PM (Cape Town) - CONTEST ENDED


The Entries & Results!

Honestly, they were all really good and it cracked @jaynie and I up. I personally like how even if these were stickfigures, everyone had their own different styles of stickfigures which was the very interesting to see. It was a simple fun, something that takes your mind off from writing for awhile and just be a 'kid' once again and let the creativity flow. I remember the last time I drew stickfigures, I was drawing a platoon of army on Omaha Beach on D-day. With backpacks and all, anyways... don't want to get ahead of myself, can't wait to show you all the lovely entries for this contest.

Our Top Picks (1 SBI Each)

My average working day by @rwedegis

My Swag Life by @thekittygirl

My night out partying!!!! by @drawmeaship

Always Give Thanks for My Average Working Day by @iamjadeline

My night out partying by @reonlouw


Honorable Mentions (0.5 SBDs Each)

Cylon, or my night out partying by @fromage

My Perfect Date by @traciyork

Straight up to freedom... by @wales

My Swag Life!! by @kaerpediem

A Crappy Cartoon by @dollarsandsense


Thank you for sending in your awesome entries once again for @steemitbloggers weekly contest. We love your constant support and participation from all of you for this weekly contest. A little hint of what's to expect from these weekly contest, I would be thinking of growing it in a certain way that will benefit everyone in the community. But for now, the NEW contest is up in our weekly contest channel on discord! Be sure to check that out! It's a fun one.

Want to join our awesome family?

If you want to be part of this awesome community, @steemitbloggers is always interested to meet people with amazing personalities and great content creators. If you want to know how to join us? Head on over to @jaynie, our Steemitbloggers founder profile and be on the lookout for an invitation link post.


Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

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DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


I think I was on my phone and unable to comment .. this is great!

No worries! The entries were all so cute! haha

I had so much fun going through all the storyboards
I really loved this challenge except for the part my stick figure did not look like a stick.... ish .... hahaha

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