Steemitri The Mannequin: an unforgettable vacation - they stole our bags!

in #community6 years ago

(this post is based on real-life events)

Dear Steemians,

As a common proverb says, my holiday hasn’t started in the best way!

Excited and joyfully, we left early in the morning a rainy Ticino to reach Italy without any problem, at the border especially ;-) thanks to my new Steem ID.

The journey continued on the highway, following the crowd of tourists in cars and campers that in this period of the year are traveling south to enjoy a decent spring weather and a few days of relaxation.

We arrived in Modena at around lunch time, but feeling a bit tired and exhausted from the trip, I stayed in the car to take a restorative nap.
To be more comfortable and to avoid too much sun exposure, I laid down in the trunk. My legs and arms were left on the back seat of the car, so that I had more room in the trunk.



At a certain point I heard some sketchy noises and I thought I was dreaming… but I felt that something odd and no good was happening… I had this sensation that my arms were fighting and my legs kicking… but I couldn’t see my limbs and what was really going on.

When the trunk opened up, a bright light blinded me for a moment and I saw unknown faces over me… being a mannequin, I was unable to scream or ask for help. I tried to defend our travel bags with my body, but the thugs roughly pushed me aside. They certainly did not need a mannequin hostage to accomplish what they were aiming for.

You all have seen what are the advantages of pulling out limbs… however today, I learnt instead what happens if you do not have arms or legs to react to unexpected events.

Finally, there was nothing that could be done… they closed the trunk and run with the stolen goods!
Sad and lonely I stayed in the dark, feeling powerless!

After a couple of hours, Lou and Dee did not have other choice than accept this unpleasant fact and comfort me. They have been very kind and understandable.

The next thing to do before leaving for the next destination, was to denounce the theft to the Italian officers, called Carabinieri and to go shopping for the necessary travel items that have been stolen. Nothing will stop our plan to travel and have a good time all together!


The following nights, I decided to guard the car pretending to sleep, ready to intervene in case of necessity.



This was a story based on real fact. In the next post I will show you some pictures of Tuscany and tell you about my encounter and meet up with very special friends!

Stay safe!

Steemitri The Mannequin


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


What a terrifying experience! Glad you're OK although somewhat emotionally scarred!

Yep... bad experience! We felt upset, cause it happened in the first ours of our trip.
Anyway we enjoyed our tour in Toscana and our "mini-meet-up" with @silviabeneforti @paolobeneforti and @noemilunastorta :-)

I’m so sorry that you felt powerless in this unpleasant situation! I hope you recover soon... I guess the thieves saw a Swiss number plate and said there is good stuff to steel. I cannot imagine their faces when they found you instead of gold nuggets and Swiss chocolate in the trunk 😂

Oh now I understand... I haven't thought about the Swiss chocolate, haha! That's the reason they chose our car!!!

I hope that you had insurance!

Unfortunately... No insurance cover, for mannequins :-(

Oh no! Mannequins have to pay for all accidents out of pocket?
That's terrible. Any chance you can work towards human status? Perhaps under EU regulations? You could claim discrimination, or religious freedom, or bullying. You get the idea.

Yep, I have to pay everything... fortunately I can earn some SBDs and buy a new stuff.
Living in Switzerland I'm "out" of EU... maybe I can found a new nation/country with my currency and insurances... Republic of Mannequinya

I would apply for refugee status there!

Oh yeah... I need some citizens... and some ministers.
... but first I need some land :-(
Any idea where to establish Mannequinya?

I think that you should make a call for mannequins from all over the world to flood in to Ticino and take it over as Mannequinya for Mannequinkind's homeland.

Porco cane! Sono riusciti a derubarti solo perché ti eri tolto braccia e gambe; altrimenti gliele avresti suonate di sicuro! Mai abbassare la guardia @steemitri 😄

Ingenuità e eccitazione della prima vacanza accipicchia!

Oh, what a bad experience, so disappointing... I am really sad for what happened to you, not really a good start :(
If you want to look at the bright side, at least they didn't kidnap you ! It would have been terrible!
Anyway, I think everyone should hire a special mannequin to safeguard their car...But spending all night on a car seat can be uncomfortable on the long run, even for the coolest mannequin ever!

I hope you enjoyed your holidays despite this unfortunate event! I've been to Tuscany once and I was fascinated by its landscape, the amazing cities and its food!

PS: lovely jacket <3

Yep... a bad start, but the rest of our trip was awesome! Toscana is just a fantastic region!
Haha, yeah, I love that jacket :-)
Big hug!

Mi spiace per la brutta avventura.
Dal tuo commento sul mio blog sono finto sul tuo profilo e devo dire che trovo il tutto assolutamente geniale!

Hahaha... Sì, Steemitri The Mannequin è un tipo un po' particolare... un po' plasticoso ;-)

Aw no!
You guys certainly didn't deserve that,
glad to hear you are okay though, thank God they didn't kidnap you 😯

Hahaha, fortunately no ransom! We don't have enough SBD to send to kidnappers... just to inform everyone here on Steemit ;-)

Ohh amigo @steemitri que lamentable suceso, pero menos mal me alegra que estes bien! esos son eventos inesperados que son muy comunes, gracias a Dios estas bien! se que se siente ser robado y sentirse impotente, afortunadamente nadie salio herido.

Y si, no fué una buena experiencia... igual seguimos el viaje con actitud positiva ;-)

me me sorprende saber tan lamentable noticia y que tus vacaciones empezaran de esa manera, pero gracias a Dios estas bien y no te secuestraron, sino hubiéramos donado SBD para rescatarte, ¿¡como vivir sin el maniquí que nos hace la vida mas creativa en steemit!? Bueno solo fue un susto. Espero el próximo post de tus aventuras del viaje!

Por suerte el resto del viajo lo pasamos bien... sin complicaciones ;-)
Ademas pudimos encontrar otros Steemians, un encuentro super interesante :-)

Mi dispiace leggere questa brutta esperienza, mi dispiace. Spero che i beni rubati non siano cose preziose o ricordi preziosi,
Ciao Gianni

Ciao Gianni!
un pomeriggio un po' diverso... iniziato col furto, burocrazia dai Carabinieri e in giro centri commerciali ad acquistare qualche abbigliamento... poi però eravamo di nuovo in corsa e ci siamo goduti il resto del viaggio!
Un salutone dalla Svizzera!

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