Steemitri The Mannequin introduces his new ID, the STEEM identification card

in #community6 years ago

Good day Steemians!

Today I have made another step further to integrate myself in your human world. This will allow me to get access to certain facilities and services and most of all, to travel free!

Finally, I got my ID card! I present to you my brand new STEEM identification card!!!


My initial idea was to request an official document at the Swiss Confederation administration office. Switzerland has kindly welcomed me and it is very much ahead in the application of new technologies, especially in the blockchain sector.
Logically, Swiss officers would have simply associated Steemitri to the Steem blockchain and the deal was done… however, it did not go that way.
The online application was a real pain in the butt (sorry for my language)... too many questions I couldn’t respond to. I decided to give up and look for alternative solutions.

I took a nice picture, added the STEEM logo which is lincesed under Creative Commons CC0 and I searched for an online service that could issue my own personal document.

In less than 3 days I got my ID in my mailbox, what an efficient service!


Here are the details of the card:

Here you can try to scan the QR code!
Does it work?

Finally I will be able to travel freely and cross borders without any problem… probably for air travel I will still have to go together with suitcases and animals/pets, but this is another thing I plan to solve in the near future.

For my friends of of the Italian community, I will do my very first tour of 4-5 days in sunny Tuscany… around Siena, Pisa and other small cities… if you live in that area, let me know!

What do you think about my ID?
I think it is the very first one of the entire STEEM universe!!!
I am proud to show it everywhere and promote STEEM in a different way.
You’re welcome to leave your comments and thoughts here below.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Ciao @steemitri, è una figata questa carta d'identità di Steem. :)

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Im Very proud you managed to become the ID! And not just an ID!
Congratulations 👌

Thanks a lot! I love my new ID, haha!

Grande Steemitri! Ormai sei più umano degli umani :D

Adesso ti manca solo la driver license, altrimenti come guidi la Lambo?

Haha grazie!!! Per il momento mi accontento della bici ;-)

Fabulous signature, Steemitri!

Hey Dan! Thanks! ... and yeah, you tried the qr-code ;-)

Scusami caro @steemitri se mi sono perso qualche post ultimamente, ma ho avuto un periodaccio, fortunatamente concluso per il meglio, anche se questo crollo di mercato ci sta mettendo nuovamente a dura prova...

Ma per quanto riguarda questa tua iniziativa, l'ho trovata stupenda, voglio fare anch'io la mia ID Card di Steemit... Hai un'inventiva eccezionale caro amico!

Non ti preoccupare, è normalissimo... abbiamo le nostre cose da fare fuori da Steemit ;-)
Le crypto stanno per toccare il prossimo "supporto"... vedremo se si rialza il tutto :-)
Ti piace la mia ID?!?! Hahaha, grazie!
A presto ;-)

La card ID è semplicemtente fantastica!!!

Spero anch'io tornino su, ma dovrebbe essere così secondo me... se rimanesse stabile per un po' il mercato sono sicuro che tornerebbo ad investire le persone e allora vedremo un ripresa.

To cool!!! There's a nation where there's no difference if you are a human, a pet, a bot or a mannequin, that's the steem nation! xD

Haha... the Steem Nation, you are right :-)
No difference... no borders ;-)

Ci credo che ci metti tanto a fare un post, primo perché penso che un manichino sia un po' più lento di un essere umano, e poi perché ogni volta continui a stupirmi positivamente con nuove sorprese ed idee che sembrano banali, ma che al contrario sono frutto di un'attenta e scrupolosa preparazione, degna quasi di un set cinemafografico, grande davvero, vai @steemitri, che vai alla grande!!!

Haha... sì sono un po' lento è vero... ci metto un po' a fare i post! Come dici giustamente, c'è dietro parecchio lavoro... ma per fortuna ho una certa esperienza e riesco a ridurre un pochino i tempi :-)
Grazie mille per le tue parole... molto incoraggianti e motivanti!
Alla prossima!
Steemitri The Mannequin

Ahahaha, awesome mate! The signature is not Hand-made but Manne-made! 😂

Haha... yeah manne-made... not that easy with my stiff hand!

Lukas, is Steemitri becoming more than you expected? I mean taking him away with you now on's becoming a job! 😀
One day you might be consider a book about it.

Haha... I would love to be Steemitri's manager and work for him... but at the moment we are just good friends.
A book is a great idea, but I'm too bad at writing.
Ciao ciao John

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