Socialism, LSD and Electricity

in #cn8 years ago

Timothy Leary was the first person to bring LSD to America. In the 50s. Harvard Professors were using it, and finding Volunteers who wanted to try it. Hoffman, the guy who invented it, said that it was for Lab use. Think about this. LSD was completely legal for years. Legal to buy, sell, trade and give away. So Ken Kesey, who wrote the Book: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, made a lot of money from writing that book, and he wrote the book after trying a-MT, and he might have worked at a mental Hospital at some point. But he wrote that book after some kind of experience, and he bought a huge piece of land with trees everywhere, and they did a thing called the Acid Test. And the Trees were painted with Glow Paint, and they would go out at Night and take huge doses of Acid, and run around with painted trees everywhere, and see if they could survive they Acid Test. They even did it with a bunch of Hell's Angels once in the 60s, it's in a book. There is a book by the same guy who Wrote fear and Loathing. And there is another one called the Electric Koolaid Acid Test. And they would have concerts, and there would be Signs everywhere that said "Can You Pass the Acid Test?", and this is where the Grateful Dead Started, they used to be called the Warlocks, and they became the Grateful Dead when they were the house band. And the Grateful Dead Followers, Dead Heads, would Follow the Grateful Dead around to the point where they basically lived on the Road with them, and they became like a Tribe because of the Acid Tests. 

And Timothy Leary was a Scientist, so he said that it shouldn't be used like that, it should be used in more of a Controlled Setting. Even Clinically. He would have Volunteers come and do different things, and Timothy Leary and other he worked with and found to Volunteer used it a lot on their own too. But they had more of a Clinical mindset when taking it. That is what Albert Hoffman said LSD was invented for, Lab testing.  For example, what is happening in a persons mind, and in the 50s Psychedelics had just become called Psychedelics. Before that, they were being called Psycho-Mimetics, because the Scientific community had previously believed that something like a Psychedelic was the cause of Schizophrenia. And if they could just find the molecule that replicated Schizophrenia or something else, then people could actually take these things and completely understand what it was like to be Schizophrenic, etc. But they realized that that is not what these molecules were. And they had other names floating around, but Psychedelic stuck, which means "Mind Manifesting". Those are examples of the evolution of the Clinical View.

Then there is the Congressional View and Executive View. The President and Congress were scared shitless of all this stuff happening in the Country, and the Black Panther Movement where they were willing to carry guns in the Streets to defend their people. But think about the 50s and 60s, the 50s were all about like creating perfect neighborhoods. Like these places that everyone would move to, and they were like Suburbs in the 50s, but how there are like East Sides, and West Sides and North Sides, and South Sides. But in the plaes with the oldest buildings, etc, that is where those perfect neighborhoods started. So when the Black Panthers, in Segregated Neighborhoods, were like "We are willing to carry guns and Police the Police. And we are Socialist and Proud, here is some stuff for the Community" and the President and Congress freaked out. There was LSD everywhere, and Segregation was starting an Actual Revolution.

The creator of the Oringinal Black Panthers was Bobby Seale. But some of the New Black Panthers started living life in the late 70s, 80s and 90s. And a lot of people died from Over Doses, because the 60s was more about LSD and Marijuana. Timothy Leary Overturned The Marijuana Tax Act in 1968 0r 1969, and Marijuana was not made illegal until the Controlled Substances Act was written in 1970 or 1971. Marijuana was completely unregulated in America for about 2 years in the 60s. But then harder drugs came, and Phentanyl was invented either in the 70s or early 80s, and Phentanyl was way way stronger than Heroine and molecularly related to Heroine, and there was no law against it. So they created the Analogue Act. That is when Crack and Heroine were going crazy. And the Government tore apart the Panthers using COINTELPRO, killing Fred Hampton, and moving Guns around the world (Iran-Contra).

This book was written by the CIA for the Contras in Guatemala, so that they could Contra (Counter) the Socialist Revolution in South America. Venzuala is still pretty Socialist, Cuba is Socialist. There is some Socialism in South America, etc.

No one ever tells you any of this stuff.

It's like "Drugs are bad", "The Black Panthers were Racist", "Socialism Doesn't Work". Everyone has like this ground in view of how all this works, when it is very fluid, it all actually happened, moment by moment. People living and figuring things out about the World. And it all effects the world we live in today, but no one thinks about any of it.

Almost everyone who Discovered something about electricity was something of a Socialist, except before Socialism existed, but Benjamin Franklin is the reason there is a Free Press, and not Government Controlled, and Government Officialized Press, because that is not real Press. Anyone can be the Press, they just have to Print. And now Type. So I wouldn't say that Benjamin Franklin, who was a pretty big deal in the Electric world as well as the creation of the United States. And that was when Electricity was just starting. They knew about Static Electricity, and Direct Current to an extent, they could make the weird electric things you think of from the very late 1700s and very early 1800s, there were not Electric Wires along roadsides, there was no Electricity in your house, there were just these weird devices that could shock people and make weird sounds when one piece of metal got near another. 

Think about the Industrial Age, Machinery is just being Invented, but a lot of it is powered by Water Mills Spinning or some other source of energy generation, but there is no Electricity, almost like Clockwork machines. Grinding, and creating Textiles, and doing all kinds of stuff. Electricity was not something that you ccould use, the Lightbulb was not invested yet. First the Battery was invented using Acids and Bases (that's why Batteries leak battery acid) and a Conducting Metal. So everything worked on very strange home made batteries, and electricity was not a common thing.

Then Maxwell's equations/theories. In the early 1800s. Magnets, Metal and Electricity. 

Then Carl Marx in the mid 1800s, creator of Socialism and Communism. Industry was completely Revolutionized. A Movement started around the World, Asia (Russia is where it started, China is still Communist to an extent, North Korea is a thing and Korea is not just one place anymore,  etc), in to Europe. The idea was that the workers were paid the same as the owners. No one made more money than anyone else that worked in the same factory. The Soviet Flag had a Hammer and Sickle, a lot of people think it was meant to be Scary. It represents Industry (the Hammer) and Agriculture (the Sickle). Russia almost came straight out of Feudalism, into Industry, and then Socialism and Communism right after that. And it spread.

As an example, Nikola Tesla believed that Electricity should be Free. Tesla was alive the same time as Swami Vivekananda and there is record of them actually corresponding and Tesla going to see him. Swami Vivekananda started a lot of the Hindu Temple system that is in America today. Everything with Gandhi hadn't even happened yet, and Britain still controlled India. And Swami Vivekananda was spreading Hinduism around the world. This was also when Asia was becoming more Socialist and Communist. And Nikola Tesla's whole idea was that Electricity should be free. 

And while a lot of Tesla's creations haven't been replicated, some have, but they are just too powerful for use with all the Internet that is everywhere now,and the Cell Phone Towers. Tesla was doing all this stuff when Light Bulbs were brand new. Tesla invented Alternating Current, the reason plugs in a wall can work. And he invented remote control, and different forms of radio. And a lot of it was used, or is still used, or informed what we use today. But for example, his Oscillator. Supposedly it created an Earthquake when t was tested, just generating massive amounts of energy. And he lit up lightbulbs from miles away that were just in sand, using electricity he pulled straight out of the air from the Earth's Electrical Feild. The Magnetic Field of the Earth is why there is a North and Soul Pole, and he drew from that to create Electricity. Like how if you are standing on the ground you can be struck by lightning, but if you have rubber between you and the ground you can't. He used that to generate Electricity.

And he was somewhat Socialist.

Then there was Steinmet, who actually was a straight up Socialist. He was very vocal about it and came from a Socialist background in Prussia. He figured out how all Tesla's stuff worked and gave all the information to GE. But he wrote books so everyone would have it.

These 3 books are kind of like Bibles of modern Electrical Engineering,%20Waves%20and%20Impulses,%20and%20Other%20Transients%20-%201911.pdf

And a lot of people don't realize it, but places like Russia and China are definitely keeping up with places like Europe and North America. Russia was part of the Arms race, and China pretty much runs the World Economy. 


Greetings from Princeton. My father's group was involved in Project MK-ULTRA. Great post.

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